The Beheading of Rickard Karstark

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Quick note! I know this happened quite a while before Sansa and Tyrion's wedding but as I said in an earlier chapter that I will be altering the storyline quite a bit and events. I've also switched a few roles so like instead of some random speaking, it would be Bartholomew.

Princess Maria Stark (Kalvin) of the North

Talisa kneeled in front of the two dead Lannister boys she had tended to not long ago as Robb stood looking down angrily at them.

"Bring them in," Robb says, his tone cold as he holds his sword.

The guard nods his head at my brother before sending all the men that had to do with the murder of the two Lannister boys. Five men stumble in, I sit near Mother, who has a blank expression on her face whereas I look at the men and can't help but look at them with disgust.

"Is that all of them?" Robb asks, getting a nod from the soldier, "It took five of you to murder two unarmed squires?"

"Not murder, your Grace, vengence," Rickard Karstark says through his teeth.

"Vengence. Those boys didn't kill you sons, I saw Harrion die on the battlefield and Torren-"

Karstark finishes Robb's sentence, "Was strangled by the Kingslayer, they were his kids,"

"They were boys!" Robb shouts, his voice echoing all through the room.

I had not ever seen Robb so angry before, and Jon and I had done a lot to piss him off when we were Sansa or Arya's age. Even Rickard and Talisa were stunned by his sudden outburst.

"Look at them," Robb says, his voice now calm, but with a hint of sadness.

"Tell your mother to look at them," Karstark quickly says back, "She killed them as much as I,"

I've had enough, I stand up from where I was sitting next to Mother and slap Rickard Karstark hard across the face, "My mother had nothing to do with this," I spat as his feet, "This was your treason,"

"Its treason to free your enemies, in war you kill your enemies did your father not teach that girl?"

Bartholomew was quick to punch him in the face, I give him a small grin before wiping the smile off of my face. 

"Leave him," Robb says to Bartholomew and I, making me sit back next to Mother.

"Aye, leave me to the king, he wants to give me a scoldin' before he sets me free, that's how he deals with treason," Rickard looks to Bartholomew and I before he rises to face Robb, "Ah, King of the North, or should I call him, The King who lost the North,"

Mother looks up at Robb, his facial expression was blank and cold, "Escort Lord Karstark to the dungeon, hang the rest,"

"Mercy Ser! I didn't kill anyone! I was a watch for the guards!" One of the four other men speaks up, only making his rope tighter for him when he is hung.

"This one is only the watcher," Robb says to the guards, "Hang him last so he can watch the others die,"

You can hear the man's pleas get quieter and quieter and he gets dragged further and further away.

"Word of this can't leave Riverrun," Bartholomew says to Robb, holding his fist, "They were Tywin Lannister's nephews, the Lannisters always pay their debts, they never stop talking about it,"

"Would you make me a liar as well as a murderer?" Robb says, sitting down infront of his battle plan.

"It wouldn't be lying," Bartholomew argues back, "We will bury them and remain silent, til the war is done,"

"I'm not fighting for justice if I don't serve justice to murderers in my ranks no matter how highborn," Robb spits and my husband, making Mother and I both stand, "He has to die,"

"The Karstarks are Northmen, they won't forgive the killing of their Lord," Mother says, trying to give my brother the best advice possible.

"Your Mother's right," Talisa speaks up, "If you do this the Karstarks will abandon you,"

"You tended to their wounds, you brought them supper, now they're dead," Robb says coldy, it would seem that everybody in the room was against him but me.

"And more boys will keep dying until this war is over. You need Karstark men to end it," She argues back.

"Spare his life, keep him as a hostage," Mother says in agreement with Talisa.

"A hostage," Bartholomew nods his head, "Tell the Karstarks that as long as they remain loyal, he will not be harmed,"

Robb looks to me, "What if he had murdered Bran or Rickon?" I say, making Robb smile, but everyone else frown, "They are someone's son and they were innocent boys. If they were Bran and Rickon I know for a fact that you would have the murderer's head in a heartbeat,"

My brother nods his head at me, before drawing his sword.

*   *   *

It was raining now, Robb and I both stood near Rickard Karstark as everyone else stood under cover.

"The blood of the first men run through my veins, as much as yours, children. I fought the Mad King for your father. I fought Joffrey for you. For you our king, Stark and Karstark," Rickard says to us, not being bothered by the rain.

"That didn't stop you from betraying me, and it won't save you now," Robb sneers at him.

"I didn't want you to save me, I wanted to haunt you to the end of your days," 

"Kneel my Lord," I say, fighting the urge not slap him again.

Rickard Karstark does what I say, and prepares for Robb to take his head.

"Rickard Karstark, Lord of Karhold, here in sight of Gods and Men I sentence you to die. Would you speak a final word?" Robb asks, holding his sword like Father used to hold Ice.

I had only seen Father behead one person, when I was six, I had nightmares for weeks and I couldn't look at Father without screaming.

"Kill me and be cursed, you are no king of mine," Karstark had angered Robb and as he was finishing his sentence Robb rose his sword and took his head off with one single swing.

He throws his sword to the ground and clenches his fists, me running quickly behind him trying to take in what had just happened.

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