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Alexis POV****

Jaimee felt a bit distant, I knew she had a lot on her mind but I would have really preferred for her to speak with me and let me know whatever was on her mind, I felt left out as I watched her mark and Cara chatting up a storm on my couch. Since jaimee and I weren't sure who was watching us we stayed in mostly so mark and Cara would come to visit us and we would just chill. Today though I was feeling moody and out of place with the pair of them, getting up I excused myself and heading to the bedroom feeling the need for space,I felt really bored,I understand being cautious but locked away in the house like this was really taking a toll on me,I grabbed my car keys and was about to turn to leave when I noticed jaimee in the doorway arms folded looking at me, she came in and closed the bedroom door,
"What's wrong?" She asked coming up to stand before me,I refused to look at her,sighing she turned my face to meet her gaze,
"Nothing,I just need to get out a little" I told her,she sighed
"Can I come with you?" She asked timidly,I shook my head indicating no, kissing her cheeks I moved around her and left the room,mark and Cara looked at me and I just nodded and smiled at them, the fresh air hit my face as I opened the door and I inhaled it deeply heading for my car, my phone rang and I looked at it to see jaimee calling, I ignored and got in the car driving away feeling contented to just be out, even though I was out alone, I headed to a popular gay bar that I haven't been in forever, its where I met Christina. I got there within a hour,closing my car I went inside smiling as the rock music engulfed me. The place was really jumping tonight I mused to myself as I got a spot at the bar signaling the bartender to take my order,as she got closer I realized it was the same bartender and she hasn't changed a bit,
"Alex oh my gosh you jerk I haven't seen you in forever!!!" She squealed practically jumping with glee,I chuckled, yeah I missed this scenario I had to admit, she got me a beer and we chatted a little before I felt hands snaked around my waist,I jumped and turned to see Christina looking all good in a strapless red dress that slightly clung to her showing her curves,
"Fancy seeing you here" she giggled and hugged me, I hugged her back and watched as she came to take a seat beside me,
"I just needed to take a breather" I told her shrugging as I downed the last of my beer and signaled the bartender for something else to drink,
"Same here" she told me and there was a comfortable silence between us as we listened to the music, a question popped up in my mind and before I could stop myself I blurted out
"You never told me why you left" I asked facing her to watch her features but her expression remained blank,
"I'll rather not talk about that" she told me jumping down from the stool and heading to the restroom, I jumped from my stool and followed her slapping the door with my hand to prevent her from locking it,I barged in startling the girls in the bathroom,
"Out!!" I glared at them and they scrambled out frightened,I closed the door after checking the stalls to see we were alone.
"Why the fuck won't you talk to me?" I demanded,
"Because I can't,because I'm scared of what he would do to me again!!!" She yelled and I stepped back, huh?
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled back ignoring the knocks on the door, the pounding continued and I knew it wouldn't stop so I flung open the door to dismiss anyone there, only to see my bouncer friend Barry,
"Alex Mann I haven't seen you forever, is everything OK?" He asked looking around the room and back at me , I nodded
" hey Barry,everything is good can you gimme a sec in here?" I asked him
"Sure thing Mann take your time I'll close off this section and open the bathrooms on the otherside OK" he replied and I grinned slipping him a few dollars I closed the door then turned back to Christina, she was a bit calm so I walked over to her taking her hands in mine I pulled her in closer,
"Talk to me" I told her and she did,she told me about this guy by the name of Daniel, how he showed up after we started dating and threatened her to stop seeing me,she didn't and he returned, she told me of what he did to her,over and over. My eyes filled with tears as I listened, who the fuck was Daniel I thought long and hard, she sobbed in my shoulders and I allowed the tears to flow down my cheeks, we cried together,
"Im sorry,I'm so sorry,this would have never happened had I not come in your life" I cried uncontrollable and within seconds I felt her lips crushing against mine, her hands slipped around my neck as she deepened the kiss and I responded pulling her closer my hands wrapped around her waist. We stood there kissing each other until I had to pull away for air,she didn't stop however her lips landed on my neck as she began kissing and nipping against my skin,my breathing went uneven,I should stop her,I know I should but I didn't, memories flooded me of how it was with us, she would always take control and I was powerless to resist, her hand slipped to my jeans and before I knew it she pulled my belt and buttons slipping her hands inside to rub me through my underwear, I gasped and held onto her hands stopping her,
"I can't" I panted
"Why not?" She asked tugging my jeans off me,I kicked my shoes off and my jeans pulling off my underwear as well,
"There is someone in the picture" I spoke again not sure if I was trying to remind myself or discourage her but she didn't stop,she backed me up to the sink, lifting me so I sat on the edge, I couldn't believe this was about to happen I thought as I watched her kneeling before me,I groaned when her lips covered my clit and my head threw back as the pleasure swept through me. My hands gripped her hair and I pressed her face closer to my heat as I grinded against her,within minutes I was trembling from my orgasm. She pulled away smirking at me as I tried to stand up on my wobbly legs,
" there is someone in my picture too,doesn't mean we can't have closure" she grinned at me as I started to get my clothing, I paused and looked at her, thinking about what she told me,
" hey I'm really sorry,I wish you had told me this earlier" I sighed,she nodded
" I could have but I didn't, its okay though, who is he to you ?" She asked as I got dressed, I shrugged
"I have no idea, I don't know any Daniel's nor do I know who would want to hurt anyone for me,I don't do guys so who the fuck is he?" I hissed more to myself than to her,she came over to me hugging me briefly,kissing me on my lips I could taste myself on her, she pulled away,
"You have never ever been with a guy?" She asked eyebrows raised at me,I shook my head indicating no,
"Not even once?" She asked in disbelief, I paused again as a very old buried memory pushed its way to the surface, there was one guy I grimaced at the thought, he took my virginity back in highschool at a party, but it was a stupid bet for me to go through with and I was young and naive, I basically kicked him out the next morning telling him the truth and knowing right there that I was truly gay as I did not enjoy myself at all,what was his name again? I groaned as I tried to remember his name but couldn't.
