Chapter 5

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Alannah walked along the street, a black hood covering her distinct features. Walking into an alley, she tossed the hoodie into the alley and replaced it with her black leather jacket. She zipped it up and went back to the street, whistling. People started noticing her and hurrying away. She chuckled at their screams and began twirling a knife between her fingers. Really fast. Sirens began to sound around the area and she popped her knuckles.

"About time Renegades." She muttered under her breath, grinning. A few of the minor, unimportant Renegades climbed out of cars in front of her and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come on! Am I not worth anything these days?" She groaned, loud enough for them all to hear. They looked nervously at each other as she cackled at their fear, running out of breath. A figure climbed out of one of the vehicles and she grinned.

"Now that's more like it! The Dreaded One!" Alannah spun the knife between her fingers again, tossing her jacket to the side as she did so. It disappeared in mid air and the minor Renegades looked at each other cautiously, the Dread Warden keeping his eyes on her as his fingers flickered in and out of sight.

"Not gonna turn invisible on me, I hope?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "You know that the moment you do that, I'm out of here?"

"Just come with us, Impaler. We didn't come for a fight." He replied, holding his hands out in front of him, a pair of handcuffs in one.

"NO!" She shrieked, stomping her foot. "I want a fight!" The Renegades all winced at her high pitched voice.

"Impaler..." One began cautiously. She sent a death glare at him before throwing the knife at him quickly - so quick, he didn't have time to react. It flew right above his skull, shearing through his afro, a centimeter from his skin. He ducked afterwards as she laughed. Another knife appeared in her hand and she twirled it.

"This is fun! Who's next?" Silence greeted her. The one who she'd thrown the knife at was pale and cowering on the floor, slowly backing up with his hand in his hair. Or what was left of it. "Well, this is boring." She sighed, leaning against the wall, cleaning her nails with her new knife.

"Impaler..." The Dread Warden started, taking a step forward.

"Oh, a fight?! Please, please stars, let it be a fight! Pleasseeeeeee!" She begged, falling to her knees. The knife disappeared from view and she bowed her head before standing up and cracking her neck and popping her knuckles. The Dread Warden didn't reply and just walked forward, two terrified prodigies following him. Alannah stretched as they made their way over to her. She inspected one of her knives, cleaning the surface until it was shiny. They had reached 5 meters in front of her when they stopped. She placed the knife back in the sheath on her hip and leaned back against the brick wall, her arms crossed on her chest. The Dream Warden held out the handcuffs, head tilted in a question. Would she come with them peacefully, or would they have to force her. Or neither.

She grinned as she pulled on a pair of black leather gloves and stepped off the wall. The two prodigies looked like they'd lost a sheet of blood. They were around the same height, one female and one male. A couple years younger than Alannah, they looked innocent. The girl had waist length brown hair, around the same length as Alannah's, and she had blue eyes. Her skin was naturally pale, unlike the boys, whose skin was dark. He had black hair and brown eyes, but they both had terror on their faces. The boys fingers twisted into knives, like Edward Scissorhands. The girl didn't move.

"Oh, that's so cool! Why couldn't I get that power?!" She moaned, pointing at the boys hands. He flinched away and the Dread Warden put a calming hand on his shoulder.

"Jack is very talented. We're very proud of him." He glared at her, as if she were going to contradict him. Alannah shrugged. She put a hand behind her back and twisted it, feeling the rush of adrenaline as she performed her power. 

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