Foreign Queens

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Princess Maria Stark (Kalvin) of the North

I sat in a tent with Talisa, doing her hair in a Northern braid.

"Do you ever fear that Bartholomew will being fighting and will never come back?" She asks, looking to the mirror.

I nod, "Everyday, but I suppose he's not stupid like other lords and kings. He is very skilled at fighting, but he doesn't like it and tries to avoid it,"

Talisa smiles, "Your mother doesn't like me very much,"

"Mother is very trusting of other people. Seven Hells, I wouldn't blame her for trust not coming easily, her husband brought home a bastard boy and the people she let into her home cripple her son, killed her husband and torments her daughter. She's just had a very rough time," I say sighing as I finish the braid, "I want you to take care of my brother, please,"

She nods, "I love him with all my heart, Maria,"

I laugh, "I know that he loves you. He wouldn't stop speaking about you after you had cut of that boy's foot,"

"You seem much older than 16 my Lady,"

"I suppose I've grown up a lot since I visited Kings Landing, that place is terrible, thieves and rapers around every corner. And that bastard king Joffrey,"

"I've heard its very beautiful," Talisa says quietly, picking at her fingernails.

"I would've thought that if my father's head wasn't slices off there and left to rot," I feel a tear roll down my cheek, "But I suppose it is quite pretty, just people with ugly hearts I suppose," I look outside and see that it is dark, I had been in Talisa's tent since noon, "We should head off to Robb and Jon, they've been probably been waiting for hours now,"

*   *   *

"Look upon one another, and say the words,"

Robb and Talisa look into each others eyes, Robb with a serious face and Talisa smiling, "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers/his, and she/he is mine from this day until the end of my days,"

Robb grabs Talisa cheeks giving her a passionate kiss. I smile at my older brother, thinking back to my own wedding which had occured only months ago, even though it felt like years.

Jon and I clap for our brother and now sister-in-law, making them both chuckle.

The septon nods his head, before leaving the four of us.

"Your grace," I bow to Talisa, laughing before hugging her, "The Queen in the North,"

Talisa laughs shaking her head, "I'm queen of a kingdom I've never been in,"

"I had never been to Nightwater before I was married,"

"Surely your wedding was much grander than this,"

Robb nods his head, "There were many people there, all dress fancy,"

"Maybe you can have a proper wedding when you go home," Jon says, before strapping his sword to his waist, "Maybe I'll hear the celebrating from the Wall,"

I feel my cheeks go red, "We don't have a home anymore, its rubble and ruins, because of Theon Greyjoy,"

Jon hugs me and turns to Robb, "Write a letter to Lord Commander Mormont, ask for the best builders to go to Winterfell and start rebuilding, I'll deliver it to him,"

My eyes widen, "You're leaving?"

Jon nods, "The Wall is my home now. And we need to look for Uncle Benjen and the rest of his team beyond the Wall. Someone has protect you all while you fight eachother,"

Robb eyes start to well up, "Farewell, Snow,"

"And you Stark,"

Jon turns to Talisa, "Make sure he doesn't do anything too stupid, you can hit him if you want,"

Talisa chuckles, "It was very nice to meet you Jon,"

"I feel like we say goodbye to people too often," I say looking at my very swollen belly, "Promise me you'll keep your head," 

"I'll try to keep it attached," He smiles, "I'll send a Raven when I return to the Wall and don't go having that baby without Bartholomew,"

Lord Bartholomew Kalvin of Nightwater

"My Lord, a raven from your sister, Bess, has arrived," Ser Thomas says, handing me the tattered letter.

To my dear brother Bartholomew,

While you've been busy fucking with that Stark whore of yours, I've been taking Nightwater into my own  hands.

Tywin Lannister has offered all the gold we could imagine if we yielded Nightwater to him. I refused, saying that I will not make any decisions like that without you or Father. 

Lannister men raided the village this morning, killing every man, woman and child on the streets. They stormed into the castle, putting a knife to Freya's throat, saying if I don't yield, they would cut everyone's throat but mine, I would be their whore, and they would fuck me in the blood of our family,

I asked them why they would want Nightwater, our only real supply is wool. They told me that we were the Stark's closest allies and getting rid of us, meant getting rid of the Stark's.

Thankfully, Uncle Iagen came in before they slit our little sister's throat and slit their throats. Uncle Iagen thinks that you should come home, as heir of Nightwater, you should be here ruling while Father is at war.

I hope you are safe my brother

Your sister, Bess.

"Does she expect me to drop everything just for House Kalvin?" I ask Thomas, he was Bess' closest ally and lover of the night.

Thomas shrugs, "It would seem your sister still believe that there is still tension between yours and your wife's houses,"

"House Stark is our family now, they are protecting us as much as we are protecting them, send a raven to my sister and tell there I am going to stay with my wife, child and brother-in-law, she can rule over Nightwater until Father get's back," I say coldly, thinking back to the painful childhood my older sister had given me.

"Bess won't like this, Bartholomew,"

I take in a sharp breath, "When she's fighting a war, she'll understand why I won't come back,"

Hey guys. This chapter marks the halfway point of this story, so I'm capping this off at 22 but I can guarantee, there will be a sequel, that I have planned out already. Next chapter shall be, a birth, maybe ;) Anyway, don't for get to vote and comment! It's much appreciated!

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