The Half Fox, Half Wolf

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Princess Maria Stark (Kalvin) of the North

"I told you I would come back alive my love," Bartholomew says, kissing my cheek and stomach.

I clear my throat, "Where has Ramsay Bolton taken Theon Greyjoy?"

"He took him to his own castle to torture him. He has his own business with that piece of shit," He chuckles.

"He's very much like his father," Mother walks into the tent Bartholomew and I share placing her hands on my stomach gently rubbing, "Balon Greyjoy was a very terrible man. More notorious than Lord Walder Frey. Ned or George never liked him very much, seems as though that Starks and Kalvins share many common enemies,"

I smile at Mother, looking into her bright blue eyes that have gone dull from war. I remember back to 18 moons ago, back when we were in Winterfell, Mother's eyes were bright with love and compassion for all her children. I place my hand on hers before feeling a sharp pain, making me squeeze her hand tighter.

"What is it my love?" Bartholomew asks, running his fingers through his hair.

Mother smiles at Bartholomew, then to me, "The babe is coming,"

I breathe heavily, "Get Talisa,"

*   *   *

It was an hour before Talisa had come to the tent, she had gone to find some supplies. Mother insisted that I had another nurse come and help me birth my daughter, but I told her that anyone could send a raven to King Stannis or the Lannisters saying that she had been born, putting her life it great danger.

King Robb Stark of the North

It pains me to see my little sister screaming in pain, but there would be joy coming out of the pain, unlike the pain that had been put through my family for the past year and 6 moons. 

Mother strokes Maria's hair as she screams, smiling at the birth of her first grandchild. As Maria screams Talisa looks at me with worried eyes, before grabbing her own belly, worrying for in 9 moons time when she will be doing this herself.

She had only told me last night that she was with child. I haven't been able to stop smiling since she told me. I've wanted to be a Father my whole life, and raise little Lords and Ladies of Winterfell, teaching my oldest son how to rule over while my wife told our daughters how to be the wife of a Lord. 

"Robb," Maria whispers, before I had realised all the screaming and shouting had stopped.

"Yes Maria," I say, running to her side, before seeing the blood covered babe in Talisa's arm, "She has Father's hair colour," I look over at Mother, who was getting very teary and emotional.

"I know already she'll look like Ned," Mother whispers, kissing the babe on the head.

*   *   *

I sit in the tent with Maria, Bartholomew and Talisa, along with the sleeping baby girl.

"Does she have a name yet," Talisa asks, looking over at her niece that had been inside my sister only hours ago.

Bartholomew clears his throat, "Elena Kalvin, the First of her name,"

"Do you want to hold her Robb?" Maria asks softly, with a tired voice.

I nod my head as Bartholomew passes his daughter to me, "She's very beautiful," I clear my throat, "She isn't safe here, neither of you are safe here,"

Maria sits up, looking hurt, "I can't leave Robb, I have nothing to go back to. My throat will be slit by Lady Bess if I go to Nightwater and Winterfell is in ruins! I have to stay here with you, you and Mother and the only ones I have left at the moment,"

I take in a deep breath, looking at my sister who had tears welling up into her eyes, "A battlefield is no place for a babe, especially one as important as Elena,"

"Why is your pregnant wife still here then?"

Talisa looks at Maria with shock, we hadn't told anyone that she was with child, "How did you know?" Talisa asks.

"Mother says when you become a mother, you can tell if anyone is pregnant,"

I smile at my little sister. For a girl almost 17, she was very wise for her age, wiser than some men 40 years older than her. Maria was only a few moons from her 16th nameday when she had left for Kings Landing, still a little girl, she had grown a lot since then, in body and mind. Mother says that her daughter is the wisest person she has ever met and everybody chuckles before going back to there wine and talking about how beautiful she was.

"Bartholomew, she has the Kalvin paleness," Talisa chuckles looking at my brother in law, who was quite pale for someone who didn't live in the North.

"You're still yet to have an heir though," I say to Bartholomew, making him glare.

He shakes his head, "Why shouldn't my daughter become heir of Nightwater? Is a daughter no more important that a son? Elena is my eldest child, she should take my place when I die, just like you took your Father's place when he passed. A woman can be just as fit a leader as any man, some women could be greater leaders than men? You've even named your own little sister heir if anything were to happen to you or your heir,"

I nod, "Very well then, Lady Elena Kalvin, first of her name, the heir to Nightwater, 3rd in line to the North," I look down at my niece who was sleeping in my arms

"Sansa doesn't even know I was pregnant, let alone married," Maria says softly, looking at her own wedding ring.

"We will rescue your sister, I sent some Kalvin men to Kings Landing as I left Winterfell, It took me a month to get here so they should be sending a raven any day now," Bartholomew smiles, grabbing onto Maria's hand.

"You didn't have to send-"

"The Starks are my family now, my daughter is a fox, but she looks like a wolf, you're house is my family, and family is the most important thing to Kalvins,"

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