No More Goodbyes

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Lord Bartholomew Kalvin of Nightwater

Maria stirs in her sleep as I lay beside her, her thick auburn hair in my face. Elena is also whimpering every now and then, but she's still asleep.

There's unusual winds blowing tonight as everyone at the camp is asleep, I can't seem to though, the uneasiness that someone or something might happen to Maria or Elena has kept me up at night since I found out Maria was with my child. But lack of sleep doesn't affect me anymore, I have grown used to it, as I have grown used to being at war.

I close my eyes before hearing a growl from Moonflower, who had been sleeping only moments before.

"Moonflower," I whisper sternly, trying not to wake my wife up.

"Every one in the camp is asleep Ser," A voice says from behind the tent.

"Good, it should make it easier for us to grab the babe, and maybe even the Stark bitch if she doesn't scream," Another grits through their teeth.

"Maria," I whisper, shaking my wife, "Maria you have to get out of here,"

My wife blinks her eyes open, "What? What's going on?"

"There's people outside of the tent, they want you and Elena, take Moonflower and my dagger with you. Go to Robb and Talisa's tent,"

Maria has an uneasy look on her face, "What about you?"

I give her a nod before pecking her lightly on the lips. She grabs the baby with the wolf following her closely.

I pull out my sword, waiting for the soldiers to come inside the tent. 

"Okay, move in," I hear someone whisper before they come through the back of the tent.

They see me and struggle to pull their own sword out, I cut his throat to the bone, getting blood all over the bed and my clothing. I look at the dead body in front of me, he was a Lannister soldier.

Another Lannister soldier stumbles into the tent, first noticing the dead man in front of me. I hold my sword to his neck.

"Why are you here?" I shout as I press my sword against his neck harder.

"Cersei Lannister wanted the babe! She wants Maria Stark too! There's ten Lannister men outside of this tent now,"

"You can go tell Queen Cersei that 500,000 Stark and Kalvin men are coming south and they want vengence. Either give up the North or give up your life," I grit through my teeth, "And leave Lady Elena and Princess Maria be,"

The soldier chuckles, "King Joffrey will have your heads, all of them,"

"Aye, but the Young Wolf will have Joffrey's head before Joffrey even fucks Lady Margaery on his wedding night," I chuckle.

"Young Wolf! He's nothing but a boisterous pup looking for a bone,"

"That must make Tywin Lannister an old lion waiting to be hunted," I turn around to see my brother in law standing behind me, sword drawn out and ready to kill a man, "Tell the Lannister's what Lord Bartholomew said or we'll send the Kingslayer's head,"

The now frightened soldier nods in fear before scrambling to get to his feet and trying to catch his breath.

*   *   *

Queen Talisa Stark of the North

"I have no problem with them taking me, but they can't take her, I won't let them," Maria sobs as she squeezes her newborn baby.

I bite my lip, Robb had been saying for the past 3 moons that she had to leave, it wasn't safe for her here anymore, but I had always told him that if she leaves, I have to go as well.

"They're gone," Bartholomew says as he and Robb stumble in panting, Bartholomew with blood all over his nightwear.

Maria stands up and passes the sleeping child to Bartholomew. Elena had been sleeping and clueless of what was going on the whole time, which had made the situation easier than it could have been.

Robb opens his mouth to say something but Maria quickly speaks before him, "Don't try to send me away, Robb," She snaps.

My husband groans, "You staying here isn't safe, Elena isn't safe here the Lannisters know where we are,"

"Robb," I say with a stern voice, knowing that we had already discussed the matter.

"No, you're wrong," She says, sobbing even more than she was before, "More people will be after me if I leave here. I'm more likely to get raped or murdered on the rode than I am on a battlefield. We were all born during Robert rebellion, we were all born with war going on all around us,"

I shake my head, "Volantis," I say to myself before gaing a looking from the three other people around me.

"Winterfell is gone, Sansa is in Kings Landing, Bran and Rickon were more than likely burnt to the groung, Arya is missing and we haven't heard back from Lord Kalvin in weeks and I can't go to the Wall. Seven Hells, I would even go to Theon if he hadn't done what he did! And Nightwater had Lannisters crawling everywhere. You are all I have, if I lose you and Mother, I would be lost, I am not saying goodbye like I said goodbye to Father when he was arrested," I walk over to my sister in law and engulf her in a hug.

"You aren't leaving, I need my sister here," I chuckle as I wipe the tears from her eyes, "We will clean up your tent tomorrow, but for the time being, you should both get some rest,"

Maria and Bartholomew both nod their heads before walking back to their tent with Moonflower.

Robb sits down and sighs, "I don't want to see her get hurt,"

I nod my head, "She's one of the most important people in the war right now my love. Sending her away could cost you the war and your family,"

"Getting her killed here means losing yet another Stark," He says, pecking my cheek.

I sigh, "Yes, but imagine being travelling alone with a baby during a war, people starving, homeless, killing, raping. She's better off here than she is anywhere else, and there is nowhere for her to go, not unless she wants to go to Essos,"

HEY! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know I said that this was going to be a Bran chapter, but I changed my mind last minute because we had a whole chapter dedicated to Sansa last chapter. I counted and we only have seven chapter left! WTF that's crazy! I know how this story is going to end and I'm just going to say you will not enjoy it (or you will, depends) anyway, I think that it may shock some people. Anyway don't forget to vote/comment! It means a lot!

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