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Cara's POV****

Its been a week since the incident at the office, of course the media had a field day spreading the news making it seem worse than it actually was,at the hospital the doctors allowed jaimee to go home however she didn't go to Alexis house instead she went to hers and I had to wonder if everything was okay,she insisted that she was fine so I didn't bother to pressure her,alexis woke after four days of sleep,she kept on asking for jaimee but jaimee never showed,I was now on my way to Jamiee's place needing to speak with her to ask her what's up as she wasn't answering my calls or alexis mom's call,Emily was at my place,she also had not gone to see Alexis as yet.what was up with these two I muttered to myself pulling up in Jamiee's drive way seeing Mark's car there I pulled up behind his and got out sighing hoping jaimee would actually talk to me.

At the doorway I was about to knock but the door swung open and mark paused as he saw me,
"Cara hey sup" he greeted me pulling me in for a hug,he was always a hugger I grinned,
"I'm just here to check on jaimee where is she?" I told him seeing how his face fell,
"She is in the living room,I was about to go get something for her to eat,go on and talk to her....and cara..." He paused looking at me,folding my arms I looked at him waiting for him to finish,
"I know you guys are best friend and all but please she is really moody promise me you will tread carefully and not push her to talk to you if she doesn't want to" he continued sounding genuinely concerned, how bad was she, I thought. I nodded to mark and he left, going in I closed the door and headed for the living room, the place was a mess, everything was thrown about, there were several boxes of tissues which means she has been crying alot,untouched pizza boxes was there, and jaimee was in the midst of it all curled on the couch in an oversize tshirt and her underwear, I went over and sat beside her startling her a bit but she relaxed when she saw that it was me,
"Hey babe" I reached out to remove the hair from her face,her eyes closed she didn't answer,
"I'm not gonna ask if you are okay, I can see that you aren't, wanna talk about it?" I asked as gently as I could, still no answer, i know mark said don't push her but I really wanted to know what's wrong with her,she was fine a few days ago now this,she sniffs and sighs deeply and I waited for her to say something, after five minutes of silence I tried again to talk to her,
"Cmon jaimee,tell me what's wrong" I nudged her a bit,
"I love her" she murmured sounding a bit hoarse she cleared her throat,
"Okay you love her so what jaimee?" I was confused, but I was also patient so I waited for her to talk to me more,silence again then she sighed,
"Emily loves her too"her voice broke a bit but she continued,
"Emily loves her alot,she came there to win her back and ended up saving her life,she saved her, they deserve to be together" she started sobbing again,I rubbed her back gently pulling her close to me so her head was against my shoulder, somehow the thought of emily and alexis back together did not please me but I ignored it as this was not about me right now,I was trying to understand the point jaimee was trying to prove,
"I don't fit cara,I just think emily will be better for alexis,they are the same age,emily may be able to have kids I can't...." Her voice trailed off and it dawned on me,she was seriously trying to think of reasons why she wasn't right for Alexis, I've never seen jaimee lose confidence like this before,I wanted to shake some sense into her,standing up abruptly which startled her I began to pace,she watched me,I took a deep breath remembering my promise to mark,she started to talk but I held up my hands,stopping her immediately.
"Look you little twit!" I began almost smiling as I heard the nickname roll off my tongue,I only called her that when I was not pleased with her,
"Stop questioning your value and your worth jaimee,alexis loves you,I'm sure of that,whether you can have kids or not,whether you are her age or not,that girl is crazy about you,and you would be stupid if you walked away from her because of insecurities cmon jaimee!!" I didn't mean to yell but I really needed her to know that I meant what I was saying.
"Now you are gonna get your ass from this couch,go shower you smell,put on something sexy and go see your girl at the hospital, she has  been waiting" I continued not waiting to see if she would comply I began grabbing stuff cleaning up and ignored her completely,she sighed and got up moving from the living room,my back Still turned I heard her bedroom door open, listening even more intently I heard her shower turning on and I gotta admit I couldn't stop the victorious grin from breaking out on my face.

One hour later and jaimee was still in her room,mark came back and  thanked me for cleaning,we stood there talking a bit until someone cleared their throat behind us, jaimee was there looking stunning as ever, looking cool and collected like she wasn't just teary eyed a few moments before,mark went over and pulled her into a big bear hug,she wrapped her arms around him and they just stood there rocking each other, I couldn't help but think how great they would have been together with each other had their hearts been in the right place for their marriage, mark pulled away and I could see concern on his face,
"Are you okay?" He asked examining her,even with me I swear at times he was like a concerned big brother, she nodded and he looked at me and smiled,
"Thank you" he mouthed to me,I grinned,
"All in a day's work" I replied,jaimee looked at me with a confused expression, maybe wondering what or who I was talking with,I shrugged at her glance and she rolled her eyes and stepped away heading for the door,mark chuckled,
"See ya" I laughed going to hug mark then left behind my angry best friend.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now