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The next day
Selena: we need to talk
Shane: we do
Selena: (sits across from him) we have two kids and you have three
Shane: (sighs) well we don't know if her baby is mine
Selena: well for now it's yours
Shane: fine
Selena: what are you plans with her
Shane: nothing I don't want her I want you you know that I love you
Selena: I know but everything you say is a lie
Shane: stuff happened and I'm paying for it your the love of my life just give me another chance of love I'll treat you so much better please this is the months i change
Selena: (sighs) it's nit that easy Shane
Shane: I know I'll take you on a date then
Selena: (sighs) we'll figuring something out with us
Shane: really
Selena: I'll give you another chance but I won't just immediately jump into your arms kissing you ready to marry you
Shane: I get that
Selena: so an agreement we try to work this out slowly
Shane: yeah dew,
Selena: as for miracle
Shane: alright what about her
Selena: you haven't been the greatest dad
Shane: how she loves me
Selena: your right she loves you and she's very young to remember all this but you did so much stuff that affected her
Shane: oh yeah what I abandoned her a long time ago
Selena: you pushed her out of your way you yelled That she wasn't yours yelled at me
Shane: (sighs)
Selena: well
Shane: ok your right so what do you want me to do
Selena: do more than you usually do spend more time alone with her play with her more have less work time tell her you love her more
Shane: i tell her everyday
Selena: say it more
Shane: alright
Selena: so any plans for summer break
Shane: carnivals for miracle and maybe a little family vacation
Selena: (nods) anything else
Shane: I don't know beach I don't know where to go with a one year old
Selena: I just realized me either
They laugh
Shane: what about you
Selena: well we have to be careful on what day we plan things doctor appointments for me
Shane: (nods)
Selena: so what are plans for you know college
Shane: uh there's opportunity in California
Selena: Shane were in California
Shane: like far away from this house
Selena: oh
Shane: but they said that it lasts for ten years the offer and I can go anytime so 9 years form then I do my four years  after you finish high school maybe you and I should go to the college
Selena: I don't know this college
Shane: (gives her a little book) read it sometimes
Selena: never mind I know this college
Shane: yeah
Selena: I'll go to that one
Shane: great
Selena: plans with this baby
Shane: I don't know this house isn't big enough for us
Selena: yeah
Shane: we should start looking for another place to live for us
Selena: what about Petra's baby
Shane: do I have to make room for hers too
Selena: if its yours yes
Shane: I don't want to make you feel a certain way or
Selena: I'll be ok
Shane: no you won't this hurts every time I cheat drunk smoke it hurts you and when your hurt it hurts me quit trying act like your cool with this whole Petra thing just admit that your upset
Selena: I'm upset but I'm acting mature about this whole thing it's what she wants for me to start crying every night to sleep she doesn't want me to act like nothing happened but I am
Shane: and that's why I fucking love you
Selena: Whoah
Shane: yeah
Selena: (sighs) it hurts I'm not saying that's I'm fine with it but it happened it is what it is I have to accept that my daughters father decided to a jerk for a night
Shane: I wasn't a jerk I was a fucking asshole jackass bitch that night
Selena: I let you get drunk I thought you needed the night off
Shane: I shouldn't have taken the drink we should have just gone home
Selena: (nods) we shouldn't have had sex at the party (walks away)
Shane: then she wouldn't have never been born
Selena: I'm not talking about that party
Shane: what do you mean
Selena: nothing
Shane: you cheated on me didn't you
Selena: I wanted to feel better
Shane: am I still the father to this baby
Selena: yeah don't worry about this baby being someone else's unlike you I can control who I'm hooking it with (walks off)
Shane: (looks down)

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