Going to a new town new school what could go wrong oh yeah wait getting pregnant in my new school in a new town by a popular bad boy that could go wrong help it happened. I tried not getting pregnant at a young age like my mom and after one party af...
One week later One months and a week Selena's outfit
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Jug head: hey Selena you ok Selena: yea why Jug head: Shane is worried you won't look him in the face Selena: (takes his hand to the janitor's closet crying) Jug head: you alright Selena: Shane and I had sex at the party Cheryl's party first week Jug head: so why now Selena: I'm pregnant Jug head: what Selena: I'm pregnant with his unborn baby Jug head: what Selena: (sounds him) I'm pregnant jug head his baby Jug head: he doesn't want a baby he's not a good guy for kids he's bad for it he barely cares about his youngest sister Selena: oh god Jug head: does he know Selena: no not yet I'm more scared now Jug head: you have to tell him Selena: I knew and I just got into cheerleading I'll be bullied and Jug head: hey hey I won't let that happen Selena: thank you (hugs him clears her tears coming out of the closet walking into Shane) Shane: Whoah you ok Selena: yeah I'm fine (walks off) Shane: (sighs and walks to his class) Selena: Regina can we talk Regina: I have to
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Selena: I'm pregnant Regina: what Selena: I'm pregnant Regina: what Selena: I said I'm pregnant Cheryl: (overhearing) Regina: pregnant? Selena: at Cheryl's party our make out escalated to sex I'm pregnant with his baby Regina: oh my god Selena Selena: jug head I told him he said about Shane being an ass but I'm so scared he'll leave me to be a single mom like my mom I made a promise about sex after marriage (crying)I'll be a disgrace my grandma will look at me differently Regina: (hugs her) you'll get through it Selena you have me jug all of us we got you your family does too and hopefully Shane Selena: (crying)