Chapter 9: Elevator

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     Chanyeol's POV 

  I woke in a pool of sweat. 'That draem again' I thought, I've been having the same dream for the past few days ever since I hugged Baekhyun... just as a reflex. I have been having dreams of us together and I would enjoy it a lot until a dragon came down and swept Baekhyun off his feet and took him away from me. I would cry uncontrolably and when I opened my eyes I would be pinned up to an invisable corner in a completely black room. Eventually the dragon comes back with Baekhyun hanging out of its mouth by the collar of his shirt... my sweater. The dragon then drops him down into the dark abyss, sending him screaming for me to help but I can't with my arms pinned to the invisable wall. The dream usually ends with me screaming then waking up in sheets drenched in my cold sweat. 

  When  I finally roll out of bed to take a shower I get a message from Oh "Holy" Sehun.

  "Hey Chan, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the mall later today? We havent gone somewhere together in a while."

  I thought for  a minute before responding. "Sure, what time?"  I then go get a shower, eat, do my hair and get dressed in black jeans and white t-shirt with a tan cardigan over top.  I slip my shoes on and leave to go meet Sehun.

===== time skip, at mall

  I found the noodle at the bubble tea stand trying to decide what to get. I walked over right as he told a pretty girl his order.

  "Can I add and order, i'll pay." I pushed Sehun out of the way as I told another, younger tan  worker my order, he looked farmiliar. Sehun came back over as I got out my wallet and looked at the worker with a big smile on his face until the person across from us finally looked up from the cash register. 

  "Sehun! I didn' t know you were here!" The tanned boy stood there with an equaly as big smile. A name finally came to my mind, Jongin. I finally remember seeing him hang out with Sehun and Baekhyun. I wasn't good at remembering names, only faces. Im still happy I remember Baekhyun, it took me little to no time rembering him unlike Sehun. Even though Sehun is my best friend, I forgot his name multiple times hence the nickname, Noodle, he just looks like a noodle. 

  "Gah, I didn't know you worked here either! I didn't see you either when I ordered." 

  "Thats cause I was in the back when Krystal told me to come take another order while she made yours." He looked at me and smiled again. "Chanyeol right, I remember you and Sehun with  Baekhyun and I at lunch. I thought its was you but didn't want to say anything incase it wasn't. 

  "Yeah, your Baekhyun's bestfriend right?" Why am I asking about Baekhyun? And I already knew they were friends...why am I asking about Baekhyun. Baekhyun. Thats all thats in my head. Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Baekhyun.

  "Yup! He's around here somewhere, browsing most likely." He gave me my change and receipt by the time both our bubble tea was done. "My shift is over in 10 minutes, I can walk around with you guys and call up Baekhyun to meet us somewhere. If it's okay with you." 

  "Yes." I didn't even hesitate to answer as soon as baekhyun was mentioned, but I also want Jongin and Sehun to hangout, It's a win win. 

  Sehun laughed at my answer as well as smiled even bigger than before. Someone is definetly excited to hang out with Jongin more.


  Jongin called Baekhyun, who happened to be at the other end of the mall and didn't want to walk the whole way over alone. I volunteered to go fetch him so Sehun can continue to talk to his new friend. I walked to the over to the elevator to get up to the floor where Baekhyun was. I clicked on the button for third floor quickly realizing he was on floor two. The elevator stopped at the third floor before I clicked the correct button to go to the second floor. The doors oppened and I saw a small figure get in. The boy looked up and laughed.

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