Snow and Krakens on Land

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Lord Bartholomew Kalvin of Nightwater

As I see the gates of Winterfell, I think back to the morning that I left, when Robb approached me.

"Lord Bartholomew," Robb Stark said, appraching me with his direwolf.

"Your grace," 

"Maria told me last night of your plans to ride for Winterfell,"

I clear my throat, "It is your home, her home. Your brothers' safety is in jeopardy, I made a vow to my wife, your sister that I will free them for Theon Greyjoy,"

"Aye, thank you my Lord," He says patting my shoulder, "Before you go take this,"

He hands me a sword, the handle engraved with a wolf and a fox.

"It is Valiryan steel, you'll need it,"

"Thank you your grace," I say, astonished by his gift.

"You are my brother by law, I need all the help I can get from you,"

"Prince Theon!" I hear someone growl from nearby.

My men knock down open the doors by force and file into the courtyard of Winterfell.

"Theon Greyjoy," I grumble, making the Ironborn boy come forward.

Theon has a cocky smile on his face, "Lord Kalvin, come here to fight? Winterfell is mine Bran Stark has yielded,"

"We are not here to fight, Theon Greyjoy, we are here to get rid of Ironborn vermin. The Starks took you in, they treated you like one of them. They called you brother. Seven hells Lord Theon, you love a Stark girl!" I say, making Theon turn bright red.

"They took me prisoner. I was nothing but their prisoner,"

"And this is the way of telling Maria you love her? Taking her home? Threatening her brothers? I say you are nothing but a coward Theon Greyjoy," I spit at him, before dismounting my horse.

Theon draws out his sword before swinging at me. I duck before drawing out the sword that Robb Stark had given me. He tries numerous ways to get me off guard, by I wasn't stupid, I had fought many scums like him before.

"Bartholomew!" I hear a small voice, the youngest Stark, Rickon.

"Don't be silly Rickon," Bran says, before looking over towards me.

"Winterfell is mine, fox," Theon says through is teeth while blocking my attack.

"You weren't sent by your father to take Winterfell, Greyjoy," I say back.

Theon goes pale before stabbing me shoulder. A pain shoots through my arm, but I slice open is cheek.

"Ser Thomas, take Lord Greyjoy to the dungeons, I'll question him later. As for the rest of you, find the Ironborn soldiers, throw them into the dungeons, if they fight, execute them," I say to my men, "Krakens don't belong on land,"

"Bartholomew!" Bran Stark beams slightly hugging me before looking at my shoulder, "We need to get you to Maester Luwin,"

"In a moment Bran," I say, out of breath, "Are you alright?"

Bran and Rickon nod, as does Hodor.

"Hodor, please take the little Lords to their chambers, I will speak with them soon,"

"Hodor," He says, turning towards the castle.

Prince Jon Snow of the North and Man of the Nights Watch

"Snow," Lady Catelyn says, holding yet another note from a raven.

"My Lady, what news does the raven bring?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Bring your brother and sister to me,"

*   *   *

Catelyn tells us that when Bartholomew arrived in Winterfell, Theon attacked him. Bartholomew won the fight but he is badly wounded. Our youngest brothers are safe, and Theon and any Ironborn men have been locked into a dungeon.

"Did Maester Luwin say if Bartholomew was alright?" Maria asks, rubbing her stomach.

"He said that he is weak but he will live," Catelyn reassures my younger sister.

Maria nods before leaving the tent, followed by Robb.

"Catelyn," I say quietly as she looks down at the letter.

"Snow, you have to take care of her," The aging woman says.

"He isn't going to live is he?" 

"Maester Luwin wrote that when he was treating him days ago, he fell unconsious, he hasn't woken up," Catelyn says, running her fingers through her hair.

"Lady Catelyn, what if he does die? You told Maria he would live,"

"We say that on the way back from Winterfell, he was ambushed, she can not know of his current state," She says glaring at me.

"Lady Catelyn?"

"Yes Snow?" 

"Why are you trusting me with all this? I am not your son," I says, making Catelyn sigh.

"Robb has too many things on his mind, he could accidentally tell the wrong person," She says, writing on a piece of paper, "Snow, as much as I want you gone, I need you safe, if anything were to happen to Robb and Maria, they have given the North to you, when your men leave in a weeks time, Robb will say that your are pardoned from the Nights Watch until I say so,"

I nod at Lady Catelyn, before she signals me to be gone.

*   *   *

"Jon, Ghost has found something," Sam says, with a panicked voice. 

I run over to my direwolf where there were to dead Lannister men, torn apart by him.

"Good boy Ghost," I whisper to my wolf, "Sam, get Robb, Maria and Catelyn,"

Sam does what I said and walks as fast as he can.

I examine the bodies, and I find a bloody note in one of the men's hands.

Bring me the pregnant Stark girl, maybe even the direwolves. I need them weak and unprepared. You will be rewarded at the Red Keep.

Cersei Lannister.

I feel anger go through my veins.

"Snow," Robb says running towards me, looking at the two dead Lannister soldiers.

I hand him the note. I can tell Maria had read it because she went pale. 

"She wants me because I escaped the Capital," She swallows hard, "I have news from Lord Kalvin,"

Maria held a letter in her hand, before handing it to her Mother.

"What on earth was Arya doing at Harrnehal? And where is she now?" 

So they kind of know what Arya was up to! Poor Maria, first her husband is barely alive, and now Cersei wants her :( Well at least Theon got what was coming to him! Next chapter will included Robb meeting a certain girl *wink* *wink*

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