| Voice From Heaven |

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"So... Is he your boyfriend?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook shaked his head, blushing and giggling. "No no, he is like a brother to me... he has always been by my side and he was the only one helping me through everything." He explained, his smile softening at some old thoughts.

The young doctor nodded and sighed in relief. But why? He didn't even know his patient and he probably wasn't interested in him. He smiled at Jungkook's smile, which he found really cute. He wasn't interested in him, no.
"You know, I have a best friend too, his name is Hoseok. But we don't see each other much; since he is a professional dancer and I'm a starter doctor, we've been kind of occupied lately, but we'll hang out soon." He said smiling.

The black haired boy looked at Taehyung, studying his face. He had beautiful features, very, and noticed one of his eyes had monolid, while the other had double-lids. He found it adorable and smiled at it.

"I think I know Hoseok-hyung. You know, Jiminie dances too and he is training really heard to become a professional dancer; and his teacher's name is Hoseok."

Taehyung's eyes were open in surprise and he excitedly pointed at Jungkook "Yes! You're absolutely right, why didn't I realise it before?! Hoseok told me about one of his students and said he is one of the best he has ever seen before! Once, I'd like to watch a performance of his dance class." His smile widened as he stated that.
"And you Jungkook? Do you dance too?" He asked, crossing a leg on the other and placed his cheek on the palm of his hand.

The teen smiled shyly and looked away, rubbing the back of his head.
"Well, I did dance before, but I had to stop because of... all the things that were happening to me, you know... Hoseok wanted just to protect me though, so it's fine." He told him, his smile was sad but he tried to keep up the good mood.
"Plus, there is something I like even more than dancing..." He added.

Taehyung took his hands and looked at him "And what is it?" He asked, his eyes sparkling in curiosity.

Jungkook's cheeks became bright pink and his bunny smile was on display.
"Umh, I love singing. It's my biggest passion and I wouldn't know what to do without it." He admitted and then looked straight at the doctor.

This latest was blushing and smiling like a total idiot. "God, you don't know what I would do to listen to your voice... You know, I would like to know you better Jungkook and..." He started, his cheeks took colour.

The teen was staring right at him, expectedly, but since the other wasn't talking anymore, he took the chance.
"Umh, doctor... Would you like to hang out together?" He asked shyly, looking down.

In reality, Taehyung was scared to ask him out; he thought he would reject him or simply say their age gap was too big. But now, he couldn't believe what was happening, he couldn't believe he actually, the youngest, made the first step and asked to the oldest out. At that point, the doctor realised that even if he cured people and went through a lot, Jungkook had more courage than him.

He smiled and squeezed Jungkook's hand "Yeah, why not? I know a place where they make nice coffee, this Saturday. And you can call me Taehyung." He said.

"And, if we go to the amusement park? There we can eat whatever we want." I stated, excitedly.

The other smiled brightly, his boxy smile showing. "Fine! Let's go there then!" He exclaimed and then stood up. "Yu should prepare your things now, since your going to leave... I'll tell my superior first though, so wait for me in the hall" He told him as he made his way to the door. He was doing the exact opposite Seokjin warned him about and told not to do.

But he didn't care. Not in that moment at least.

Jungkook sat to the edge of the bed "Wait! I want to thank you Tae-hyung..." He started to sing a piece of a song (Author Note: his Purpose cover), a smile on his face as he did that.

Taehyung, who was turned over him, was shocked. He knew Jungkook already had an angelic voice just by talking to him, but he could never image it could be that heavenly.

He clapped when Jungkook finished, smiling dreamingly "That was so good Jungkook!" He exclaimed, making the other blush for the thousand time that day. "I slightly cracked at some point; but thank you, again" He said and giggled.

They gave each other another look, before Taehyung exited.

After he left, Jungkook realised they talked for a full hour. He smiled and wore his own clothes and took his stuff, which was put in a wardrobe. He exited the room and made his way to the hallway, for then take a seat there. He was looking around, seeing old people helped by nurses to get to their room or out in the park or the hospital and even doctors rushing inside with a barrel which had a patient on it. That was sad. But he also noticed young people, mostly kids, that were playing around the waiting room. He smiled at them, they remembered him of someone, who was childlike in his behavior. Talked person was walking close to another doctor, discussing. Their voices were serious, but they tried to not rise the volume. He couldn't understand anyway, he was just staring at them.

"Jin-hyung I'm telling you it's not something genetic. If it was, he surely would have known since he was a kid or he would even have started to cure it before."

"Taehyung, listen. Did he tell you about his parents? About his early life? No. There's no way we can know in this case. You have to find out more, I told you. Now, in about 2 weeks we'll get the exams and then we'll see-"

"Two weeks?! That's too much, what if he gets worse? Jin-hyung please-"

"Taehyung... You are getting close to the boy, aren't you?" Taehyung lowered his head and clenched his fists.

"No hyung." He answered, kind of cold but also sad.

"Fine, then I don't see why complain." He said and sighed, leaning a hand on the youngest shoulder.

"It's going to be okay." He affirmed sure.

Taehyung instead was unsure of it, but wanted to trust him at the same time.

When they finished talking, Taehyung saw Jungkook sitting and went closer, so the youngest stood up "We're seeing in the weekend then." The doctor spoke up, smiling. "Oh and, here's my number. Call me if you need me".

Jungkook smiled back and took the paper "Yes, we are. Thanks... bye hyung." He said and wanted to hug him, but he knew he couldn't.

He finally walked out from the building, going home. When he entered, he was met by Jimin's cat, which stroked herself on his legs. He smiled and picked her up, walking towards the couch. He turned TV on and waited for Jimin to come back, his thoughts all about the crazy day he just had. He fell asleep soon after, Tequila sleeping as well between his legs.

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