"Hey are you okay?" Christina asked, I nodded and went to the face basin to wash my face,my phone rang again, it was jaimee And again I ignored it,
"Your girlfriend?" Christina asked yet another question and I felt annoyed which I quickly dismissed feeling guilty of what she went through because of me,I nodded
"You better get going" she told me,
"Do you want Me to take you home?" I asked her,
"No I don't think that's smart, Im staying with friends just follow me to them" she stated opening the door we stepped out into the noisy area, I followed her to her friends making her promise to be careful, hugging her tightly to me before turning to leave. I stopped to pay my tab and talked with Barry a little before heading for my car and pulling out to start my journey home.
Twenty minutes in my journey I felt the weirdest feeling like I was not alone in my car, I tried not to panic or alarm myself being afraid to look in the rearview mirror, knowing that someone was definitely in the car with me behind me I could feel the presence,swallowing I looked up slowly my eyes coming In contact with my unwelcomed visitor gaze, I slammed on the brakes hearing the car behind me tires squeal as the driver swung away to prevent running into me,I could hear the swearing and cursing of the driver as he drove away,my unwelcomed visitor arms shot around the headrest holding a gun at my head.
"Drive" he growled in my ears and I pressed my foot on the gas looking up once again to meet his gaze,I couldn't really see him in the dark,
"So we meet again" he drawled lazily climbing over the middle section to sit in the passenger seat gun still aimed at me,I gasped when I could see him clearly, this was the guy who saved me from falling when I was leaving my neighbors crime scene.
"Who are you?" I asked calmly, he scowled at me,
"You don't even recognize me" he sounded so sad but I didn't care,
"Who are you?" I asked again,
"I'm Brian.... Brian Adams," my eyes widened as the name triggered my memories of him, I broke his heart over a stupid bet but also because I felt nothing when I had sex with him,I was gay,he just got caught up in the web of me testing my theories and being a teenager,I would have never imagined my teenage years coming back to catch up on me,
"So I take it you remember me" he snarled I nodded as I continued driving thinking of how to get out of this situation,
"What do u want?" I asked proud of myself that my voice didn't tremble even though I felt like I was about to pee on myself from being so scared,
"I want you to hurt,like you made me hurt,I want you to cry and bleed like I cried and cut myself after the most popular girl in school takes my virginity and rejects me after" he continued bragging how he kept tabs on me over the years,my eyes darted over where we were thinking of escaping, I felt nauseous when he bragged about christina but felt even more nauseous when he made mention of jaimee and what he wanted to do to her,I side glanced him noticing the gun wasnt pointed at me anymore,without thinking I lunged at him successfully knocking the gun from his hands causing the car to swerve,he hissed as he tried reaching for the gun but I swerved the car again making it slide from him, he came back up tackling me wildly his hands wrapped around my throat,I pressed the gas sub conciously and tried controlling the steering,the car however kept swerving and horns honked at us in the car as drivers had to pull off the road to avoid hitting us,I had no idea where we were,i couldnt see the road and i tried fighting him off desperately,the next thing I felt was something hitting the car sending it up in the air,I heard a banging sound then felt a stinging pain in my legs,glasses shattered all around as the car came back down landing on the roof and sliding to a stop a few feet away.I heard screams then shortly after I heard sirens and I could see brian apparently unconscious,I hope he is dead I thought,my mind wondered to jaimee,I didn't make it home to her I thought, I didn't get to tell her I'm in love with her,
"Jaimee" I whispered just a little trying to free myself from the seatbelt,since the car was on the roof I was in the opposite position,my head throb crazily and I could feel the blood running freely, I was weak and feeling the need to sleep but I wanted badly out of the car, I could smell the gas and there was a strange burning smell as if something was on fire,I started feeling dizzy but I never stopped trying to free myself, after what felt like hours I heard the click as the seatbelt was released and my body fell from the seat,I landed on Brian and he groaned which meant he apparently wasn't dead,I winced as pain went through my legs and I tried scrambling through the shattered window,it was a slow painful process and just as I felt I was free I felt hands on my legs tugging me backwards,still with a little fight left in me I started kicking and clawing at whatever I could hold onto,the hands released me and I sighed trying to crawl again from the car,it was then I realized that the police and fire truck had finally gotten here, pushing away the gawkers that were just standing there,
"Ma'am are you okay,we are going to lift you out I need you to stay still" I nodded as tears of joy ran from my eyes,I felt them pulling and lifting me placing my body on the gurney I winced again as the pain went through me,I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, I felt like I was about to pass out and i tried lifting myself only to feel hands holding me back,I was way out of it as I fought off the hands only to feel a stinging pain in my arms, whatever was injected in me worked really fast as I felt my limbs automatically relaxing and I drifted into unconsciousness but not before I heard someone saying,
"There was no one else in the car with her let's get her to a hospital."

Falling for my boss*** Love Is Love #Book 1 Alexis And JaimeeWhere stories live. Discover now