|Shot 61| • The One • |Jyatt|

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I watched as the dark haired boy shoved his hand in his ripped jeans pocket and took a long drag on his cigarette. His hooded black jean jacket held a pack of cigarettes and a lighter peeking out of its pockets.

He slowly exhaled the smoke though his mouth and nose like a chimney on a cold day. A strand of dark hair fell to his eyes but he just gingerly brushed it back in place with his free hand.

Watching him was intriguing, despite him being the bad boy everyone hated. But I couldn't help it. There was something about him that enticed me.

"Smoking again, Lieberher?" Mr. Skarsgård asked disapprovingly as he approached the boy.

"Yep" he answered nonchalantly.

"Do not yep me, young man. Put it out right now, or you're getting detention for a week"

"Bite me" the boy seethed, and threw the cigarette to the ground as he blew the smoke at Mr. Skarsgård.

"You've just bought yourself a week of detention, Mister Lieberher. Have fun scraping gum off the bottom of every desk in the school!" Mr. Skarsgård scolded intolerantly, and stormed off.

The boy barely flinched before flipping him off and walking towards the school doors. Towards me.

"Enjoy the scene?" he asked casually.

"U-Uhm, no, I wasn't wa-"

"Watching? Yeah, you were" he chuckled. "Don't worry, it's no big deal"

"Cool" I sighed. "Mr. Skarsgård can be a dick"

"Yeah" he scoffed, and pushed the stray strands of hair out of his emerald eyes.

I ran a hand through my curls as I tightened my grip on my books.

"So, um...you finish that project for Mr. Hopper?" I queried nervously.

He gave me a look like I should know the answer. Which I did.


His lip curled into a small smile and he let out a hearty chuckle.

"I'll do classwork, but homework ain't for me"

"Wish I could say the same. I'll see you in class?"

"Sure, uh..."

"Wyatt" I smiled. "Wyatt Oleff"

"Sure, Wyatt. And I'm Jaeden, J-"

"Jaeden Lieberher. Yeah. I've heard of you" I said politely, and he smirked.

"What have you heard?" he asked curiously. "Or I should ask, what haven't you heard? I hear I'm quite the gossip"

"Oh, um..."

He cocked an eyebrow.

"I didn't hear much, mostly good things, though" I lied.

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