Chapter 33

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As they walked onto the skybridge, Natalie was able to see once more the beautiful, intricate city that Max Everhart had built over the years in his imprisonment - and even though everyone tended to gloss over that little fact, they all knew he was imprisoned.

"Insomnia!" The little kid exclaimed as he picked his way over the city to say hi.

"Bandit?" Nova asked, watching the kid run over to the glass to talk with her. He began to gush about her performance at the trials and Natalie laughed, looking at her astounded expression.

"Please. I've seen enough interviews with Frostbite and her team to know his brain is two-thirds sedimentary." Natalie and Ruby cackled at the kid as Nova smiled.

"Did you just make a geology joke?" She giggled.

"Can you draw her?!" Max turned to Adrian and begged.

"Draw... who? Me?" Nova's expression was priceless at this change of topic. Adrian proceeded to draw and create a glass sculpture which Max proceeded to grab and add to his collection of figures. An awkward conversation about Max's "imprisonment" ensued and Natalie stayed watching silenting, seeing Nova become more curious and by the gleam in her eyes, Natalie could tell Nove would be doing what she could to learn as much as she could about him. As Nova pushed about the Bandit, one end of Natalie's communication band lit up. She quickly read the message.

"I'm gonna have to go you guys, but I'll come find you later. Definitely see you around and look forward to getting to know you Nova!" She smiled and jogged off. The familiar halls passed quickly until she reached the familiar door of room 38.

"Sup dude." Natalie heard a voice call as she unlocked the door.

"Hey." Natalie walked in, closing the door behind her. "What's wrong?" She grins.

"Nothing." She raised an eyebrow. "Fine. I'm bored."

"Yeah well you are locked in a cell for being an Anarchist and causing anarchy, Alannah." Natalie sighed, sitting across the wall from her.

"Yeah, but even still there's only so many times intimidating the guards is fun." She was picking her nails with her knife and Natalie scrunched her nose.

"Shh they might think you've gone soft." Nat laughed and Alannah glared.

"Hey, if they think I've gone soft they need just look at my knife!" She exclaimed and, to prove a point, a knife floated across the room, pointing at Natalie.

"Fair enough." She shrugged, watching as the knife changed direction and disappeared.

"I never understand how you do that." Natalie said in wonder. Alannah grinned slyly.

"A magician never reveals her secrets."

"Oh shut up." Natalie laughed, closing her eyes as she leaned back against the wall. The time passed quickly in a comfortable silence, the two girls happy in each others company with no need to talk.

"Well, I should probably go." Natalie sighed as she sat up straight, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, the dinner will be coming soon." Alannah rolled her eyes.

"Next time, I'll bring you some chocolate." Natalie promised, laughing.

"And ice cream?" Alannah grinned.

"Now that's pushing it a bit." Natalie matched Alannah's grin and opened the door. Her gaze softened on her friend. "I'll see what I can do." She smiled and shut the door gently behind her. She headed through the building and grabbed her bag from her locker and headed outside. She stepped outside, looking up at the stormy sky. She sighed as she walked towards the park. Towards her tree. She climbed her way to the top, her home. Over the past week she'd built a more sturdy shelter, but even that wasn't able to survive through the bad storms. She pulled a blanket up to her chin as the sky darkened and rain began to fall, but sleep was far from her mind. 

Hey guys, I think I owe you all a little (a HUGE) apology. I've been the most unreliable person in the last few months and I feel really bad. Also, I'm aware this chapter is really short, but whilst I can't promise the next one will be up soon, I'm planning on writing it, I just have a lot of homework and time is also taken up with work right now. I've also had to look after my mental health a bit recently because it really took a dip at the end of last year, but you guys are always so supportive and kind and no matter how long I take off writing and leaving you guys on really weird chapter ends, you always send me nice messages and leave me nice comments about how you really liked a chapter and you can't wait for more or about how you support me, so thank you so much for that it's really helped and led me to feel a bit motivated and manage to push out this chapter. 

Another thing, since it's been a long time since I started this story (I started it over a year ago, wow) I've forgotten all of these little pieces of information and whilst I've tried to read back and find stuff, I'm not that good at it so if I've made a mistake somewhere in this chapter or in any of the others, please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP!

Ok, I think I also need to just say in the current state of things with the threat of Coronavirus looming over us and sending us all pretty much into a world-wide panic, just make sure that you're all staying safe and don't put yourselves out into unnecessary risk. I'm not saying isolate yourselves (unless you have happened to contract the virus) but just be careful. This isn't something I would have thought we'd have to deal with in our lifetimes, or in any time in the future, but this is happening and I think we're just going to have to find the best way to deal with it as it comes at us. 

Alsooooo, on a more positive note, HOW GOOD IS SUPERNOVA OMGGGGGGG I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN I READ IT EHHHHH!!!!! But I lent it to my friend and she's had it for like a month and hasn't read it BUT I WANT TO REREAD IT AHHHHHH! 

Ok I think I need sleep lol. Thank you for being supportive you beautiful humans (or aliens idk you that well lol and you never know) and sorry for the long message. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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