Maria Stark has Fallen

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King Robb Stark of the North

Nor Bartholomew or I spoke a word as we left the Twins while Walder Frey congratulates menon what they had pulled off last night. Neither can fathom what had been taken from both of us, Mother, Talisa and Maria will only ever live on in our memories. To top it all off, Bartholomew noticed this morning that he had received many letters from the Brotherhood Without Banners saying that they had killed his Father. He still had his child though, I did not. 

What surpises Bartholomew and I the most is that Moonflower had somehow survived the slaughter last night, Grey Wind did not though, he was stabbed before having his head cut off. They through Mother's body in the river, offending the Tully funeral ritual. I didn't see Talisa's or Maria's body though, it would have pained Bartholomew and I too much to see our wives lifeless.

"To Kings Landing Robb?" Bartholomew asks me quietly, making my shake my head.

"No Bartholomew, we need to go North before we can go South, before Jon left after Talisa and I were married he said that some builders from the Night's Watch would help rebuild Winterfell. I need to rebuild my army, rebuild my home. And then head to the Wall to tell Jon what they've done, then we ride South to rescue my sisters," I say, tears welling up in my eyes as every word comes out of my mouth. I look at my brother in law, struggling to ride because of the baby in his arms he was trying to protect, "I think we're far enough from the Twins, we can stop if you like,"

Bartholomew holds onto Elena tightly before jumping off his horseand tying it to a tree. He then slumps down and sits on the grass infront of the tree where he just stares at his daughter, sobbing, "She has her eyes,"

I look down at my niece, she had Bartholomew's complextion, Maria's eyes and Father's hair colour, a great image of a Stark. I think back to last night, straight after what had happened.

3rd Person POV

"Elena," Maria whispers to Bartholomew, before one of Walder Frey's sons comes and cuts her throat.

Lady Catelyn lets out a cry of pain, knowing that her son will more than likely not survive long, she gives up, letting her throat be cut and she crumples to the ground.

Bartholomew lets a single tear fall down his face, before turning around and grabbing a broken bit of glass and digs it into the man who cut his wife's throat.

"You have left a child motherless!" He screams at Walder Frey, who was still sitting in his seat, letting tears run down his face, "A child will never know her mother because you were too busy on trying to get under her skirts and to get your daughter to be Queen!"

Walder Frey pretends to be offended at the boy at the age of 18, "You killed two of my sons! You have left me days of mourning,"

Bartholomew spits at Walder Frey, "You would have never missed them, who probably didn't even know their names you sick cunt," He takes Walder Frey by his long hair and forces his head into the table, making the archers get ready to aim at him. "I have killed more men in here tonight than some of Walder Frey's men, do not make me add you to the list,"

They put down their bows and run. Realising that he was alone, Bartholomew grabs Elena before quickly running to Maria, putting his bloody hand against her cold face, "My love," He whimpers, "My love,"

"They're all dead," Robb Stark says sobbing, taking Elena out of Bartholomew's arms, making Bartholomew hold Maria close to his broken heart, "They killed them all,"

"Maria," Is all Bartholomew can say, looking down at the lifeless body of his wife. Realising that she will never come back, Bartholomew kisses his wife on the lips on more time, before laying her down on the ground, taking the necklace off her neck.

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