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Alexis POV***

Jaimee jaimee jaimee!!!! My mind chanted, so tight... So fucking sexy.. So hot...I groaned and placed my hand in my head begging my inner voice to shut the hell up,
"Someone is quiet today" Rita stepped up to my station with emily,glad for the distraction I spun to face her winking at Emily who blushed in return
"Sup bitch!" Rita said popping her gum I rolled my eyes,
" you tell me heifer, wassup Emily damn you look sexy today" I smiled and rita snapped her fingers,
"Focus here lover boy, we going out tonight you wanna join?"  I thought for a moment thinking about jaimee, " naa I'm sorry I have family at home I can't right now" I lied, I really didn't wanna go anywhere but home to jaimee, I noticed Emily's face fell when I said I couldn't go and I felt bad, grabbing her hands I dragged her down in my lap and spun the chair with Her earning a giggle from Emily, "I'll make it up to you OK I promise" I whispered knowing it was going to irritate rita,Emily smiled "promise me it won't be long I'm sexually starved" Emily whispered back, grabbing my face and kissing me deeply, Rita started making gagging sounds behind us and I rolled my eyes "don't you have somewhere to be Rita?"

"Yeah but not without Emily" rita replied grabbing Emily and marching off,I grinned and sighed running my hand through my hair, "my my that was quite a show you two put on" someone behind me stated and I spun to see Cara standing further away arms folded "Alexis right?"
She asked
"Yeah" I answered
"You got a pretty girlfriend there" she smirked and I felt uncomfortable knowing Jaime's friend saw me making out with Emily,even though I knew she didn't know jaimee was at my place, "yeah I guess I do" wait...what??? The fuck did I say that for,she smiled and walked away giving me a wink. I groaned and dropped my head into my hand,I can't wait for the weekend to not be at work.

The minute work was over I left, hiding from Rita and Emily not wanting to be delayed, I wanted to get home,shower and cook for jaimee maybe give her a massage,spend the night cuddling and watching movies.she has been into my thoughts all day,and I needed her, I've never felt like this not even with grace,its like jaimee woke up some deep dark longing in me and I wanted to explore on my feelings. I stopped to get cake and ice cream on the way,smiling and humming I must have been speeding cause I got home in under a hour and a half,when I pulled my car up I realized Jamiee's car was not there,maybe she went to the store I thought, jumping out I went to check on Bruno,of course he was OK she made sure of it, getting in I placed the cake and ice cream in the fridge and got in the shower wanting to start cooking before jaimee got back. I haven't checked my phone all day so I did skipping Emily's messages telling me she missed me,I saw Jamiee's name and I smiled seeing that i still had her number stored as lifesaver as that was how she saved it,pulling her message to read it I started to frown

Lifesaver😍😛😘: Alexis I'm sorry my husband Mark came back and I had to go home,I've been running from my responsibilities for quite some time and I need to go sort some stuff out,please forgive me I shall miss you and thank you for giving me a place to stay. I'll be seeing you at work.

My chest crushed with disappointment, I'll be seeing you at work!!!! What the fuck, was I just an employee then who Gave her somewhere to stay and some good head. I winced at the feeling that was flowing through me,it was anger but something else,shrugging I took my phone out and made a call,
"Hey babe" Emily picked up on the first ring,
"My family is gone,wanna come over?" I asked dropping in the couch
"You know I want to,I'll be there in a hour" Emily said excitement lacing her voice, I hung up and folded my arms behind my head closing my eyes and waiting patiently for Emily. Fuck jaimee,she had to go home to her husband why should I be here feeling down when she has her priorities straight already, I will not get hooked on a married woman I hissed to myself. But why did I still feel so crushed.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now