Chapter 13

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Alannah's peaceful dinner of a hard beef jerky sandwich was interrupted when the door was jerked open, and three figures were being marched down the hall, flanked by Renegades. Alannah slowly sat up straight and placed her sandwich to the side, exchanging confused glances as they noticed that the entire Council was part of the entourage. Alannah's breath caught in her throat as she recognised the hooded figure being marched in the center - or maybe that was just the jerky.

"Jake." She breathed, murder written on her face. She stood up as gracefully as she could in her chains and glared at him. "I should have known I'd be seeing you here sometime soon."

"An Anarchist?" She heard Tsunami ask Thunderbird, walking next to the prisoners.

"Please," Alannah replied, sneering at Natalie's brother, by blood, but not choice. "Don't insult us. That sewer rat is not related to us at all. Unless you count the complete and utter hatred I have for him as a relation." Alannah's hands twitched for a knife as she brushed her hair out of her face and raised her chin. This man - boy - would not have the privilege of seeing her weak. Not after he broke Natalie's heart. "What do you want Jake? Where is Nat?" Jake lifted his hanging head to face her, looking almost regretful.

"Don't give me that look, you coward. Don't look at me life you regret all that you've done." Alannah stepped towards him, only to be held back by chains. "I said, where is she?" He had no reply so Alannah lifted her eyes to the Council, her tight lips the only part of her revealing her worry and stress.

"Hugh, where's Natalie? Natalie Walter? She brought me here, remember?" She asked, hoping to not sound like she was begging. Captain Chromium's eyes shifted to Blacklight, where Alannah's gaze followed. "Where is she?" It had begun to sound like a threat, as she stood with her chains pulled taught behind her.

"She's in the hospital." Evander reluctantly replied.

"What?!" Alannah jerked forward, only to fall back hissing as the skin on her wrist was torn and her ankle chains tripped her. "Can I see her, please, I beg you." Alannah finally lost control and her fear and worry for her friend forced its way to her face. "Please."

"I used to wonder why you used to be friends with her." Jake finally spoke up, picking at his nails. "Now I see you're just as pathetic, worthless-"

"Shut up." Simon interjected, glaring at his prisoner. "I don't know what your relations with Natalie are, either of you, but you're going to have to get over this and leave her out of this. She's been through a lot."

"Yeah, because of him!" Alannah yelled, pointing at Jake. She spun back to the Renegades. "You don't understand! None of you do! Whilst you cower behind your walls and your costumes, you Renegades don't see the things that people like Natalie have to endure! And you!" She glared back at Jake. "When you left, you don't know the ruin you left behind. And I don't know what the hell you've done this time, but I swear if you've dared to touch one hair-"

"Enough! You two need to cut it out! Seeing as you're sharing a cell from now-"

"What?!" Both Alannah and Jake yelled at the same time, sharing a shocked glare at the Renegades.

"No way am I sharing with that rat-"

"I'm not sharing with her, she's-"

"If you make me share with the two of them together, I think I'll just hang myself." Winston interjected, boredly eating his sandwich, his spare hand twirling around his neck. "As I think you already know, we're already all mad here." He grinned and tossed the jerky out of the sandwich and continued eating the bread, ignoring further conversation.

"What do you two have against each other?" Thunderbird asked, her eyes flitting between the two criminals, both glaring daggers at each other.

"It's not my place to say." Alannah replied, her fingers twitching. "Can I see Natalie?"

"You're chained in a cell. I don't think you'll be seeing her anytime soon." Jake taunted, grinning at her. Without her realising, a small dagger had appeared in her hand and was pointed at Jake, hidden behind her hanging chains. She didn't pay any attention as her hand tightened around the familiar grip of her favorite knife. Her dad's old knife.

"Put it away Alannah." Winston warned quietly, even though everyone else heard. Alannah glared at Jake.

"Not until he leaves." She shifted her gaze to the Renegades. "And if you put him in the same room as me, I swear I will kill him the first chance I get." Her gaze fell back to Jake and she spoke one last time. "And if you don't let me stretch my legs soon, chained up or not, you'll be next." The knife disappeared to somewhere that the Renegades didn't know and she sat down on the floor, the remains of her sandwich forgotten. The Renegades turned to leave silently, taking their prisoners when Jake pulled back towards Alannah, snarling.

"I won't forget this! I will get you back for your attitude today, you dirty Anarchist!" He yelled at her, being dragged away by the Renegades as they started closing her cell door.

"Trust me, I won't forget this either." She replied calmly as her mind raced. What happened to Natalie?

A bit longer than last chapter, but I'm gonna start writing the next chapter tonight. I think. Haha

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