Chapter 4: Sweater

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     Third Person

  Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with a shocked expression. He knew where he found it.

   "I don't know what you mean? I-  where did you leave it?"   He wanted to say he found it but he might want it back. What would he do, he can't take it off here, he's not wearing anything underneath, even if it was so hot that sweat occasionally dripped into his eyes. He already started to blush imagining himself taking the over-sized sweater off in front of the other before looking up and making eye contact. Baekhyun started to feel his entire face transform into a shade resembeling a tomato. The boy was towering above him with sweat dripping from his silver hair. Now completely red in the face, Baekhyun quickly looked away when the taller boy broke the awkward silence.

  "Well... I just moved to SCHS (Seoul Community High School) and I left my sweater in gym then got lost trying to go back and get it so I never found it." Chanyeol said with a sad voice.

  "What are you doing out here by yourself?" Chanyeol quickly changed the subject hoping the smaller wouldn't feel bad.

  "Im here with my brother but I... walk slow." He lied. Baekhyun didn't want to tell him that he secretly watched for a while before making himself visible to the others. He was turning red again and tried to cover his face by pretending to wipe sweat from his forhead even though his faded hair was covering it. 

   "OH" The suddun gasp from Chanyeol startled Baekhyun so much that he jumped and landed closer to the stranger. Baekhyun then felt someone's arms around him to catch him. "SORRY" Chanyeol blushed then let go as soon as he set the boy back on the ground. 

  "It's f-fine" They had another awkward silence before Chanyeol started to finish what he was starting to say before the 'incident'.

  "I-Im Park Chan-Yeol" Chanyeol stuck one of his large hands out for Baekhyun.

  "Byun Baek-Hyun" He grabed the taller's hand hesitantly then gripped if for a feew seconds.

  "I know this sounds like a weird question... but, how old are you, you look so young." Baekhyun gawked at his question.

  "Im 15... WAIT NO, 16. Its my birthday today actually." 'STUPID' he thought. 'It probably sounds like im lying to him!' Baekhyun internally screams. 

"Wow, I thought you were younger. Im 15"  

  'this giant is younger than me?! our ages are so close' he thought. He heard a faint yelling from the other side of the court from where they were standing. 

  "HYUNG LETS GO!" Taehyung yelled. 

  Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, sighed then went to walk away without saying good bye. "WAIT" a large hand grabbed his small arm

  "You go to SCHS right?" Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with puppy eyes which made the smaller blush. He nodded then realized the sweater.

  "Uh... this sweater is yours. I took it from the lost and found... You probably want it back. I can give it to you at school if I can find you, well it might be pretty easy to find you with your height. Or I can give it to Taehyung or I can give it to you now-"  He was cut off to a slender finger lightly covering his pink lips. He blushed again along with Chanyeol who pulled his finger away quickly.

  "Keep it... as a birthday present."  He turned around smiling like a kid who was just showered with candy and rainbows and left Baekhyun to go back over with his brother. Baekhyun walked away touching his lips like he was suddenly kissed then walked towards his younger brother. Both him and the taller were blushing like crazy hoping the others wouldn't see, and none did, thankfully. 

  Both of the boys walked away once more, without saying goodbye. 


     Baekhyun's POV

  I got home with Taehyung and started to go upstairs when a soft voice stopped me.

  "Do you need that washed?" It was one of our maids Rose. Rose and I were really close as well, next to my mom. We talked about feelings and her life which I enjoyed. She is the only maid that doesn't call me 'Master' or 'Mister Baek', we are very comfortable around each other. I soon saw she was pointing at the enlarged sweater I was still wearing that i know knew belonged to Chanyeol. I never even realized I had his sweat stain on it as well from when he grabbed me. 

  "Oh... Uh, no its fine thanks."

  "Okay, do you need anything else?" 

  "No. Do you want to join my talk with my mom later tonight?"  I've always wanted to ask, but I'd never have anything exiting to talk about, and I do now.

  "I thought it was your birthday not mine!" Her face lit up.  "Of course!"   I felt ten times better than I did thirty minutes ago and one hundred times better than this morning... Because of him.

  I contunued to go up to my room and smiled in a mirror at the thought of this sweater once beloning to a cute AND hot boy! I started to blush as I could smell his sweat on my shoulders and sat back on my bed and fell asleep thinking of his name... 'Chanyeol'.

~WOOH! A LONGER CHAPTER!   Will Chanyeol feel the same as Baekhyun, Does Baekhyun 

feel something, will they meet again? 

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