| You Make Me Begin |

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After fifteen minutes of looking for the black haired boy, Taehyung was in the garden behind the hospital. He was panting so much he had to bend on his knees. He didn't even ask for someone's help, since he wanted to do it on his own, or he wouldn't consider himself a good doctor anymore.

In the end, the teen was sitting on a bench in the shade of a cherry tree, caressing a white and black cat on his lap. Jungkook seemed quiet, not many people were there either so it was even easier to get him back, without make fuss.

He walked over there, trying to not make him notice his presence, but the cat did and got off Jungkook's legs, running on top of the tree quickly. He glared at the doctor, crossing his arms and sighing; when he approached by sitting on the bench, Jungkook looked away and squatted away from him by a inch.

Taehyung noticed he was annoyed, but didn't give up. He knew how convince his patients to follow him better than anyone.


"So, why are you sitting here all alone? You know, you shouldn't escape your room, especially if you've been recommended to not move. And, why is a cat here?" He said with a loud tone, trying to get his attention but at the same time without sound too harsh. He eventually turned his head over Taehyung, placing his hands on the bench.

"I know, sorry... But I hate this place. I don't want to stay here any longer." He mumbled, his voice still sounded sweet to the brunette's ears; even if it was clear he was feeling some sort of pain. "And, the cat's name is Tequila, she is my best friend's cat. She follows us everywhere, literally." He said, giggling.

The oldest sighed, giggling slightly at the cat's name and stood up, going over the tree. Tequila was up there, looking at him in alert. He had to be fair this time, the kid was being slightly selfish.
"Listen, do you think you're the only one that hates this place?" He asked serious, rising his arms up to catch the cat, but she jumped on his head for then leap on Jungkook's shoulders. This latest chuckled a little and took the kitty in his hands, cuddling her on his lap.

The black haired boy looked down with a sad smile "No, I know it... Sorry, it's only that hospitals make me feel nervous and scared." He answered Taehyung, this latest sitting back next to Jungkook, rubbing the top of his own head where the cat jumped on before.

"Then, will you promise me you'll stay in your room without escaping again?" He lifted the youngest head and looked straight into his eyes.

Jungkook felt his heart losing a beat and bit his lower lip. What was that feeling? "Okay, I will." He answered clearly, smiling a bit.

Taehyung smiled back, taking Jungkook's hand and both stood up, walking back to the room. But while going there, Jungkook felt his head spin and suddenly felt really weak. He fell down on his knees, the doctor held his hand tightly and kneeled in front of him. "Jungkook, what's going on?" He asked trying to keep calm. Jungkook only lowered his head and put his free hand on his face. He realised his nose was bleeding again and tried to tell to the oldest, but lost consciousness.

Taehyung, a bit panicked, picked him up and walked inside. With some nurses, they managed to bring him back to his room and stopped the bleeding after a long while, for then lift his legs up.

After some time, Jungkook woke up with half of his back leaned to a pillow, his left arm connected to the machine next to the bed and a nurse to his side. "W-what... happened?" He asked, trying to sit up but the nurse stopped him in time "I'm sorry but you can't move, we have to wait the doctor." She stated. The young boy was about to complain, but he knew that something was wrong. He felt weak again.

Taehyung ran to Seokjin and explained the situation. This latest frowned and nodded "We should take blood analysis now." He said and walked with the young doctor to the hematologist department, where they found Min Yoongi, one of the best doctors of that department.

"Yoongi, we have to do some blood analysis for the patient in the room 97 and we have to ask you to make a visit" The other, which had mint hair and dark circles under his eyes, sighed as if he was annoyed and put the papers he had in his hands, on a desk. "Ask someone else, can't you see that I'm occupied here?" He asked, grumpily.

Seokjin sighed "Listen, I know, but it's urgent. We just want someone specialized to visit a patient that might-"

"Did you make blood analysis yet?" He asked, fixing the papers.

"No, we were about to take them... but the symptoms are suspects. Please." He said and looked him in the eyes. After few times, Yoongi sighed "Okay, but you know that without analysis we can't be sure. Let's go now." He said.

Seokjin turned over Taehyung
"I have to go now, bring Doctor Min there and control on Jeon more carefully." He said and walked away, since he was called by a nurse.

The young doctor did as he was told and when they arrived to the room, they saw Jungkook talking to a boy. He was kind of short, he had blonde hair and a cute face.

"Jungkookie, please... our classmates are all worried for you, will you be back tomorrow?" He asked, his voice sounded tired and sad.

The two doctors came closer and Yoongi asked the nurse to take the blood analysis. She sat herself on the chair near the bed and took a syringe, a small ball of cotton, a tourniquet and a bottle of disinfectant; Taehyung sat next to her, while Yoongi went to the other side. He placed his fingers on Jungkook's higher throat, tasting; then he did the same to his chest, after lifting his shirt.
"Your lymph nodes seems fine." He stated and then whispered something to Taehyung, before going away.

"I have to take your arm Jeon, I'm asking you to stay calm and don't move." She said, with a smile, trying to calm him.

The black haired boy didn't seem to be at ease anyway, so Taehyung tried to comfort him "How are you feeling? Better?" He smiled as he made the question. Jungkook made a small nod and Jimin held his free hand, looking at his friend's face with worry.

When she finished, Jungkook seemed even paler than before and his heart beat faster, just slightly. The younger doctor looked at the clock and stood up "It's 11AM, it's time for you to eat, Jungkook." She said and smiled, taking his now free hand to comfort him slightly. "B-but, can't I go home?Jungkook asked and, honestly, he wasn't even in the mood to eat, but he had to. Plus, he was surprised, how much time did he remain unconscious?

"It's for your sake Jeon, we just want to be sure nothing will happen again. We want to see that, at least one hour after you wake up, you won't have other symptoms again." She said and walked away, taking a small box with tubes filled with blood, away.
"Can Jimin stay, at least? Please..." he begged, his voice a bit weak.

Taehyung hesitated, feeling some sort of jealousy, but nodded; after all Jimin was his friend.
"Another nurse will soon come here with the lunch. Oh and, in any case, call me..."
"Park. Park Jimin." This latest said his name, the doctor smiling at him.
"Well, now I have to go. It's going to be okay." He shown his boxy smile to the both of them, for then exit the room.

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