New American Dream

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Camryn stepped out his limo when Lory rushed in front of him. "Haven't you looked in the mirror?"

"You should know I'm not that kind of person."

"It's not what I mean."

She fixed his tie, the first one he wore since graduation. "You look like a bachelor after a heavy night in Las Vegas."

"I wish."

"No, you don't. And I know you don't care, but looks still matter, especially when you want to impress politicians."

Camryn cringed. Impressing a politician, especially someone of Diego's caliber, was the last thing on his busy mind. But Crowd needed allies, and the mayor still carried a lot of power. If Diego was smart and open toward collaborating with Crowd, Camryn might even pull his support for rival Jessie Kwong.

"Please remember my words," Lory said.

Her lips hovered half a breath from his cheek. She pulled back and returned to the limo. "I'll be waiting for you with a little goodie."

"I love goodies."

Camryn walked up the stairs and passed the main gate. The biometric scanner beeped while two guards with analyzer sticks checked his body from sneakers to head. Medium security, but that was to be expected. Camryn took the elevator to the second floor and arrived at the target door. An intelligent cam scanned him once again before a male voice ordered him to come in.

The big moment.

Camryn stepped into the office and scanned the interior design.

A classic office, conserved from two centuries ago. It reeked of wax and tobacco. Guns and rifles were stuck to the wall. A giant American flag floated on the left wall while framed images graced the right side. They showed the mayor in a Mariachi shirt, standing behind three bronze-colored children, probably his own. Another image showed his dark-skinned wife, and a kid beating a giant piñata.

"Like my museum?" Mayor Lunar asked from his lavish chair behind the wooden desk. Camryn had almost forgotten about him. He sacked into the chair and ogled the mayor. A Jesus figure hung behind him, the size of an extra large action figure.

The sign on the desk said 'Diego Lunar, mayor of the City and County of Santa Kahlo'.

The middle-aged man leaned into his oversized office throne and crossed his arms. "Let me be straight—I don't have much time."

"Looks like we already have one thing in common."

Diego crossed his arms. "Want something to drink? I don't have any soy milk, but I do have beer. I don't think it's gluten-free though."

The conversation was off to a good start.

"That's cool," Camryn said. "Not much of a beer aficionado anyways."

"So what do you want?"

"I think we can both agree that this city faces massive problems, mayor. Unaffordable rent for the middle class, high crime, and social injustice tear our society apart."

"Go on."

"My team and I are working day and night to improve the lives of our citizens, allowing them to be successful regardless of their upbringing, gender, race or ethnicity."

"You sound like my daughter's about page. I hope you're getting somewhere."


Camryn opened his folder and spread the pages filled with impressive stats. "As you can see, our ranking and reward system has allowed people from the working class and middle-class to afford housing inside the metro area. Our own college is preparing them for a robotized economy while the ranking ensures they follow the law, share their wealth and treat their fellow citizens with respect."

Crowd: A Dystopian Social Network Thriller (Final Draft)Where stories live. Discover now