Chapter 6

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* Just a little note guys, thank you so much for staying with me! I'm sooo sorry about the long wait for the chapter, it's been almost three months now! And I'm also really sorry because this is a really short chapter. So just a little sorry note, thank you for all the comments on the chapters, they really made every day I read them special, and I know I'm really not giving you guys the amount of writing you deserve, but I'm trying to break through writers block and I hope that next chapter will be better and longer than this one! So sorry, I'll try to be better for you guys and thanks for reading! *

"What the hell happened to you?!" A voice screeched, and Natalie looked up to see Tsunami standing above her, hands on her hips. Natalie flinched as the words echoed around the room.

"Ummm... I.... tripped?" She nervously replied, looking up at the older woman. Kasumi's unyielding glare made Natalie drop her eyes. "Sorry."

Kasumi sighed, "You tripped?" A sarcastic tone unlay her words and Natalie, recognising it, looked back up.

"Nah, I fell down a sewer being chased by a group of villains." Kasumi stared at Natalie with her mouth hanging open and eyes wide. "Yes, I tripped."

"Come with me." Tsunami turned around and began to walk out. Natalie scrambled off the ground and grabbed her jacket whilst cradling her injured arm. Kasumi led her through the Headquarters until they reached the infirmary. After ushering her to one of the beds, Kasumi left to talk to someone about her and soon after someone came and began to tend to her arm. 30 minutes later, she was mostly healed. There was still a little bit of swelling and pain, but the bone was back to normal.

"Thanks." Natalie said, standing up and walking back up to the Council's room, pulling on her jacket as she went. She slipped past the line of citizens with her hood up and face in shadows and slid through the ajar door. No one noticed as she slipped into the shadows behind the chairs and watched as a couple people came in and through. Finally people had stopped coming and no one had noticed Natalie crouching in the corner.

"I wonder if she's actually who we think she is." Hugh sighed, leaning back in his seat.


"Natalie. She doesn't seem like Ace Anarchy, but if she really was his daughter, she'd know and she'd probably be more like him." Natalie shoved her hand in her mouth to stifle her gasp and her eyes widened. What? "I think that we should trust her a bit more here, seeing as she can't be another Ace." Natalie removed her shaking hand from her mouth and pressed her lips together.

"Agreed. Her powers going to waste at her job here and I think that she may be better on one of the street patrol groups, at least temporarily." Tamaya replied, nodding at Hugh.

"I think that if we're going to talk about what would be best for Natalie, we at least tell her first, seeing as she's listening to us whether we make up our minds or not." Evander said, raising an eyebrow in Natalie's direction. Crap, crap, crap. Natalie slowly stood up, brushing her hair out of her face as she did so.

"Natalie? I thought you were in the infirmary!" Kasumi exclaimed, rising from her seat. Silence ensued as they waited for Natalie's response.

"Uhhh..." Natalie laughed awkwardly, a grimace on her face. "Well, I was just... um... I got released and came here for work, so... I just... sat here?"

"Uhh, well, okay... So what do you think of joining a street patrol group?" Simon asked, the only one other than Blacklight who had regained their composure.

"Sure, I'm always up for change." Natalie replied, everyone pointedly staying away from the information about her dad.

"Uhh... we'll see if we can find you a group in the next few weeks, Natalie. Thanks for coming today." Hugh replied awkwardly, the tension in the room at the highest it had been for a long time.

"No worries, that's my job." She said pointedly and dryly, turning her back on them and leaving the room, slamming the door behind her. And audible sigh of release sounded through the Council room as Natalie closed the door behind her.

"Why didn't you say she was in here when she got here?!" Tsunami screeched, the whole room turning on Blacklight, who in turn was examining his nails. He sighed and lifted his head, staring at his colleagues, bored.

"I didn't see it necessary to mention it until you started talking about Ace. For all we know, he is her father and she just doesn't know about it, or want to talk about it!" He ran a hand through his hair, releasing another sigh. "I think we should all just release a bit of hate towards him, and not put it on Natalie. Even if he is her father, that's not her fault. She had no choice in who her dad was." He stared down all of the other Council members, who in turn, lowered their heads guiltily, even though they didn't really have anything to feel guilty about.

"Fine, maybe the street patrol will be good for her, away from us. That's probably what she wants right now." Hugh replied, looking pretty miserable.

On the other side of the door, Natalie sat crouched in a tiny ball as she listened to what the Council wanted to say about her when she wasn't in the room. The hallway suddenly felt very big and her very small as the walls towered above her and she sank her head into her knees and let the tears come. 

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