Venue Adventurer

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Benjamin Fredheim.

His voice sounded peeved. He ditched the video option and went audio only. "I'm pretty busy at the moment."

"Guess what?"

"I think it's just easier if you tell me."

"I'm going to work as a Crowd Special Advisor."

Loud breathing on the other end.

Rain stepped out the elevator and sat down near the reception area.


"Is that what you want?"

"I wanted anything to do with people. Teaching would have been fine, but this position allows me to talk with all kinds of people, not just students. I'm starting a day after the ceremony."

"I'm happy for you."

"Why don't you tell your voice about it?"

He faked an upbeat tone reminiscent of a cartoon character.

"Okay, please stop."

"No, seriously, I am happy for you. This is what you always wanted. You worked so hard for it. Let's talk about it later. I'm just about to go to a meeting."

"You're coming to the ceremony tomorrow, right?"

"Why wouldn't I? And after that, we'll celebrate. I'll think of something epic."



Rain sighed. She wished Benjamin had shown a little bit more enthusiasm for her news, but maybe his job demanded his attention.

Rain sprinted down the stairs of the college's main building and pondered walking back home. But giving the good news of the day, she paid for an auto-ride she summoned a minute later. The car opened its doors sideways and welcomed her with a sexy male voice. "Congratulations on your new job position, Rain Cruzada. Fleet wishes you a phenomenal start into the working place."

"Thank you so much," Rain said to the car, wondering which part of the vehicle to address. She had always ridden her e-bike to save transportation costs, but today warranted special treatment. She needed to buy some new things before the big event tomorrow when a new weekly challenge entered her view.

<Venue Venturer>

Challenge: visit one food venue which you have never been to.

Description: we love to frequent the same cafes/bars/restaurants because they make us comfortable and we all deserve a bit comfort in these challenging times. However, going to the same places means you're missing out on new connections. For this week's bonus challenge, we encourage you to go outside of your comfort zone and visit a new cafe/bar/restaurant and learn about new food and new people.

Tip: for more information, check out the additional info box.

Rewards: +10 Creds for visiting a new venue

Extra +5 Creds for visiting a venue affiliated with Crowd

What are you waiting for? Feed & meet!

What a cool challenge.

Rain had been guilty of visiting the same venues, mostly because she knew where to spend money. But Crowd was right. Frequenting the same restaurants meant she failed to meet new people and support different small business owners. While her schedule was filled for today, she made a mental note of celebrating her graduation at a new place tomorrow.

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