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Jamiee's POV****

I was annoyed, everything was annoying me,Emily,Cara,hell even alexis.. This situation was getting way more complicated than I thought it would be and I felt like my feelings were spiraling out of control for Alexis,I loved her,I don't know how it happened but it did now what am I to do about it? Should I tell her?what if she doesn't feel the same? I rubbed my head and groaned at the growing pain that was forming there,hearing a knock at my door I looked up to see Alexis,my eyes strayed to the clock on the wall it was two hours since I Gave her additional work to do,knowing she would have to stay back, its a bitchy move yes But I would have done anything to keep her in my sight and too busy for Emily, I raised my eyebrows at her nodding for her to come in,she did, I saw her closing the office door and drawing all the blinds leaving us locked in and away from all prying eyes,
"What are you doing?" I asked hating how my voice trembled,this effect she had on me,was also fuckin annoying, I got more nervous the closer she got to me,she held out her hands and I took it hesitantly gasping as she pulled me in her arms and crushed her lips to mine, I melted almost immediately opening my mouth and giving her access as my arms snaked around her neck and hers wrapped around my waist pulling me in closer, the kiss deepened and my knees wobbled as I rocked into the kiss,she lifted me and placed me to sit on my desk with her standing between my legs,I bit back a moan as she pulled away to attack my neck with kisses and love bites,suddenly she pulled away abruptly and I whimpered trying to tug her back to me,my eyes opened to meet her gaze and my heart hammered in my chest as her gaze slammed into mine, her eyes were darken with desire and something else I couldn't quite tell but I got all tingly looking into her eyes,I cleared my throat and looked away.
"Soooo did u really have to give me all that work to keep me busy and away from Emily?" She asked chuckling, my eyes grew wide, did I mention how annoying it was that she seem to see through anything I did, i held my gaze down not wanting to make eye contact, her hands cupped my chin forcing me to look up,
"Don't worry babe,its okay,I'll punish you later" she teased and brushed her thumb over my lips,I involuntarily moaned as desire went through me,I knew what she meant when she said she would punish me, my boobs stiffened in my bra in anticipation and I could feel myself getting wet already, she seemed to know because she chuckled and moved away sitting in the couch that was on the far side of my desk, she looked at me and my body responded automatically,I walked over to her and went in her lap,my legs were at both her sides as I sat facing her knowing she loved when she could kiss my lips and see my cleavage. I leaned forward so we were chest to chest and buried my face into her neck, we sat there in silence and her hands played in my hair lazily,
"Babe?" I called out loving the sound of calling her that,
"Mhm?" She answered
"I want to tell Cara about us" I whispered,she tensed ever so slightly,
"Why?" Was her question,
"I feel bad hiding us from her and having her drool over you is not comforting" I was being honest.she laughed at that and I pulled away looking her square in the eye,
"Its not funny,I'm serious" yet she continued laughing, I was about to remove myself from her lap and she  held me tight making it impossible for me to move.
"Babe ur so adorable when you are jealous,I'm sorry I'll stop laughing" she grinned and I wanted to slap her topside her head, however at the same moment my office door swung open and in stepped Cara, dammit I forgot she had a spare key for my office,I felt Alexis tense again,Cara stood there staring at us her mouth hung open in disbelief, well there goes Me wanting to tell her, I nodded towards the door indicating for her to close it not even bothering to move from my position,she did,then she turned and folded her arms looking at me,Alexis shifted but I sat there turning slightly so I was sideways in Alexis lap and was able to look at them both,
"I feel like a school girl who got caught by her mom" I stated and started to laugh, this seemed to relax the air in the room,
"Haha" Cara said dryly,she looked at us and I looked at her trying to read her expression however she knew I would so she kept it blank,
"We were just talking about you" I started, she rolled her eyes, I continued
"Seriously we were honestly talking about you,to tell you about us" her eyes narrowed at me,
"Oh so u guys are an item,you said us, how long has this been going on for?" She asked moving to sit at my desk,
"A few months now," I glanced at Alexis while I spoke,she had leaned back to her position eyes closed apparently leaving me to do all the talking, I pinched her arms but she paid Me no mind,
"And you couldn't have told me, geez jaimee I thought we were better than this,I even flirted with her, I would have never done that if I knew she was yours" I grinned at that statement and I heard Alexis chuckle and then butted in interrupting us,
"Hey I didnt mind the flirting" she grinned and I punched her, Cara watched us,
"Does Emily know?" We stopped playing around and gave her our attention,
"I think she suspects but to be fair she came in the picture after I already knew I wanted jaimee" Alexis stated and I looked at her surprised,
" really?" I asked,she shrugged
"I knew I had to have you from the first night you took me to get gas" she declared and looked at me showing all her unsaid emotions in one look, I felt a lump form in my throat as I held her gaze, dammmnnn I was getting emotional, I've never felt like this before, Cara snapped her fingers,
"Y'all are cute, but jaimee I'm hurt you didn't fill me in and Alexis Emily loves you dearly you need to let her move on,tell her so she can stop holding on to the thought that she stands a chance anymore" I knew what cara was saying made sense, so taking a deep breath I did what she wanted, I filled her in on everything and she sat there listening not interrupting, I even told her about mark and I, with him finding out, Alexis stalker, the notes,the pictures, I felt overwhelmed just talking about it so Alexis took over while I got up to pace the room.
"Damn" was all Cara said, leaning back to absorb the information after Alexis was through talking, there was silence then Cara broke it
"This is a lot to take in, I'm sorry this happened to you guys" she stated,we nodded,
"But wait did you guys ever thought it was me?" She asked but neither of us answered,
"Unbelievable" she muttered looking hurt,
"Waiitt does your mom know about this?" She blurted out and I sighed,
"No not yet" I answered,she nodded not needing to say anything further.
There was silence for a brief moment which was interrupted by a knock on the door,I opened it to see a guy standing there, he seemed to be a janitor, I had hardly opened the door and my frame was blocking him from seeing inside but I could have sworn I saw his eyes trying to see past me to sweep the room, he looked familiar, where did I see him before I wondered to myself,
"Can I help you?" I asked him with a frown on my face which generally intimidated all my employees however he didn't falter under my gaze, his features hardened and he looked at me with genuine disgust, I almost took a step back from him,for a second I thought I imagined it because in the blink of an eye his features had changed again and he looked somewhat pleasant. This guy was really giving me the creeps,he smiled,
"I'm sorry I was just coming to do my rounds" he stated,
"Are you new?" I asked firmly,I couldn't shake the feeling he looked really familiar,
"Yes ma'am I am new,rick Sullivan is the name" he drawled,I nodded and told him to come back within the next half hour, dismissing him I went back inside to cara and Alexis Still not able to shake the weird vibe I got from Rick Sullivan. It was really late in the night while curled up eating ice cream and watching Alexis playing her video game that it dawned on me, rick Sullivan was the guy who stumbled into Alexis when we were leaving her neighbor's crime scene..... The guy that held her to prevent her from falling then watched her with his eyes till she got in the house, the wheels in my head were spinning overtime, it must be  a coincidence right, it had to be, why else would he be showing up each moment where ever Alexis was. I decided that I definitely will be doing some digging on him further and keeping him under observation, after all that's happening I felt like I needed to be more aware and cautious for both me and Alexi,my thoughts were interrupted by Alexis as she came over me teasing me with her kisses,all thoughts of the rick creep got swept away as I allowed her to  take my ice cream from me and then allowed her to strip us both,I sighed blissfully as I succumbed to the pleasure that was being applied to my body by Alexis.

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now