| I Hate Everything About You |

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When the two entered in their apartment, nobody spoke a word.

Jungkook didn't want to talk to Jimin for a long while, he caused too many troubles already. Plus, he told him that... he still couldn't believe it, but he had suspicions already; maybe he just didn't want to believe them.

He went straight to his room and closed the door behind him. But Jimin followed him, knocking to the door before entering. He sat next to him, on the bed, in silence.

"Jungkook, listen... I-I didn't want to make you sad-" He started, but only gained a glare from the youngest.

"Really? Are you fucking serious Jimin? You ruined everything! Now he thinks we are dating or something!" He raised his voice, which made Jimin flinch and back away. He looked down, that hurt. It hurt he didn't love him back. He looked back at him, after Jungkook calmed down a bit, and stood up.

"Do you think you're the only one being hurt? Jungkook... do you love me?" He asked in a weak voice, his eyes burnt and his chest heavy.

Jungkook, honestly, didn't know what to say. He didn't want to hurt him, but he didn't want to lie to his best friend.
"I'm sorry Hyung but... I don't. And I can't, I... to me you're one of the most precious people in my life, you're all my family and the best friend I could ever ask for. But... I can't love you back. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Jimin."

The blonde boy stared at him for what seemed like minutes. He was about to cry, but he kept tears back. He bit his lips and looked away. He tried to smile, but he couldn't. "Okay. Okay, it's fine." He said, but his voice was just weak and broken. He stood up and walked out from his room, closing it after him and ended up crying, while walking to his own room, which was next to Jungkook's.

This latest, heard his Hyung's sniffles and sobs, but didn't want to talk to him anymore. He ended up crying too after all, layed on his back and in a fetal position. His body was shaking, he was so anxious. Should he call Taehyung? He didn't know if it was the right thing to do at the moment, but that was his only way to explain the situation. He reached for his phone and called Taehyung a pair of times, but he didn't answer. So he left a message in the secretary messages, even if his voice was shaky and he was still crying.

After a while, he fell asleep after a long crying session. In the middle of the night, he woke up. It was just early 20PM, so they didn't eat yet. But they probably didn't want to, after all that happened, they were too occupied with bearing their feelings to eat.

That wasn't the point, Jungkook felt nauseous and he didn't know why. So, he slowly sat up and kept a hand on his stomach. But, in the end, he stood up and quickly exited the room, going to the bathroom. He puked in the sink, he didn't even expect that. Did he got a temperature or something?

After he finished, he cleaned his mouth a bit and put a hand on his forehead. No, he wasn't that hot to have got that; but why did he vomit, then? He felt so weak, his head was spinning even more. He tried to walk back to his room, leaning to the hallway's wall, but he lost his balance.

He was sure he was going to hit his head, but Jimin put his hands around him and somehow helped him to sit down.

He was sleeping too, until he heard weird noises. So he went out of his room to look.

"Are you okay? Jungkook, are you okay?" He repeated, but the black haired boy felt too gone to even talk.
Jimin probably got it, so he put his arm around his own neck and walked him back to his room, laying him down on the bed. He took a thermometer and placed it in between Jungkook's lips. His temperature was normal. He was getting even more worried than he already was now. He took a bucket from the bathroom and put it close to the bed, so if he had to puke, he didn't have to stand up.

He was about to exit the room, when he felt Jungkook's hand take his wrist.
"Please, don't go..." He mumbled, looking at him with a weird expression. He seemed worried, sad and angry at the same time. It took few seconds for Jimin, before he answered.
"Okay, I'll sleep with you." He said and smiled a bit, before crawling on the sheets and cuddling up with Jungkook. This latest fell asleep, too exhausted to even move.

In the middle of the night though, the youngest woke up and puked three times more. So, Jimin couldn't sleep really much, but he didn't care. He had to take care of his precious boy now.
In the morning, around 11AM while Jungkook was still sleeping to recover from the night prior, Jimin prepared breakfast for himself. The cat was no longer around, since she decided Jungkook's lap was comfortable to sleep on. That was cute though, she seemed to have got something was wrong too.

Jimin wanted to call the doctor, tell him what was happening, but he was scared. Taehyung was probably still mad and they didn't like each other much. He shaked his head and put the phone close to his hear, the call dialing.

"Hello?" Someone answered, but it wasn't Taehyung's voice.

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin. I was looking for Doctor Kim Taehyung, it's important." He said.

To the other line, that guy sighed and after few moments answered back.
"I'm sorry but he is occupied with a patient right now... you can tell me, what is it about? Oh, I'm Doctor Kim Seokjin by the way." He informed.

Jimin sighed and didn't know if tell him or not. But he was a doctor, he could trust him.
"It's about Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook... lately, he has got weird symptoms, such as weakness, loss of weight, random bruises appeared on his body and he puked yesterday. I'm really worried about him, he did analysis a while ago but we still got no results and..." He felt his eyes burn and his throat close. He felt useless in that moment.

The doctor sighed once again and again, after a moment, he gave his response.
"Listen Mr. Park, the results will be out today, so when I'll receive them, I'll tell you as soon as possible. Meanwhile, keep take care of Jeon, I'll tell Kim Taehyung to call you back when he'll be free."

A sniffle. "Okay. Bye." He hang up and put the phone on the table. He sat on his chair and cupped his face, starting to cry. He didn't know what to do, it seemed like everything was worsening day after day. He felt things were getting out of hand and he was scared. What if he lost him? No. No, he couldn't, he would do all that was possible to help him. He had to, even if his heart was broken because of him.

After he felt a bit better, he stood up and cleaned the mug he used. Then, he heard steps from the stairs and he turned around. Jungkook was standing, a hand on the wall. "Hey Hyung...".

Jimin made a small smile and went close to him.
"Kookie, hey... how are you feeling? A little better?" He asked and caressed his arm. The youngest nodded and showed a small smile "Yeah, better. But I'm not hungry, so I would just prefer sitting on the couch and, I don't know, do nothing..." He looked at the oldest, he seemed to be sorry. In reality, he felt guilty, because he knew he was hurting him.
"Listen Jimin, I-"

"No, no, it's... it's fine, we're fine, okay?" He said and smiled a bit, but he didn't trick Jungkook. He knew he was sad and wanted to add something.

Until someone rang at the doorbell.

They were confused, who would even rang to their door at 11 o'clock in the morning?
Jimin walked towards the door, while Jungkook headed to the kitchen fridge, maybe he could force himself to eat a bit.

When the blonde opened the door, he widened his eyes in shock and his jaws dropped.

"Hi Jimin. Where is Jungkook?" The man asked, his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. His eyes didn't transmit any emotion, instead, he almost seemed bored.

Jimin stattered. "W-what are you doing here Mr. Jeon?" He asked, in a low voice.

Jungkook, since the other wasn't coming back, decided to go over the door, always slowly though.
"Jimin who is-". He froze in place, eyes widened.

"Hi Jungkook... Long time no see."

It was Jungkook's dad.

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