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It had been a year since that day, and I, for once was completely happy and content. I sat in a chair, throw blanket wrapped around my body in a nice apartment in New York. Sebastian had an interview to do and I had stayed home. It was my day off, and I was taking full advantage of doing nothing.
My job allowed me the luxury of going between two states, Massachusetts and New York. I would spend one month in one and the then a month in the other, my colleagues were only slightly jealous of this arrangement.
It took less then six months and both of the men in my life to convince me that I shouldn't let Richard ruin my dream of being a part of the FBI for me. So I did go back and take that test, graduating with one of the highest scores they had seen in along time. Jennica Daniels became the FBI agent she always wanted to be, way to go me.
I closed the book I had been reading as a song played on the radio. Memories of my life on the run washed through me once again, but this time they didn't fill me with anxiety as they once had. I smiled to myself as I pulled myself from the chair, a bounce in my step as I crossed the plush carpet.
I let the music take my body where it wanted to go as I danced about the empty room. I was free, completely and utterly free. I could do what I wanted, go where I wanted and no longer did I have the feeling of being hunted.
"Nice moves, care if we join you?" Sebastian stated as I turned on my heel seeing both of the loves of my life standing next to the door.
I reached out to them both grasping their hands pulling them to me.
My freedom, my loves, my home.

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