Run wild

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Christine's POV

We arrived home and I was immediately scared. I heard shouting and screaming from inside. Most of them sounded from Alexander, but Hercules, John, Lee, and Tomas were also shouting. "Better go in there and stop them before I get a sound complaint," I say and storm up to the door. I pull it open and a banana was so close to sock me right in the face. My shocked expression turned to a slight anger. 

The person who threw the banana, John, had a mischievous expression, but when he saw me it turned fearful. He stayed quiet looking away. It became a chain reaction. After John stayed quiet, Hercules noticed then he became quiet, after Hercules, it was Lee, after Lee, it was the King, so on so forth. 

The only people who didn't notice where the main problem: Alexander and Thomas. 

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED???" I shout out. They both shut up. Alexander was pulling on Thomas's wild hair, his fist ready to punch Thomas in the face. Thomas pulled the collar of Alexanders shirt, mid-sentence of shouting. 

"Christine!! You're back." Alexander says letting go of Thomas. He walked towards me but I glared at him making him flinch. They all flinched. I wanted to scream at them and tell them some colorful words. I leave for thirty minutes to look after the house and they wreck the whole thing!  

I take a deep breath. A...long..deep...breath...

"Ok... You know it's fine. It's ok, perfectly ok!" I take one more breath. "Just clean this up before lunch. I'll be making some brunch or something. I don't know I'll make a thing.." I say and head off into the kitchen. They all freak out for some reason and the next thing you know something wet and slippery made me slip on my feet and fall on my back. 

The impact made me lose my breath. I arched my back and I hear a bunch of footsteps. "Christine!" They all say. I couldn't even respond to them, I was trying to catch my breath. 

"I'm sorry Christine, I found your vegetable oil while looking for food and spilled it. Then Seabury fell on it and I poured it everywhere." I heard Hercules apologize. 

"" I barely say. Laurens helps me up and I become slightly dizzy. I hold on to the closest thing which happens to be Laurens' hand. 

"Well..." Lee starts off. 

"He was outside, locked out. He said it was Alexander who did it." Washington says and everyone freezes. "What in God's name happened here?" He questioned. Seabury was outside? I didn't even see him...

"Hey, who can cook, I think I need four whole days of sleep so all of my stress can go away," I exaggerate and lean against Laurens. 

"It's ok, mon ami. I can make something for you!" Lafayette says. 

"Thanks, man,"  I say and hand him the bags. "Let's take you to your room," Laurens said, picking me up bridal style. "Thanks, man, I'll be fine in like ten minutes tops," I reply. Laurens takes me up to my room and sits me on the bed. While he is looking through my clothes for me to wear, I try my best to level my breathing. Everything still hurt. I didn't know falling on your back hurt this much.

Laurens comes back to me with a shirt and a pair of fluffy pajamas. "Thank you, Jacky.." I say. John pauses as I take off my shirt and put my new one on. I do the same with my pants. 

"Jacky??" He questions. "Oh, sorry, do you not want me to call you that?" I question. "No, no! It's fine, really! It caught me off guard is all. I haven't heard that name in what felt like forever." He explains. I smile. 

"Ok, then, Jacky. I'll call you that from now on." I say and he smiles and lets out a small laugh. He picks up my sticky clothes and stares at them, which was kinda weird. The air turns more serious and tense. I frown. 

"Jacky, what's the matter?" I question. 

"Oh, it's nothing. Um, but, can I ask you a personal...question??" He questions, fidgeting with his fingers. "Yeah of course!" I say. 

"Well, I was just thinking what you have been saying about this morning..." John starts off. I look closer and notice that his eyes are watering. Concerned for him, I move closer. "John, what's the matter?" I question and he lets a few tears roll down his cheeks. 

"Um, well..." He starts off. He seems so nervous...

Knock Knock Knock

"Hey Christine, can I come in?" A voice questions, I immediately recognize it as Hercules. 

"Yeah of course!" I say and the door slowly opens, "Hey, Jacky, can you put those clothes in the basket at the corner of my room?" John nods and gets up. He walks to the basket and dumps the clothes in it. 

"Uh, hi, Christine. I just, um, wanted to say sorry about the, uh, the oil. It was a childish thing. I'm sorry." He says, looking off to the side. 

"No, no, it's ok! Really, I never really use the oil so it was nice to get rid of it! But it's perfectly fine!" I say with a smile. 

"But you got hurt! It looked like you lost your breath for a while.." He says in a defensive tone. I raised an eyebrow. "I just... I know a sorry wouldn't do much but tell me what to do and I'll do it." He says with a bit of determination. He's saying this as if I'm going to punch the shit out of him... Am I so scary to these guys that they would think that... Jesus, I should be at least a bit less hostile to these guys...

I think for a while... 

"Ok, got it. How about helping out with food. I'll be down there to make the meat and stuff. You and Lafayette just cut the vegetables." I conclude and he stares at me, surprised. 

"Wha- but-" He starts. 

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" I stop him. "Go help Lafayette, It's fine really!" I say. He sighs. "If you say so... But I'm still going to think of something."                

He leaves the room and closes the door. Hearing the door close, John runs to me. He encases me in a bear hug and sobs into my shoulder. 

"I'm...Sorry!" His voice cracked ever so slightly. "I've been think and over thinking about this morning. I just needed your opinion." He clings onto me more. "Yeah, of course. What was it about?" I question. 

"Are you 100% serious about the..... About people accepting whoever they like...? Like same-sex wise?" He questions. He pulls away from the hug and wipes his eyes. He places his hands on his lap. 

"Yeah, I was why?" I question. 

"Well... I think, well, I know that... I... am... *Mumble* *Mumble*" He stutters and mumbles the last part. He rubs his arms and looks away, embarrassed. I was confused at first but then it clicked. 

"Do you like men?" I question slowly. 

"Is that a bad thing..?" He questions, looking at me slightly. 

"Of course not!" I exclaim. "I support it completely! Why were you overthinking this?" I question. 

"In my time it's a sin to like the same gender. I want to be open about it but how will the others react? Will they hate me?" He questions. I think about it for a second. 

"You won't have to tell them right now. You can tell them whenever you feel comfortable about it and when they understand that it's perfectly fine now. If they don't then, I'll kick the fuck out of them." I say making him chuckle. "Remember you'll always have my support, no matter what!" I say, shaking him slightly. 

"Thank you, Christine. You've helped all of us so much."  He thanks. I smile. "No problem. Come out whenever you calmed down. Food will be ready soon, I think" I say and got up. 

"Thank you, again, Christy." 

Who the fuck are you guys? -Christine KarascoWhere stories live. Discover now