| What I've Done |

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When Taehyung got home after have exited the park, he closed the door behind himself.

It was a cozy apartment, with two bedrooms, a small bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. It was enough for two people living as roommates, until they could find a house on their own.

He walked into his bedroom and locked himself inside. He threw himself on his bed and sighed. He couldn't stop thinking about that moment. He couldn't believe Jungkook lied to him, he thought they were starting to become a something... in that moment, he hated Jimin. He wanted to confront him, slap his face and say: "Jungkook is mine."

But of course he couldn't do that. He couldn't because, first of all, he was a doctor and he had to cure people, not hit them. Second of all, Jungkook wasn't his.

He took the pillow and threw it on his face. He shouted into it and rolled up in the bed sheets.
He felt like crying, but he tried to keep back from doing so as much as possible.

Then, someone knocked at the door of his room. He sat up and shouted to whoever was behind it. Probably Hoseok.

"Go away!"

"Tae please, I can explain-" It was Hoseok indeed, whose voice was weak and you could notice guilt in it.

"Explain what? That Jungkook and Jimin are dating? Because I already know that!" He shouted again.

"Taehyung c'mon! Let me in! I promise, Jungkook and Jimin are not a couple!"

That last sentence seemed to convince Taehyung. He took off the pillow from his face and stood up. Once he unlocked the door, he threw himself back onto his bed, with legs crossed and arms hugging the pillow.

Hoseok sat next to him, a small smile on his face. He trailed a hand between his red hair and sighed. "I know you're angry and you have all the rights to be. But, what you saw wasn't the truth." He started, for then pause and sigh again.

Taehyung looked at him with a not convinced look. "Oh really? So I just imagined to see Jimin and Jungkook kissing?" He asked sarcastically, shaking his head and smiling sadly.

"No, of course you didn't. But... Listen, Jimin had a plan. He wanted to kiss Jungkook in front of you, so he could keep him for himself. He phoned me yesterday and asked me to help him with it and-"

"And you accepted?! Hoseok, you're my best friend, I trust you more than I trust myself!" Taehyung interrupted him, starting to raise his voice.

Hoseok looked down, rubbing his arm and sighing. Taehyung knew he felt guilty, just by looking at his face or listening to his voice.

"Now, he didn't tell me he would kiss Jungkook in front of you; he told me only that he would separate you two. I didn't want to accept, but I didn't consider this would happen! I know, it was very stupid agreeing to this. I'm sorry Taehyung, so sorry." He said and looked at his best friend with big eyes.

The brunette's lips started to curl in themselves and tremble. He was about to cry.
"Get out of my room. I don't want to see you." He mumbled with low voice.

Hoseok shaked his head and put his hands in Taehyung's shoulders. "No I won't. Tae listen, I can assure you there's nothing between Jungkook and Jimin. Instead, it's one sided love cause Jimin loves Jungkook, but Jungkook doesn't. Didn't he tell you he considered Jimin as a brother?" He asked.

Taehyung swatted his hands away. "But Jungkook didn't pull away from the kiss." He stated and sniffled once. He was about to cry.

"I know, but he surely was startled, that's why!"

"I said you have to go away and leave me alone!" Taehyung yelled again, exasperated.

Hoseok flinched and stood up. "Okay. If you need me I'm in my room. Bye." He answered, sounding cold, which meant be was more sad.

When the door closed, Taehyung was alone again. He started to cry, his face in his pillow. After a while, he received a call. Seeing that it was from Jungkook, he shaked his head and didn't answer.

During the night, he didn't sleep much and felt guilty. He was also Jungkook's doctor, what if he needed him because something bad happened? What if he was injuried? Or was bleeding? He couldn't stop thinking about him. In the end, he slept for two hours or so.

He woke up late in the morning, finding a note on the table from Hoseok, which said he went to the grocery. He sighed and sat to the kitchen table, where there was prepared a nice breakfast; though he was too sad to eat everything.

Around 10AM, he phoned Seokjin and told him that he wouldn't go to work because he was sick. Which obviously was a lie. At that, the oldest asked if he was okay and he said yes, but he needed to rest. He surely needed to.

After a while though, he received a call from Seokjin.


"Tae, Park Jimin has just phoned us because if Jeon's situation. He wanted to talk to you, but since you aren't here and he phoned the hospital I answered." He said.

When Taehyung first heard Park Jimin, he wanted to say that he could fuck off. But when he heard Jungkook's surname, he gaped. He knew things could get worse, but didn't want to accept it in some way.

"Jeon? Tell me." He said, his tone getting serious.

To the other line, Seokjin seemed to hesitate.
"Jeon puked last night and almost fainted. But he has got no temperature. We both know this is just worsening. Tae, the exams will be out tomorrow. It's better if you tell them, since you are their doctor."

Taehyung was shocked and started to panick.
"Oh my God... O-okay, I'll tell them. Gotta go, bye." He answered for then hang up. He put the phone on the table and put his head in his hands. He started to cry, how could he be so selfish? Of course Jungkook phoned him, it was urgent. And he didn't pick up. He felt like a stupid. He wiped his tears away with the back of his hands and then stood up. He took his phone again and called Jungkook.

The phone rang but nobody answered.

At that point he got scared for Jungkook. He took the keys of his car and exited. He drove away, heading to Jungkook and Jimin's house, which he knew the address of because Jungkook told him.

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