Dark Reality, The Strong VS. The Weak

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Time Skip: After The Ceremony

Your POV

You exited the ceremony hall and began to walk towards the dormitories on your own. As you were though, you heard the sound of running behind you, and knew it was your team.

Y/N: "What is it now?"

Tanya: "You said you would show us how to become super saiyans."

Stephanie: "You promised us also, I hope you don't intend on turning your back on us. We are a team after all."

Y/N: "Yes, we are a team, much to my discomfort."

Sykon: "What did you say?"

Y/N: "You heard me."

Sykon was going to step up to you, but Tanya stepped in the way and glared at you.

Tanya: "What? You didn't want to be on a team with us?"

Y/N: "No, I did not. I made a promise to my sister that I would be on a team with her. But now that I'm stuck with you four, that breaks my promise to her, and I hate when I can't keep a promise to her."

Tanya: "What's wrong with you? We're all part of the same race we need to be there for each other."

Y/N: "I don't need any of you low classed warriors near me. I have ascended beyond the heights of the average saiyan warrior, and become a living legend myself."

You turned to them and crossed your arms as you stared at the three in front of you.

Y/N: "You may be part of the proud warrior race, but you are far from discovering what it takes to be a true full blooded saiyan."

Sykon: "What are you on about? We're all around the same age-"

Y/N: "Yet I live up to their expectations and standards, and continue to push my body and power well pass their limits. My heart burns for nothing else except the desire to become stronger and rise to even greater heights than before. Not become this pompous weakling of a warrior that are called 'huntsmen.'"

You turned your back on them and began to your way towards the dormitories once again.

Y/N: "Do not bother me. I do not have time to deal with your silly desires. You want to learn how to be a super saiyan, you learn the same way I did."

Sykon: "Ohh yeah!? Well how the hell did you learn?!"

Just as he finished that sentence you blasted Stephanie with a energy blast, knocking her down. The blow wasn't fatal, but it wasn't a mere pushover attack as well.

Stephanie: "AHHHH!!"

(Play Song At Top)

Sykon: "Stephanie! Grr.....WHY YOU!!"

He powered up and ran towards you with his fist, but you caught it with ease. The ground began to shake violently as you were tightening your grip on his hand, slowly crushing it.

Sykon: "Grr!...RAAAHHH!!! LET GO!!!"

Tanya: "Sykon!"

Y/N: "How I learned?"

She ran over to you while Stephanie rested on the ground. She tried her best to release your grip on him, but it was useless. The memories of the time you saw Weiss get hurt began to fill your mind as your power was slowly rising beyond belief.

Y/N: "How did I learn...?"


Weiss: "I won't let you hurt him!"

My Power Is Absolute (Male Saiyan Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now