Chapter 4

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The sensation of my cheek being poked stirred me from my slumber. I groaned and half-heartedly waved whatever was poking my away. My wave did ard off the action for a few second but it soon proceeded causing my eyes to crack open slightly to see my "assailant".

Paige was standing over me with her index finger out pointing at my cheek, mischief in her eyes, "Better wake up or I'll keep doing it." She slowly pushes her finger into my cheek. I stick my tongue out with a groggy sort of sound escaping my mouth. "Oh come on, you're not that tired!" I checked the clock that read 11 am. Ughhhhhh.

Eventually, I sit up and drag my legs off of the bed. I saw Paige wearing casual blue jeans paired with a 9 ¾ shirt, from a franchise called Harry Potter, that was partially covered at both sides by a light gray jacket zipped open. She was wearing "out and about" clothes, Mom would say. I rubbed the gross sleep residue from my eyes, "Where're you going?" I finish off my question with a yawn.

"You mean, 'Where're we going?'" I looked up at her from my spot on the edge of the bed, confusion being the main emotion on my face. She scoffed playfully, "We're going to the mall, silly!"

"Oh," I sounded more surprised than I should've been; Paige always wants to go places together as some kind of friendship ritual. "Yeah, but let me get dressed first."

She leaves the room saying she needs to use the bathroom before we leave, and I change while she's gone. I change into "out and about" clothes, casual but not too casual. Paige returns and pulls on my arm almost dragging me out of the door.

Mom was asleep so I left a note as to where I would be and to remind her to take care of herself too. I also leave as a side note to look into some places she would like, the bookstore, a cafe, maybe a spa day would help her relax. I'd hate to leave her, but she needs to realize I won't be by her side forever.

Paige and I check out some places after taking a ride to the mall with Paige's mom. Paige's mom is a chubby, stout woman, but doesn't care too much for her weight. She wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt to conceal her yoga clothes, which she would wear for her yoga class after she dropped Paige an I off.

GameStop, Bath & Body Works, and a couple other places were looked through with a quick break in the middle for lunch, which we bought with money that Paige's mom gave us. In the afternoon, however, I was getting pretty tired of walking around and the food was giving me a drowsiness effect. Paige was getting pretty tired out too so she offered that we hang out at her house instead.

Agreeing to the offer, Paige called her mom, who had just finished hanging out with her friends from her yoga class, and told her that we wanted a ride to her house. Paige's mom gives us a ride to her house and Paige brings me to her room to hang out.

I notice that Mom had only called me ten calls this time away from home instead of one every ten minutes. This time I call her and I planned to ask her how everything at the house has been going when she answered after what seemed like the sixth ring. This has given me an uneasy feeling like something was wrong. Mom always answered after at the most the third ring.

I almost dismiss the fact my eyebrows furrowed at the sound of Mom's voice if Paige didn't notice it and gives me a look of concern. Mom's voice sounded indefinitely older, strained. She sniffled and coughed out of the phone and told me everything was fine when I asked what was wrong. My voice sounded detached from my ears as if I was hearing someone else ask it.

This whole scenario was making me dizzy; I had to grip the phone tightly to my ear and hold myself steady with the other hand on Paige's doorway with a faint thought, 'How did I get here?' I couldn't recall standing up and walking to the doorway yet there I was. I knew something was wrong and I had to get home. Mom's words were 'Lies. Mom was always a terrible liar.' I felt drunk on nothing, my legs buckling and collapsing on themselves, my hands and forehead were slick with sweat, I could barely think straight.

I could hardly hear myself say, "Don't lie to me. I'm coming home right now." Paige saw how disoriented I was and helped me asking if I needed medicine and if I was fine. I didn't answer, I just wanted to go home and I heard myself mumble my desire a few times. Paige insisted that I stay at her house until I calm down, but I refused to sit down and resorted to leaning on the wall.

Paige saw how stubborn I was about staying at her house so she insists I sit in the wheelchair her brother had to use once and was stored away. As long as I got home, I didn't care how I got there. She digs the wheelchair out and sits me down on it.

Eventually, we got to my house and when we were in the driveway I jumped out of the wheelchair and speed walked to the door, still a bit wobbly on my legs. I open the door with as much strength as I could muster as I was also leaning on it a little for support.

The house looked fine but there was this underlying tone in the house. A layer of this.. sorrow was blanketing the whole house. Paige joins my side, scolding me for my sudden actions but I shush her, an action which she does not take kindly to, to hear the soft, muffled noise and I'm sure she heard it too. 'Sobbing.'

I wobble over to Mom's room, knowing immediately where the noise was coming from without even needing to navigate. I knocked on, more like punched, the door and asked in a scarred, concerned voice what was wrong. Paige was standing sadly behind me, not knowing what to do. Mom's voice was a jumble of jagged, suddenly ending sentences not quite making sense. I would've run, or tried to run, into the room and comforted Mom but her door was locked. Every time I turned the knob at random, frantic intervals, her sobbing would grow louder and more grotesque sounding.

I wanted an answer to this behavior and eventually, I got one. Mom's voice wasn't the deliverer of this hideous message or cause for this episode; it was a long note slid from under the door in my Mom's handwriting but shaky and rushed. For some reason, I was hesitant on reading this paper, the fear of sobbing and begging for seclusion after reading the contents of the paper was.. just there. I told Paige I was fine now and shooed her away from my house, which she did after much convincing.

I went into my room and sat on the bed, sighing heavily. I need to do this, 'but do I want to?' I read the note.

"Oh, mY GO-

My Special Little Friend Forever (Jason The Toymaker x Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now