|You Make Me Smile Like Nobody Did Before|

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After 6 days of pure hell, it was finally Saturday, the day he would meet with Taehyung.
Why was it a hell for Jungkook? Simple. He kept having weird symptoms, such as casual bruises on his body (not only on his arms), more tiredness and weakness, more nosebleeds and frequent headaches.

He hated the situation and, inevitably, couldn't help but to hate himself too. Why was all that happening to him? Why was his body so weak? He was starting to get scared too, but at the same time, he wanted to challenge the thing. For how long could he take that condition without collapse, without give up?

Also, Jimin seemed to get even more clingy, which he didn't mind since they had a strong bound and was used to the other's clinginess, but something was off. He didn't know what, but after he told him about his date with Taehyung, something changed for sure. He shooed away those thoughts only the anticipated day.

Now, he was excitedly waiting in front of the amusement's park gate, trying to think of some normal ways which greet Taehyung. He was very nervous, but wanted it to be a special day for the both of them. He was walking around, checking his phone continously, until he received a message. It was from the oldest:

Tae: 'I'm almost arrived, can't wait to see you~'

Jungkook smiled widely as he read and re-read it, he was very impatient, but could bear the wait for the other.

After a while, Taehyung finally arrived and immediately greeted the black haired boy with his famous boxy smile, which Jungkook adored. This latest returned it with his own bunny-like smile.
"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" The youngest said and took the other's hand, holding it tight as he dragged him into the place.

Even if his tone was cheerful, he noticed that something was wrong with Jungkook and couldn't help but be worried for him; he was paler than the last time they met, he seemed also to have lost weight and his left eye was deep red, which meant a capillary must be broken. That was weird. He wanted to visit him again, but he knew the analysis would be out soon, in few days. At least, he hoped so.

Meanwhile, behind a big tree next to the entry, Jimin and Hoseok were observing them...

"We have to enter immediately, or we'll lose them in the crowd."
Jimin said and dragged Hoseok by the wrist, but this latest hesitated.
"Jimin wait... are you really sure you want to do this?"
He asked; he thought it wasn't going to end up well from the start, but now he was even more sure about it. The blonde haired boy scoffed and looked back at him. "Hyung, yes! I am sure, just... trust me, okay?" He said, a bit annoyed and then both entered the park too.

Jungkook and Taehyung went straightaway to the rollercoaster, since the youngest was really impatient to get on it. Taehyung was a bit unsure about it at first, but the bright smile and excitement of the black haired boy made him change idea.

Once they were in, Hoseok and Jimin found them; but of course they couldn't let the others find them, so they confused with the throng that was close to the ride.
"We are NOT going on that Jimin. If you really want to, go alone, I'm fine here." Hoseok stated, crossing his arms. The other reassured him:
"Don't worry hyung, we'll just wait here... but after this ride, we have to follow them. And, remember: if they hold hands or are about to kiss, I'll have to start my plan." Jimin told him, really sure of himself.

When the rollercoaster started, Jungkook was smiling and shouting, all excited. Taehyung was a little scared but tried to not show that to Jungkook, so he shouted too and rose his hands into the air, trying to let it go. He was the oldest and wanted to show him he was scared of nothing. But when they got down, he was the one trembling the most (not just because of adrenaline) and both started to laugh at that, Taehyung a bit embarassed.

After that, they went to the ride Taehyung loved the most. It was called "Rocket" and it was a tall structure in metal, with two long arms, always in metal; at their extremities, there were 4 seats each and it rotated 360°, in clockwise or counterclockwise (it depends on the controller of the ride, he decides). It was funny how he was scared of roller coasters but that type of ride never scared him.

Infact, Jungkook looked at him shocked when he said that.
"You're weird hyung." He said, a smile full on display.

The other shrugged and giggled "I know, but I don't care." He answered sincerely, the other surprised for the answer. The doctor walked over the ticket office, paying himself. He also payed for the rollercoaster, even if Jungkook insisted he wanted to instead. It was his threat, after all the teen have been through, he deserved just to have a good time.

Once they were seated on it, the ride started, going slow at first, so the people on it would get used to the feeling. The owner was speaking through the microphone, asking or saying stuff like "How is it? Are you ok?" Or "It's about to get rough!".
Taehyung didn't care, he wasn't even listening to him. He was concentrated on Jungkook's face expressions and his body moves.
"Jungkookie, if you're tired tell me, I don't want you to feel bad." He spoke up after a while, loud enough for the other to hear.

Jungkook did hear it, but didn't answer, only nodded and looked away. He didn't want to tell him how weak he became in only 6 days. Taehyung noticed something was off, again, but didn't say anything. He didn't want him to get uncomfortable.

After a while, the ride started to go faster and faster, in clockwise. Taehyung was shouting "Woo"'s, all excited and smiley.

Jungkook threw his hands up, closed his eyes and smiled, instead. He felt so free and powerful in that moment, maybe cause of Taehyung's presence too. This latest, noticed it and stared at him for a while, without stop smiling. His heart beat faster and his stomach seemed to close. In that moment, Seokjin's words came to his mind, once again and he couldn't help but keep thinking about them.

He wasn't supposed to fall in love with his patiences; but this is a story he didn't share with anyone else, apart for Seokjin and Hoseok.

He looked up at the sky and imitated the youngest's pose, though he moved his arm closer to the other's, their hands brushing together.

After it ended and they both got off and walked away, they couldn't stop smiling. Though, Jungkook felt slightly dizzy, he didn't speak a word on it. He wanted it to be a happy day for the both of them.

"I'm still shocked about how it went counterclockwise, without advertisement!" Jungkook said, while they were walking through the park, close to each other.

"Me too! But the worst moment was when it stopped up in the sky and we were left there, hanging on air!" Taehyung said, his mind stuck to the memory of it.

"It was cool though, you could see the panorama of our city. I would've liked to take a picture so much..." The other said, with dreamy eyes. He loved photography, it was another thing he had always done as hobby since he was young. It was a while he didn't do that though. Maybe they could take pictures now, together.

To the other hand, Taehyung was very surprised, because he liked photography as much as the other did. "Then let's take pictures now!" He exclaimed, taking his phone.

The youngest looked at him with sparkling eyes and accepted with a big smile. He took the other's phone "Let's take some pictures close to the rides and... Oh! Do you wanna take cotton candy or ice cream? I'm hungry and they could be used in our photos as well." He told the doctor, before this latest decided they could take cotton candy, since it wouldn't melt in their hands.

But, while they were taking that, the other two boys were always hidden, observing them; Jimin's jealousy only increased and Hoseok's worry didn't lessen either.

That would be a long day.

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