Battlefield Nurses

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Lord Bartholomew Kalvin of Nightwater

My eyes are sore, as well as my shoulder, "Maester Luwin!" I tried to call but my throat was so dry I could barely speak.

"Lord Kalvin?" Maester Luwin looks astonished as he walks in the door, "You're alive?"

I nod, "Water,"

He nods as he pours some water into a goblet, "You're very lucky you are alive, Lord Kalvin. You have been unconisous for nearly a week," 

"A week? Theon, is he still in the dungeons? And my wife, is she okay?" A week isn't a very long period of time, but with war, if you sleep through a day, the war could be over.

"Lord Greyjoy has been questioned by Bran and Osha almost everyday, your Princess wife has been writing ravens, happy that you were recovering and that you had saved Winterfell," He says, cleaning the sweat off of my head.

I clear my throat, "When will I be able to return?"

Maester Luwin looks shocked, "Lord Bartholomew, the Starks need you here, Bran is not fit to be Lord, Rickon is too young, everything is failing without a grown leader,"

"The King needs me with them, Maria, she's bound to give birth in three moons time, I have ti be there for my wife and daughter," I try to yell, but my voice fails me again.

"Lord Bartholomew, you need to protect your brothers-in-law, this could happen again, and you may be too far South to return,"

I swallow hard people leaving my bed to walk around the castle, "Maester Luwin, I will leave half of my men here, my wife and her brother needs me, and Winterfell needs to be protected by a Stark,"

I put my armour on before being approached by someone, "The Ironborn are plotting to set Winterfell ablaze, you need to get rid of them now,"

I turn around to see Roose Bolton's bastard, Ramsay.

"Ramsay Snow, what are you doing in Winterfell?"

"Listen, Kalvin, I will take the Greyjoy boy, get your men to slaughter the Ironborn soldiers," Ramsay whispers before running towards the dungeons.

*   *   *

King Robb Stark of the North

The battle had been bloody in Oxcross, but we had won, there were dead Stark and Lannister men laying everywhere.

"Five Lannisters dead for everyone one of ours," Roose Bolton says as we walk through the battlefield, "We have nowhere to keep all these prisoners, barely enough food to feed our own,"

"We're not executing prisoners Lord Bolton," I say to the older man.

"We of course your grace. The officers will be useful, some of the may be preview to Tywin Lannister's plans,"

I look over to one of the dead bodies, "I doubt it,"

"Can't we learn soon enough? In my family we say, 'A naked man has few secrets. A flayed man many' "

I was growing tired of Roose Bolton, and I told him that I won't give the Lannisters an excuse to abuse my sisters. I hear a man begging and I turn to see a beautiful nurse helping a Lannister solider.

I approach her and hold the man down.

"Ser, please, I can't lose my-"

"You'll die if she doesn't," I say to the soldier.

"I don't want to be a cripple please!"

"Surely one of our men need more attention than this cub," Roose says to the nurse.

"Your men are not my men, my Lord," The nurse retorts back to Roose Bolton, giving him a glare.

"Put this in your mouth and lie down. You don't want to watch," I say to the soldier, giving him something to bite down on.

"No!" The soldier screams, "You can't!"

"Bite on it," I shove the material into his mouth, making him squirm, "Its better than biting your tongue believe me,"

The man screams in pain as the nurse saws off his foot.

I look at the nurse, she was very beautiful, with messy dark hair pulled back into a braid and dark eyes.

*   *   *

I see the nurse again, putting the man into a wagon. When she saw me she turned around and started walking the other way, making me follow her.

"What's your name?" I ask the nurse.

"Talisa," She answers quietly, putting her equipment away.

"Your last name?"

"You want to know what side my family fights on?" Talisa asks me, with irritation in her voice.

"You know my family name, you have an advantage," I say to the nurse.

"That boy lost his foot on your orders," She says not looking up at me.

"They killed my father," I say to her, she was starting to annoy me slightly.

"That boy did?"

"The family he fights for," I say to the nurse.

Talisa now looks up at me, "Do you think he's friends with King Joffrey? He's a fisheman's son that grew up near Lannisport, he probably never held a spear before they shoved one in his hands a few months ago,"

"I have no hatred for the lad," I say to her.

"That should help is foot grow back," She says, grabbing her equipment before walking away.

"You'd have us surrender?" I call to Talisa before following her, "And all this blood shed, I understand. The country would be at peace and life would be just and the righteous hand of good King Joffrey,"

"You're going to kill Joffrey?" She questions as she washes the blood off of her hands.

"If the gods give me strength," 

"And then what," Talisa's voice sounds cold.

"I don't know," She turns and looks at me, "We'll go back to Winterfell. I have no desire to sit in the Iron Throne,"

She looks at me with a confused look on her face, "So who will?"

"I don't know,"

"You're fighting to overthrow a king and yet you have no plan for what comes after?" 

"First we have to win the war," Talisa has a disgusted look on her face before hopping onto the back of a the wagon with all her equipment on it.

"You never told me where you're from," I call to the nurse.

"Volantis," She calls back to me.

"Volantis? You're far from home," Talisa just looks a me, "The boy was lucky you were here,"

"He was unlucky that you were,"

I look at her astonished at her beauty and wits.

Hello! I think I am going upload a few more chapter today before I take a break and work on my other fics. Next chapter will include Gendry and Arya :) 

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