Going to a new town new school what could go wrong oh yeah wait getting pregnant in my new school in a new town by a popular bad boy that could go wrong help it happened. I tried not getting pregnant at a young age like my mom and after one party af...
One week later 4 months and two weeks Selena's outfit
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Selena: (sitting at the table) Jennifer: where's Shane he has get you to the ultrasound Selena: he's at work (calls him) Shane: (kissing another girl and moaning) oh shit Petra: it's her Shane: (answers) yeah Selena: my ultrasound Shane: shit I'm on my way (hangs up) Petra: where you going Shane: the ultrasound Petra: (rolls eyes) ok They kiss and he leaves At the house Shane: (beeps) Selena: (walks out to Shane) At the doctor Shane: sorry I over worked Selena: It's ok I mean your making money so yea Shane: yeah Selena They get up and go The doctor is doing an ultrasound Shane: (looking at screen) Your babies are healthy Selena: great Shane: Babies? Selena: what babies Your a twin Selena you have more of chance of having twins so your having twins Selena: twins? Shane: two kids uno dos Yes Shane: wow Selena: (nods and eyes widen) I'm kidding just one baby Shane: oh thank god Do you want to know the gender Shane: I guess yea Selena: (nods) yeah Your having a girl The doctor then leaves Selena: wow Shane: A girl Selena: yeah Shane: I'll take more shifts Selena: Shane can we ask your dad Shane: no I want nothing to do with him Selena: but Shane: but nothing just stay out of it Selena: fine Shane: we're naming our daughter Felicia Selena: (smiles) we have time to think about it Shane: (chuckles) come on babe (wraps his arm around her) At home Shane: (smiles and looks at the photos) Jennifer: already cute Shane: yeah Jennifer: like Petra right Shane Shane: what