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Princess Maria Stark (Kalvin) of the North

My half brother's hair had grown so much since I had last seen him, he looked like more of a man now. It took me a while to approach to Jon, but Ghost had noticed Moonflower before he had noticed me.

"Maria Stark," Jon smiled, embracing me in a warm hug.

"Jon Snow," I smile, holding my slightly swelling stomach. "You're really a crow,"

"And you're really a Lady, you've grown since I last saw you, especially you're belly," He laughs holding a stomach, "When were you married?"

"A little over a 4 moons ago," I say, grabbing Bartholomew's hand, "Jon, this is Lord Bartholomew Kalvin, my husband,"

"Kalvin? Maria House Kalvin-"

"We're alligned now, they have agreed to help Robb avenge Father, we can trust them Jon," I say, making Jon give me a nod.

"Jon, who's this beautiful woman?" A chubbier man, around Jon and Robb's ages asks my half brother before looking at my stomach and having his cheeks turn crimson.

"Sam, this is my sister, Lady Maria Kalvin-"

"Princess Maria Stark," I say, making my husband breathe heavily, "I'll explain soon,"

"Maria, this is Samwell of House Tarley, he works in the library with Maester Eamon, and this is her husband, Lord Bartholomew Kalvin of Nightwater," Jon explains, before petting his large, quiet direwolf.

Sam kisses my hand and shakes Bartholomew's.

*   *   *

Prince Jon Snow of the North and Man of the Nights Watch

"What brings you to the Wall, sister?" I ask my younger half sister, while feeding the raven's.

"We need me, a hell of a lot of them, Robb's army needs to be strong enough to survive battles, we have 100,000 Kalvin men, 18,000 Northerners, if we can get men from the Nights Watch-"

I interuppt Maria, "Maria, we can't leave the Wall, we need to watch for Wildlings and Whitewalkers, we must stay at the Wall until we die,"

"It's a King's command!" She says, frustrated, I had almost forgotten about her short temper.


"We don't need Southern pricks to command us, they no nothing of Winter in the North, Robb is our King," She explains, holding her swelling stomach.

"Sansa would be happy to be a princess, its what she's always wanted," I smile, thinking back to the auburn beauty that had thought of me like her mother did.

"Robb needs you now more than ever, just as he needs me and our mother, the Lord Commander will understand,"

I hesitate, before being approached by Lord Commander Mormont.

"What will I understand?" The man asks, looking at my sister.

"Lord Commander, his grace King Robb Stark needs men and has requested the men of the Nights Watch help to fight this war, if we can have 20 men-"

"And you are?"

Maria stutters, "I am Princess Maria Stark, heir to the North, the eldest daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Tully,"

"You may have Jon, Grenn, Pyp, Sam and myself, no more," Lord Commander Mormont says, "We leave at dawn,"

*   *   *

King Robb Stark of the North

Mother had her eyes twitching as she saw my brother approach, but she was also very happy to see Maria, with her now very noticeable stomach.

"My lady," Jon says bowing down to my Mother, "Your grace," He chuckles as he turns to me.

"Jon Snow," I pull my half brother into a hug, I had missed him dearly.

"Your Grace, we have 5 men of the Nights Watch, 2 stewards, 1 ranger and Lord Commander Mormont," Bartholomew says, holding Maria's stomach.

Hello! I just wanted to have a short chapter for now, longer updates will most likely come this weekend or tomorrow, depending on my inspiration. According to my outline (I have planned all the chapters of this story in advance) there will be a lot drama, and Theon will be back *hint hint* anyway sorry for the shitty short chapter, I may edit and make it longer, we'll see!

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