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Jamiee's POV*****

Its been days since Alexis has been back from the hospital and the message that I saw In her phone was still on my mind, it bothered me,I wanted to ask her about it but what would I say,should I say hey guess what I saw a message Christine sent,so did u really fuck someone?? The thought of Alexis in someone else's arms had me groaning from annoyance,
"Jaimee are you okay?" Alexis mom asked me, I had totally forgotten that company was still here,I nodded to her still not completely back from my train of thoughts, sighing I got up from the couch and headed for the door needing some fresh air. I headed for my car and sent mark a message to meet up at home seeing him respond that he was there already I got in and drove off forgetting to tell alexis that I was leaving or letting her mom know.

A few hours after I pulled up In my drive way not realizing how much I missed the place,I haven't been home for a while, getting out I headed for indoors. Once I got in the smell of Mark's cooking drifted up to me, heading for the kitchen I stopped when I got to the doorway leaning up to watch him shuffling around the kitchen, why didn't I ever tried loving him I thought, we came a long way as business partners and I still only saw him as a really good friend that had my back no matter what. Sighing I went up to him and hugged His waist startling him
"Dammit jaimee you tryna get me to shit myself?" He cursed and I giggled,
"Wouldn't that have been funny" I teased walking over to the fridge to pour myself some orange juice, I went over to grab a seat so I could watch him and talk to him,with his back still turnt to me he Began drilling me,
"So what's wrong?" He asked as he grabbed seasoning and began chopping them,
"What makes you think something is wrong?" I asked crossing my leg and frowning at his back, did everyone automatically knew when something was up with me? I wondered.
"Well firstly you have that I need to talk look, secondly you look like you haven't slept in a while, hey grab that meat from tha fridge for me will ya" he stated all at once still not looking at me, I went over to the fridge getting the chicken and handing it to him before settling back in my seat,I began to tell him of the past few days, alexis accident,the stranger who tried to hurt her,the message that she got, by the time I was at the end of my story the tears flowed freely from my eyes,mark must have heard my voice break because he came over and pulled me in a tight hug,
"Shhhh its gonna be OK," he murmured in my hair kissing me on my forehead, I swear he was like an older brother,
"Everything is just so overwhelming right now" I sniffed into his shoulder, my muscles relaxed slowly when he started to rub my back soothingly, we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind us, spinning around to see that alexis had joined us in the kitchen, the look on her face however was that of pure anger,I realized then that I was still in Mark's arms, my eyes took her in,she looked so good in her boy shorts and T-shirt, the majority of her bruises were now gone and she no longer limped when she walked,also her lower abdomen was still wrapped in bandages but she was coming on just fine, snapping from my thoughts I slowly moved from Mark's arms ignoring the chuckle that he did when he pulled me right back up to him, alexis glared at us,
"I'm sorry I didn't know I was interrupting something" she growled and I grimaced at her tone,mark laughed and this only infuriated Alexis,
"Jaimee I need to talk with you" she stated annoyance dripping In her voice, I was about to move from marks embrace but he didn't budge one bit narrowing his eyes at alexis who in turn narrowed her eyes at me,
"Will you two cut it out,mark I know you are only acting this way because of what I told you but can you chill please?" I pleaded sighing with relief as he released his grip on me.
"Fine, go talk to her but just remember I'm right here if you need me" he turned back to his cooking and I followed Alexis to the living room dropping in the couch facing her,
"So you wanna talk, then talk" I told her sternly.
"Why did you leave and not tell me?" I shrugged at her question,
"Jaimee what's wrong?" She came over to sit beside me taking my hands in hers,I wanted to pull away but I didn't,
"Jaimee" she started again but I held up my hands signaling for her to be quiet,
"Why did you sleep with Christina?" I snarled not able to hold it back anymore,I could feel her tense beside me,
"Jaimee..I...umm.." She started but nothing came out and my eyes again began to tear up from her lack of words,
"Fuck Alexis, I thought we were OK" I laughed nervously getting up to pace the floor,
"Jaimee..." She started again but once again I stopped her,
"It hurts Alexis" I whispered watching as she got up to pull me in her arms wordlessly, I cried,clinging on to her my shoulders shook from crying really hard against her, she stayed silent and just allowed me to calm down,my crying soon turned into sobs and my hands fisted against her shoulders,
"I'm sorry jaimee I'm so so sorry,what happened with Christine was a mistake,I didn't fuck her honestly I didn't,but she gave me head,I'm not gon lie" she told me holding me tight preventing me from pulling away,
"That doesn't make me feel any better Alexis," I told her,
"I know I know, babe I'm sorry" she whispered and we stayed like that for a few, me in her arms while she had her hands rubbing my hair and comforting me,she pulled me down in the couch,and I sighed feeling my eyes getting heavy I drifted off into  sleep.

I don't know how long I slept but I woke to the sound of arguing coming from the kitchen,realizing that it was mark and Alexis I hurried up to the kitchen hearing them clearly as I got closer,
"You are a dumb fuck, why would you do that?!" Mark yelled,I cringed at how angry he sounded,
"I don't know why I did it fuck!!!" That was definitely alexis,I walked into the kitchen causing them both to snap their gaze on me and go silent,
"Hey" they both said together then glared at each other,i almost smiled at their pettiness, alexis came over to pull me in her arms but I stopped her,
"Alexis you need to go home" I told her not making eye contact,
"Come with me" she asked but I shook my head,
"Then I'm not leaving" she stated stubbornly,I rolled my eyes,
"Then I'll leave" I warned her turning to head for the door but she placed her hands on me stopping me in my tracks,
"Jaimee please" her voice sounded desperate,I turned to face her eyes narrowed at her,
"I just need some space Alexis please don't smother me" fully aware that mark was watching us with an amused expression on his face,I ignored him.
"Jaimee I don't want to leave you here" she stated
"Alexis when I needed you to stay with me,you went out and got comfort from someone else" I told her feeling my eyes about to tear up again, Alexis took two strides towards me and pulled me back into her embrace,I blinked back the tears then pushed away from her,
"Please will u just leave" I told her again and she nodded,
"I'm really sorry jaimee,please just know that I am" she whispered kissing me briefly on my lips and turning to leave glaring at mark who still stood there with the amused expression on his face. I leaned back against the counter inhaling deeply then turning my eyes to meet Mark's gaze,
"What?" I asked him
"Why did you ask her to leave" he asked coming over to sit beside me,
"I just need to not be around her right now mark" I shrugged, he sighed,
"Jaimee you love her don't you?" My eyes slammed shut as I felt the lump forming In my throat,I nodded and mark sighed again,
"I guess now is not a good time to talk about us divorcing and splitting things between us?" He laughed nervously running his hand through his hair which instantly reminded me of alexis,
"Naa its okay,let's get down to business shall we" I told him heading for the fridge while he went to dish out food for us to eat and paper works. For the rest of the night we sorted out everything business wise, it amazed me how much we accomplished as a team together, mark would have given me everything but I felt it was only fair for him to have something to leave for his child, at the end I was left with most of the businesses to my runnings, and our house. We talked about what we were going to do and then mark went to talk on his phone leaving me alone to be in my thoughts.  All I could think about was alexis and she was the last person on my mind before I found myself drifting off back to sleep.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now