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I was pacing around my own apartment, I had told Sebastian that I needed some space to think. It was the truth, I also just needed to figure out what exactly I was going to do. In the past whenever Richard has caught up with me I skipped town. It would be the smart move, just leave everything like I usually do.
   Then again, that means I would be leaving Sebastian and Chris. I ran both of my hands through the my hair, this wasn't fair. I didn't want to leave, I mean yeah, I get freaked out  when they were too close but that didn't mean I was ready to pull the plug on whatever this was.
  Richard found me though, he wouldn't stop till he had me again. He knew I was in this city, he knew he'd find me. He had the resources to do it, all I had was my wits, which had kept me out of his basement this long. And right now my wits were telling me to grab my bag and bolt. Never look back, but I couldn't do that to them.
      "You idiot, this is why you never get close." I chided myself, walking to the window looking out at the street below. The rain made the streets slick, cars tossed up spray as they went about their merry way. I rushed to my room, throwing open the closet, I pulled the leather bag from the bottom. I grabbed an extra sweater and some other clothes stuffing them in. I slung it over my back before, I grabbed my phone from next to the door, pulling the charger from the wall. 
  I took one long last look around the home I had had for five years. The longest stay I had had in recent time. I had the overwhelming urge to cry as I opened the door and walked out.
     "So, what exactly happened last night?" Chris asked Sebastian as they walked to the closest diner.
     "It's a long story and I told her I was leaving that up to her to tell." He replied, as he held the door open for Chris.
     "Do you think she'll come back tonight?" Chris had been peppering his friend with questions since he got home. Sebastian just rolled his eyes as they were seated.
     "I don't know, she said she needed some space. A lot has happened in the last couple of days and you have to admit for anyone it's a lot to take in." Sebastian explained before ordering his food.
    "I know, it's just, I don't like the idea of her going down to apartment when some random stranger has her key. What if something happens while we aren't there?" Chris worried, running his hand through his hair frustrated with the situation.  Sebastian chewed on his lip, remembering that it wasn't just a mugger but your stalker friend who had your key. A jolt of worry found its way through his body.
    "I'm sure she'll be fine." Sebastian finally said, he looked up at Chris. "We can't just barge into her life and force her to do stuff, like move in cause your overly paranoid, it's just not fair to her."
     "I wasn't saying make her move in." Chris mumbled under his breath.
     "Then exactly what did you mean? Cause that's exactly what it sounded like."
     "Okay, so maybe I did. Let's face it, you like her..."
     "I also saw her first, let's just remember that." Sebastian chuckled at him as Chris rolled his eyes.
     "I like her, she seems to dig us, it just seems like a good idea." Chris leaned back crossing his arms.
      "We are complete strangers to her, Chris. Please give me one good reason she should, let alone want to move in with us?" Sebastian shot at him, raising an eyebrow.
       "Well, she's already stayed the night in your room." Chris snipped at his friend.
       "And for the hundredth time, not a damn thing happened. She was hurting and wanted someone there, you would of done the same." Sebastian lowered his voice, leaning forward.
      "I know." Chris sighed. "Just slightly jealous."
      "Can't let that happen, you were the one that brought up the idea of both of us possibly dating her, can't get jealous." Their food came, breaking the conversation for while. Chris let his friends words seap in. True it had been his idea, originally they were just going to figure out who Jay liked more. However that would leave one man feeling hurt, so Chris's idea was for both of them to ask her out. That was till the incident yesterday.
      "So, now what, just wait for her to come knock on the door?" Chris broke the silence.
      "That's the idea, it has to be on her terms." Sebastian replied.
      "Did you tell her we both wanted to date her?" Chris asked, his eyes boring in Sebastian. Sebastian stopped mid movement of the fork to his mouth.
     "More or less." He said shoving the fork in.
     "What do mean more or less? What did you say to her? What did she say back? Nope she's not coming back, you scared her off for sure." Chris hung his head. "We're doomed."
      "Dude, calm yourself. I told her we cared about her the same way and that I thought she did too, she was just too scared to admit it." Sebastian shook his head wiping his mouth with a napkin.
        "And?" Chris urged him to continue.
        "She really didn't say much to that, okay? That's a lot to tell someone who has relationship issues. So take a breather." Sebastian stated, signaling for the check. "We should get home though. It's getting late and I have to film super early tomorrow."
They got home and much to Chris's disappointment there was no one at the door waiting to be let in. He flopped down on the couch watching as his friend took something to help him sleep, and retire to his room for the night.
Chris's mind was going a mile a minute, hoping that Jay would be back. But as time wore on he became restless. Silently he slipped out into the hall and went to her door. He knocked on it and heard nothing. He knocked again.
    "Jay?" He called out testing the knob. It was unlocked, Chris stepped in, the apartment was perfectly clean. He walked through, noticing that there were no pictures on the wall. No mirrors like in other girls homes.
    He treaded carefully to the bedroom, the bed was perfect made. He looked in the closet, hangers hung in disarray. Some lay scattered on the floor. His heart sank, he knew, she  ran. She grabbed her stuff and ran. Whatever happened last night was more then just a mugger or something happened with Sebastian. It didn't matter though cause Jay was gone.

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