Movies and Beer

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    I spent most of my day wandering the city, getting lost in the noise, clearing my head. I called out from work, still reeling from my almost panic attack, knowing that I could easily be triggered into another.
   I had returned to my apartment as the sun was just beginning set. I saw a piece of paper taped to my door as I walked down the hall, quizzically I pulled it free.
   Pizza, beer, and movie? We also have popcorn, and you can pick what we watch. S
    P.s get your cute butt up here~C
   I shook my head, chuckling to myself. I couldn't remember the last time I had popcorn, much less watched a movie. I was surprised that they even wanted to see me after I bailed at the restaurant. I stood there pondering my options, go inside and just do nothing till sleep took its hold on me or go upstairs and hang out with them.
   A large part of me said to unlock my front door and go inside. Go to safety. The voice in the back? Shouting above the noise reminded me that I had made a promise to myself to try, try and let people in. This was a start, it was the universe trying to meet me half way.
    I went upstairs, and hesitated, my knuckles up, about to knock. My heart pounded as the rest of me shouted stop and go home. I could hear laughter, Chris to be exact, on the other side. I smiled to myself remembering him laughing on the rooftop. A murmur  on the other side caused him to laugh even harder, and that's when I decided it's now or never.
    I rapped my knuckles on the door three times, and waited. The room drew quiet as I heard footsteps coming closer. My heart leapt in my throat as Sebastian opened the door. His hair was pulled back behind his head, his black tank top hung tight to him and faded blue jeans low on his hips.
     "Hey rooftop." He smiled as he opened the door for me. I stepped in, the apartment was larger then mine. A thick suede sofa in the living room faced a large flat screen perched on the wall. The lights from the lamps made the room warm and inviting, the kitchen was to the right, boxes of pizza on the island and a case of beer resting next to it. "Wasn't sure if you'd show."
     "Told she would, no one can turn down pizza and beer." Chris shouted with a mouth full from the kitchen. Sebastian rolled his eyes and shot his friend an amused look.
    "No, you hoped she would." Sebastian responded closing the door behind me. "So we have one with everything, Hawaiian, and a cheese."
    "We weren't sure what you'd want, and we grabbed coors and mirror pond." Chris added walking to the couch carrying a plate while stuffing his face, beer tucked in the crook of his arm.
    "That's so kind of you." I chuckled following Sebastian to the island. Grabbing some Hawaiian, putting it on my plate, snagging a mirror pond on my way to the couch.
    "Damn it, Hawaiian." Chris exclaimed, looking at my plate.
    "What?" My face scrunched up in confusion. "Was I suppose to grab something else?"
   "No, Chris and I had bet. He bet the everything and I bet Hawaiian." Sebastian chuckled sitting on the other side of me.
    "That's a weird bet, so then why the cheese?" I giggled looking from one man to the next.
    "Encase we were both wrong." Chris replied, snagging the remote off the coffee table. "So what do you want to watch?"
    "I don't know, I actually haven't watched a movie in years." I stated, tucking my feet up under me. "What's popular these days?"
    "What was the last movie you saw?" Sebastian asked, I turn to my left looking at him.
     "Hmm, I'm not sure the name. It had a guy and suit of armor, that was red and gold." I responded, trying to think really hard.
    "You mean Iron Man?" Chris about choked out. My had snapped to him, an amusing smile on his face.
    "Yeah, I think that was the name of it." He was looking past me now to look at the other man. Sebastian tilted his head, eyes locked on the blonde to my right.
   "No." Was all he said.
   "Awe, come on Seb." He pleaded, smirking.
   "Okay, I'm lost." I spoke up, looking over at Sebastian.
   "He wants to put on Captain America, but if you haven't seen Iron Man 2 then the right thing to do is watch that one cause we are not introducing someone to the MCU out of order." Sebastian stated matter of factly.
   "What's MCU?"
    "Marvel cinematic universe." Chris explained, I looked back him. His eyes soften at me. "Iron Man kicked off a huge response for the super hero franchise. And there is a lot of them, and Seb is right I really can't show them to you out of order cause they are all interwoven."
    "So Iron Man 2 it is?" I asked, giggling at Chris's exasperated look. I was inthralled with the movie from the beginning. I watched with enthusiasm, I remembered how much I had enjoyed the first one and how much I loved the character of Tony Stark.
    The movie seemed to end so quickly, and I wished it hadn't ended. Chris had excused himself to use the restroom, leaving me. I looked over at Sebastian his right leg stretched out onto the coffee table his left bent slightly tucked up underneath him, head propped up by the back of the couch. His eyes darted to me, half closed.
   "Yes?" His voice was rough and gravelly, I could tell he had started to doze.
   "You look tired, I should probably go." My heart tugged at me, it was the last thing I wanted to do.
   "No, Chris wants to show you Captain America. And it's only 9:30." He glanced at his watch, yawning.
   "Yeah, but you're half asleep." I placed my hand on his knee absentmindedly.
   "It's okay, if I try to go lay down I won't be able to drift back off. So please stay." He yawned again, placing his hand over mine.
   "Alright kids," Chris announced as he walked back, smiling when he saw Sebastian half asleep. "Time for the big reveal"

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