| The Plan |

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When Jimin came back home from school and dance practice, he found Jungkook asleep on the couch and the TV on. It was past 8PM, how much did he sleep? He smiled and went in front of him, switching TV off first. "Kookie~ you have to wake up~"
He said and ruffled his hair slightly, making the boy whimper annoyed.

Jungkook turned around, facing the backrest of the sofa "Jimin, let me sleep..." He mumbled, he was feeling really tired even if he didn't do anything.

Jimin giggled, turning the boy around again and placed his hands on his waist. He started to tickle him, making him choke out little chuckles, for then burst out into laugh when Jimin's hands moved to his armpits. Tequila went off the couch cause of the too loud noises.

"S-STOP! HAHAHA JIMINIE!" He exclaimed and the blonde stopped, laughing and sitting next to him.

Jungkook sat up and hugged him.
"I missed you."

Jimin's cheek got a light pink and his heart beat faster; he leaned in and hugged him back.
"So, how do you feel?" He asked, playing with the hem of Jungkook's shirt.

The black haired boy didn't really know what to say. He felt very tired and weak, his head spun too. But he didn't want to make Jimin worried, again.
"I'm fine. And your practice? How did it go?" He asked and slowly stood up.

Jimin stood up too "Oh, it was fine but I know I can do better. Also, Hoseok-hyung misses you" He said and walked to the kitchen, since he had to prepare for dinner. Jungkook sighed and picked Tequila up from the ground and followed the other boy.
"Next time you see him, tell him I miss dance practice too." He said and took the cat's cup and poured in it her food for then sat her down in front of it, so she started to eat. Then, he went to help to cook, also playing around.

Once they sat down, they started to eat too. "Oh right, I have to talk to you about some stuff." Jungkook spoke up, gaining (even if he already had) Jimin's attention.
"Now, Taehyung knows Hoseok-hyung, they are best friends! Plus, you have to know that... I asked Taehyung out! And he said yes! We're going to the amusement park, if he won't have too much work."
He was very excited, his eyes sparkled while talking about it and his smile was the brightest he had ever had before.

Jimin choked on his food, his eyes widened as if he had just seen a ghost. "No!" He exclaimed, causing Jungkook to jolt slightly and to raise an eyebrow, confused.

Jimin cleared his throat and spoke again "I-I mean, isn't it a bit soon for a date? You've just met and-"

"Jimin. You can't tell me what to do. You're acting weird again, what's going on?" Jungkook asked, looking straight into his eyes. He looked away and then back at him "Nothing, I'm just... worried. That's all." He said and then stayed silent.

The black haired boy sighed and finished his food, for then stand up and put the bowl in the sink. But his head started to spin dangerously and he kneeled down, gripping the border of the sink.

"Jungkook!" Jimin got off his chair, which almost fell, and kneeled down in front of him. He helped him to sit on his chair.
"Are you okay? You can hear me?" He asked, worried that he would pass out again. Jungkook nodded slightly, but kept his eyes closed until he felt his left eye hurt and so he opened them. The blonde turned the other's head over himself, and widened his eyes. "Jungkook... Your eye... How is this possible? You didn't hit it anywhere but it's all red, very red... a capillary must be broken. But it was normal before..." He was really confused.
He checked for other weird signs and noticed two bruises on his right arm. He lifted it and pointed at them.
"H-How did this happen? Jungkookie..." He was getting more worried.

Jungkook frowned and stood up.
"I-it's nothing, I mean, you know when you find bruises and you don't know how you made them, right? I'm sure it's just something random." He said, in weak voice, and smiled; Jimin didn't believe him, though.

"You should go to sleep, you seem also very tired" He stated, helping the youngest to stand up.
But Jungkook shrugged his hands off.
"Hyung, I told you I'm fine, you don't need to worry. And, you can't just give me orders, you're not my father." His voice was cold and distant this time. He walked upstairs, even if with fatigue.

The blonde was shocked, Jungkook rarely called him 'hyung', only when there was some very important stuff. He frowned, feeling even more worried over his best friend. He felt also hurt, because Jungkook usually never got that cold with him. He sighed and went to wash plates, not wanting to make a mess. But he decided something: he would follow them to the amusement park and would be sure to look up to Jungkook. He knew Taehyung was a doctor, so he could feel more relieved; but no, he felt just that fucking jealousy which was eating him up slowly. He groaned and cursed, almost making fall a dish. After he finished, he decided to go to the couch and watch TV, to get distraction, even if it seemed like he couldn't get off those feelings.

He then stood up and took his phone from his pocket.

"Hyung? Yes, it's me, umh, sorry for calling late but I need your help... No, it's nothing about the choreography but... Jungkookie will have a date with his doctor, Kim Taehyung and- I know, he told me you're friends. But I need your help to follow them to the amusement park, this Saturday. Oh, c'mon!" There was a moment of pause, because Hoseok was thinking about the answer. Then, he said yes and Jimin almost screamed "Yes! I don't know what time, but when I'll find out I'll tell you. Okay, thank you hyung~" He hang up and layed down, smirking. Now he could look up to those two, without give too much suspects.

Meanwhile the blonde was planning to separate the two, Jungkook closed himself in his room. He looked at himself in the mirror, he didn't want all of that. What was even happening? He was starting to get scared of himself. There was only one person he could count on in that moment, so, even if hesitating, he called his doctor.
The phone rang for a while, until someone answered.

"Yeah?" A raspy and low voice answered, which meant only that he woke him up or someone else took his phone.

"Taehyung, it's me, Jungkook..." He said, keeping his voice low, as if he was scared to be heard by Jimin.

On the other side, Taehyung had just come back from the hospital, after a long ass surgery. (Yes, he was a normal doctor and a surgeon) He had just thrown himself on the bed of his apartment, when he got a call. He was near to fall asleep, but decided to answer anyway. When he heard Jungkook's voice, he felt as if tiredness left his body.

"Oh, how are you? Why are you calling? Is something wrong?" He asked, frowning slightly.

Jungkook, hearing the worry in his voice, felt like he couldn't do it. He sighed and tried to sound more happy.

"Oh no, no it's just that... I wanted to... what hour are we going to the amusement park?" He managed to say happily, laying back on his bed.

Taehyung sighed in relief and smiled.
"Oh then, is it okay for 5PM? You know, I have some patients to visit before that so-"

"Yes, don't worry! I can't wait... See you there!" He said and hang up, successively throwing the phone on the end of the bed. He slapped his hands on his face, he felt really stupid. He loved to hear his voice and wanted to talk more; he had to tell him what was happening, but no, he got scared and answered like that.

He sighed and immediately fell asleep, trying to not mind the way his body felt so heavy.

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