Feast Your Eyes Upon True Power

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Time Skip: 7 Years

Your POV(17 Years Old)

It had been seven long years since you left the Schnee mansion. Ever since that day, all you've done is train consistently. You had managed to gain complete control over Super Saiyan and even discovered that there were levels beyond that of just a normal Super Saiyan. You discovered the form you took to calling, Ascended Super Saiyan and one even beyond that. You chose to call this form Super Saiyan 2. So far, that's as far as you managed to go, but you had a feeling you could become even stronger. A few months ago, you send an application to be enrolled at Beacon Academy, the same school that Weiss wanted to go to. And today, you received a form saying that you had been accepted and that you should leave this afternoon along with the other applicants from Atlas.

You: "So, I've been accepted? Well this should be fun. I finally get to leave this hell-hole of a place. More importantly, I get to see my sister Weiss again. I should get going if I wanna keep the promise that I made her all those years ago."

You appearance has changed drastically over the course of seven years. You were now more muscular and wore completely different clothing. The outfit that you now wore was a black long sleeved pants and shirt. Above the shirt you wore a grey, sleeveless GI with a red strap around your waist. To complete your outfit, you wore a pair of white boots.
(A/n: Basically you're wearing Goku Blacks outfit. Also your hair is the same as his.)

You slowly flew up into the air and quickly sped off to meet up with your sister Weiss. It was a ways away seeing as you had been training in a secluded forest miles away from the nearest town. But it never really bothered you seeing as how fast you had learned to fly. Over the years you managed to master many different techniques other than just your Super Saiyan abilities.

Time Skip: 10 Minutes

You were now quickly approaching the city where the departures from Atlas to Beacon would be. You decided to land just outside the town so you would not draw any attention to yourself. When you landed, you began walking to the docks where the airships would be taking people to Vale. You then remembered that the Schnee family had its own personal docking bay just to the right of the normal one.

You: *sigh* "Why does every rich family need a personal mode of transportation? It makes no sense, just ride on the normal airships, it'll save you money, rather than waisting it building a private docking bay and ship to carry your family. What ever, I just wanna get out of here."

You began walking to the personal docking bay and not long after arriving there, you saw Weiss boarding the Bullhead that would bring her to Beacon. For the first time in years, a smile formed on your face as a result of seeing the one person who cared for you in your time of need. Although when you approached her, you were suddenly surrounded by reporters who were asking Weiss constant questions. You were starting to become annoyed because of how cramped it was. Every second, there was someone else elbowing you in the face or pushing you out of the way.

You: What the...? Where did they come from? Aw man I'm stuck in the middle of what's basically a mob of news reporters. What do they even want!?

Reporter1: "Miss Schnee! Can you tell us why you're leaving Atlas?"

Reporter2: "Why not stay here and study at one of Atlases many Academy's?"

You: "Alright that does it! I'm getting these clowns off me now!"

POV Change: Weiss

As I was boarding the Bullhead that would take me to Vale and Beacon, I heard a group of news reporters behind me asking me a bunch of questions that I did not pay attention to. I let out a sigh knowing that Y/n would not be able to keep the promise he made to me years ago. It honestly hurt knowing that I would most likely never see my beloved brother ever again. Right as I was about to climb aboard the Bullhead, I heard yelling behind me. It sounded like it was coming from the crowd of reporters.

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