Chapter 4: Preparation

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 Bommie's face turned a deep red color. He stuck out around, pudgy fist right into the center of the picture of his father while letting out a long shriek.

Bommie vowed to himself that he needed to find and confront Abenation. He needed to know the truth: who was his father? And was Bommie destined to end up like him? Confronting Abenation wasn't going to be easy though. Bommie had no idea which jail he was in, and didn't even know how to get there. One thing was certain, he couldn't do it alone.

Bommie charged downstairs, where he found Devin on the couch watching television with Dommie, who was still rocking back and forth.

'Devin!" Bommie shouted. "I need a sidekick for my mission to find Abenation!"

Bommie looked briefly at Dommie. "I think he needs rest. Will you do with me?"

Devin looked up at Bommie. Finally, a chance to help out his friend and make up for his past crimes against him. He nodded silently.

"Hang on... we need money for the trip, yes?" Devin asks.

"A lot!" Bommie screamed. "Bommie no know how far Abenation is. He could be miles away,"

"One second." Devin ran faster than any dog-cat-devil Bommie has ever seen. Bommie was to watch Dommie while Devin was doing whatever in Mommie's room.

Devin ran to Mommie's secret cash stash which Devin had seen before in the bottom left drawer of her dresser. Underneath a layer of mostly polka dotted socks were stacks of money. Devin picked them up with his mouth and brought them back to Bommie.

"Perfect!" Bommie said. "Wait... where get money?"

"Oh... um..." Devin froze. "I uh... made them?"

Made them? What was Devin thinking?

Devin thought quickly. "You haven't explained about Abenation yet! Let's go and you can tell me!"

"Oh..." Bommie looked... sad. Not really sad, but disappointed? It was hard to tell. Either way, Bommie wasn't really ready to explain yet, but he knew he needed to say something.

"A bad person," Bommie said. Devin nodded.

"Let's go find him then." And just like that, they were off. Devin decided that before they go anywhere, they need supplies.

"Hey, I know where to go!" Bommie knew the perfect place. Michael's barely had any traveling equipment like flashlights. Instead, he decided to go to Quinn's.

"Let's go to Quinn's place!" Bommie yelled. Devin agreed and the two set off for the store.

Bommie ran as fast as he possibly could to get to Quinn's (which was not very fast). Bommie was panting loudly by the time they arrived, but Devin was unruffled.

When they walked in, something wasn't right. Quinn was still standing exactly where they left them, eyes open wide, looking confused, tired, and hungry. They spoke.

"Here are your chaps sir, have a wonderful day." They said. Then they said the same thing again. This kept repeating until Devin finally realized he never undid his horrible mind control on them.

Devin quickly unhypnotized Quinn, who shook their head quickly, then looked up at Bommie and Devin in confusion.

"Sorry," Devin muttered, then thrust all of the cash in Quinn's directions. "We are here to make a big purchase."

Bommie had been running around the store, placing the following items in a cart: extra strength glue, pink lipstick, pumpkin seeds, and a pocket-sized lamp. Devin looked over the cart and added a flashlight and comfortable shoes.

"This'll be perfect!" Bommie screeched. Slowly but surely, Devin was getting used to Bommie's screeches. The two said goodbye to Quinn and the two headed off. Although Bommie hadn't even met Abenation in the past 9 years, he already felt his presence, and he didn't like it.

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