Chapter 19

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The cell seemed to be growing smaller with every day that passed. Most days passed with Alannah and Winston being questioned by the Renegades, and every day of those passed with the Renegades learning practically nothing. They seemed to be questioned less and less as the days went by but still, the Renegades were starting to drive her mad.

"They want to see you." The guards voice boomed through their cell. Alannah looked up at him, bored.

"Specify." She waved her arm through the air at him and he flinched as a knife was pointed at him. "Oops." She laughed, moving the knife back a few feet.

"They want to see you." He repeated.

"Yes, yes, obviously." Winston copied Alannah's arm movement and rolled his arm. "Who, where, when, why." The guard looked confused before a couple more guards joined him.

"Both of you, interrogation room, now, because they told us to." Another replied, grabbing Alannah's chains.

"Dude, I can walk by myself." She pulled the chains away from him and followed Winston as they were led out. They soon were led into a room where there were two seats that they were soon chained to and two seats facing them.

"You have 15 minutes." The guard said before walking out.

"Well, this is intimate." Alannah winked at Winston, laughing. They both were still cackling as two Renegades entered the room. "Ooh, goodie! We're popular today!" She and the Puppeteer laughed again, looking at Captain Chromium and Thunderbird sitting across from them.

"Impaler, I would suggest that you take this a bit more seriously." Captain Chromium looked her in the eye and she stopped laughing abruptly.

"Actually, if you actually paid any attention to us, you would know that I'm taking this very seriously." She smiled at him. "I'm very serious in my escape plans so that I don't have to stay here forever, which is the other option. She winked at the Renegades and sat back. "So, Capt'n, Birdie, how are you today?" She smiled as she watched them grow more and more annoyed. She turned towards Winston. "Honestly, they're so easy to aggravate. Gosh, I thought Ingrid was easy but this is just pathetic."

"Ingrid it only took a puppet to walk into her room." He giggled, watching the fury on their interrogators faces. "These guys only take a few words and poof! They're annoyed!" They laughed again, not really for any reason.

"So, are we here for any reason other than to make fun of you?" Alannah pointed out, looking at the two Renegades who had hardly said anything. "Cause to be honest, we have escape plans to make so the sooner we're finished here, the better."

"Impaler, I'd suggest that you hold your tongue." Thunderbird threatened, her face a concerning shade of purple. "We have more important things to discuss."

"Actually, I'd think that escape plans are pretty important." She muttered, rolling her eyes.

"What was your intention when attacking the parade." Captain Chromium asked, for the twentieth time. Alannah and Winston glanced at each other.

"Is this just another interrogation to ask the same questions that we've given you no answer for in the past? Because if so, you're wasting your time because if we haven't answered the questions before then we won't be answering them now." She told him, leaning back in her chair.

"Impaler please answer the question."

"To cause chaos. Wasn't it obvious? And we told you that last week." She sighed, fighting the urge to pick the locks. "Oh, and what's the news surrounding Samantha Walter?" Alannah asked casually, playing with the chains.

"Found dead this morning." Thunderbird cautiously replied, exchanging a glance with Captain Chromium. "How did you hear about that?" Alannah looked them in the eyes.

"You might want to tell her sister; she'll be devastated." She said, and her eyes took on a glint of humor. "Did you know that guards are the biggest gossips in the whole HQ? It's actually a nice change."

"Take the Puppeteer." Captain Chromium called, and a guard came in a pulled him by his chains.

"Pleasure to have made your acquaintance." Winston called behind him, giggling as he tipped an imaginary top hat.

"I hope you realise that you're going to get nothing more out of me than you would have when he was here." She smiled wryly at them, ignoring the silence that had enveloped the room.

"Alannah Steward, what do you know of the girl who goes by the name of Nightmare?" Captain Chromium asked. Alannah raised her chin and her eyes light up.

"Ah, so that is what this is about." 

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