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Jamiee's POV*****

I left work like half hour late than normal, today was a really rough day but I'm just glad to be going home, hoping mark didn't come home tonight I know it sounds weird not wanting him home but i really could do without seeing his face for the night I was not in the mood for the arguing, stucked in traffic I had the ac on and the music cracked at a low volume playing Justin Timberlake don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me. Out of no where the rain started tearing heavily, I groaned  coming up to the turn to head towards my home I flashed my indicators signaling my turn, I wasn't far from work I was glad, just needed a hot bath now quickly and some sleep, my sleek black bmw x6 made its way slowly on the road,I started singing along to the song continuing onward, beep my phone got a message, thinking it's Cara I looked to see a message from mark

Husband😊: honey I forgot to tell you I have meetings out of town for a few days.
Me: oh okay, be safe see you when you get back

*end of messages

I sighed putting my phone on silent, I just felt nothing at all, I'm glad he out there getting some he sure wasn't getting nun from me, coming up closer to home I turned on the final road and almost immediately saw a figure hands out indicating me to stop Now I really wasn't gonna stop I was bout to press my foot on the gas but my eyes quickly saw that it was a female figure and a face that I had almost forgotten about... It was her..

Pulling up I got my windows down and she came up, "hey thank God I was about to foot it back to the nearest main, my car ran out of gas" she breathes out,I could see she was trembling and drenched from the rain  ,she obviously didn't realize it was me as she wasn't even lookin at me all she was doing was muttering and cussing as the cold wind bit her, "hey its cool I can give u back a lift to the nearest gas station get in" I replied wondering why the fuck am I helping ,I'm so close to home I sighed, she opened the passenger door and I see her hesitate "I don't wanna wet your seats" she stated " hey its no prob I'll just change cars tomorrow" I didn't wanna sound like a snob but I just wanted to move from where we were, she got in and I went into reverse doing a turn so gangsta like she snapped her gaze to me only then realizing who was helping, "holy shyt were did u learn to drive like that?!" She asked gripping the dash board to steady herself as the turn threw her forward, I chuckled as in response, "miss Sullivan thanks so much for your help,do u think Roxi is gon be OK there though?!" She asked, I glanced over "who is Roxi?" She grinned "my car" I started laughing at the fact she named her car,assuring her that her car will be fine we continued the rest of drive in silence, I peeked at her from sideways, she was so beautiful and well built damn she was attractive and I felt a heat running through me at the very thought of how her nipples looked so stiff through the wet clothes she had on,she must be cold I thought, moving to turn the ac off,she glanced at me but said nothing and I continued driving lost in my thoughts filled with confusion.

Alexis POV****

OK so the last person I expected to show up was Jamiee, and so willing to assist too, it took us almost half hour just to get to the gas station and get some gas then head back to my car,the silence in her car was annoying me, "my name is Alexis, but u can call me Alex" I stated, she seemed surprise to have the silence broken and I started to think maybe I shouldn't have said anything, but she spoke "ohh that's a nice name, why should I call you Alex tho?" She asked glancing over at me, I didn't answer right away, couldn't she tell by looking that I was a gay ass sitting beside her, I wondered if she homophobic but then my mind ran back to our eye locking from earlier and I thought hell naa she ain't homo, I realized I didn't answer and she was waiting, " I dunno" I shrugged, "I just rather Alex more than alexis" I replied looking at her,she seem to think it over " well ok then Alex it is" was her only reply. We were getting closer to my car and I was a bit disappointed, I wanted to talk to her,strike up a convo!!!! My mind screamed at me but my punk ass sat right in the seat lips wouldn't budge to say another word, I bit my lips and caught her looking from the corner of her eyes, we came up to my car and I stepped out realizing how cold my ass was with the wet clothes on me and the stinging rain and heavy breeze,pouring the gas in I glanced up caught her watching me, she looked away and I smirked enjoying the little blush that spread across her cheek when she got caught,throwing the bottle in the trunk,I ran up to her window,"miss Sullivan thank you so much for your help I appreciate it,can I buy u lunch sometime?" She seemed pretty surprise I asked,hell I was even surprise myself, "ummm I'm pretty hungry now,how about u buy me dinner?" Now that was a shock to me but ain't no way I was gon say no, "where do you want to go?" She started laughing,I started getting mad,cmon I was In the rain getting drenched,she seemed to remember, "u gonna take me to dinner soaked like that?" I looked at her, "follow me" was all I said before getting in my car and driving off,looking in the mirror to see her pulling off and driving behind me.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now