| Whatever Happens, Don't Be Scared, I'll Be There |

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When Taehyung left the room, after have taken off the needle that connected Jungkook to the machine, this latest looked at Jimin.
"Why are you here? I didn't call you."
He said, confused but flustered.

The blonde sat next to the bed and held his hand with both his own. "I received a call, after all I'm your emergency contact... What happened?" He asked to the other, worriedly. Since Jungkook got in that hospital, Jimin started to seriously worry for his health.

The black haired boy looked away, he couldn't stand the other's worried face. He hated to make his friends worried. "It was nothing, I just... My nose started to bleed and I felt really weak... Then I must lost consciousness, because the only thing I remember is waking up in this bed." He explained.

Jimin looked down and sighed heavily. After some times, he decided to speak: "Listen, there will be a festival at school, in one month. You do remember that, right? We signed, we promised to participate... but will you be able to?" He had so many questions and he would probably receive just few answers.

Jungkook weakly moved his other hand to Jimin's, just to hold them tightly, and looked straight into his eyes.

"Jimin, listen. I'll be okay, I promise."

He stated, trying to sound sure but he wasn't. The other nodded and answered: "Okay. I want to believe it and I'll be right there to your side, always." They both smiled at each other.

When the lunch arrived, the black haired boy held back a scoff. He always hated hospital food, it tasted like plastic and seemed always precooked. He sighed soundly as he took the fork and started to chew it, making disgusted faces.

Jimin giggled at that and ruffled his hair "You're so cute~ C'mon, eat it." He said and Jungkook swallowed, but shaked his head at the other's request. "I'm not going to eat this, it tastes like shit!" He exclaimed, but Jimin took the fork and started to feed him.

Jungkook slightly chuckled while looking at the other's eye smile.
"And, you're cuter Jiminie." He said and shown him his bunny-like-smile. The blonde haired boy blushed abruptly and hid his face slightly. His heart lost a beat too, it wasn't the first time it happened. Infact, he had a huge secret but couldn't tell anyone:

He was in love with Jungkook, his best friend.

He would never tell him though, he didn't want to ruin their friendship for those stupid feelings.

After he had eaten, the black haired boy pushed his head back in the pillow and turned it over Jimin.
"Will you stay here all day? You know, here is pretty boring." He said and crossed his arms behind his head.

"Everything, apart doctor Kim. He has something... Fascinating. I don't know how to explain it, but his presence made me somehow comfortable. I'd like to know him more, in person and not like his patient." He told the other, without realizing a smile was forming on his lips while talking about Taehyung.

Jimin was surprised to hear that from Jungkook and felt something he couldn't quite figure out yet.
"Maybe it's not a good idea Kookie... I mean, he is just doing his job and... y-you should just think about rest and take care of yourself." He said, playing with the hem of his shirt.

Jungkook looked at him confused and surprised at the other's words.
"Why not though? He seems a nice boy and even if he is older we can be f-"

"Jungkook, I don't think it's the case. He is even older and you've just became an adult-"

"Jimin, I turned 18 last year! Oh c'mon, why are you acting like this? You don't want me to know him? You have never been this overprotective- Wait... Are you jealous?" He asked, an eyebrow rose. He wanted an explanation, right then.

Jimin, on the other hand, was staring at the other. His heart was beating fast and he felt light-headed for a moment. He was scared his best friend would find out about his crush on him.
"I-I'm not overprotective, it's just that I don't think it's the case. That's all." He avoided the jealousy question. Oh yes, he was definitely jealous of Jungkook. But he didn't want to let it show.

Jungkook was about to answer back when the door opened, Taehyung coming in. He greeted the two boys with a bright smile, for then walk over the bed. "I'm back~ how was the food Jungkook?" He asked as he seated himself on another chair near the bed.

Jimin stood up, his hands clenched into fists. When the doctor entered, he immediately felt a rush of jealousy in his body and he found it difficult to keep it back. "I think I can go then, now you're here so Jungkook is in safe hands." He said.
'Hopefully' He preferred to keep that to his thoughts instead of tell directly to Taehyung.

Jungkook was confused "But Jimin, why? Please stay some more." He said, his voice was sweet. The truth was that he was scared of Jimin leaving him.
"Jungkook is right, why don't you stay Jimin? I'm sure we'll-"

"I'm sorry, but I can't... I have to come back to school, you know that I can't miss more lessons... I'll come back tonight though, I promise."

"There's no need for that, we're letting him go for now. We just wanted to make some analysis and they're actually in the labs to be analyzed, but anyway we think he may have nothing too bad." Taehyung answered, smiling to the both of them. In reality, his suspects just increased with what happened that day, but it was his work of doctor to assure patients until they weren't sure of nothing, without proofs.

The blonde smiled, he was happy that they let Jungkook go. "Then I'm seeing you home when I'll come back!" He exclaimed and walked over, hugging and kissing Jungkook's cheek. The other blushed and both giggled, the black haired boy playfully hitting him.

The brunette was instead watching the cute scene with a childlike face. He felt something inside which annoyed him slightly, but ditched the strange feeling because he didn't want to ruin the sweet moment.

"It's time for me to go now Kookie, I love you!" He said as he exited the room. In reality, the jealousy didn't stop into his heart, he didn't like the idea of his precious friend being with a stranger, plus that intrigued him.

He decided stubbornly in that moment:

he wouldn't let Taehyung get his Jungkook away from him, at all costs.

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