An Unexpected Promise

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Your POV

It has been a few weeks since the incident at the bank and the massacre of Cardin and his team. Ever since then, Tanya and the rest of your team wouldn't leave you the hell alone.

Tanya: "Come on leader, you promised you would teach us to transform."

You: "I said you that you weren't ready, none of you are!"

Sykon: "How would you know?! You haven't even bothered to begin training us!"

You: "Because that would be a waist of my time."

You walked off and went to go find Weiss and talk with the one person you felt like you could trust.

POV Change: Stephanie

Stephanie: "Well that was rude!"

Sykon: "Yeah no kidding, why won't he train us?"

Tanya: *sigh* "Don't worry you two, I'll talk to him and see if I can, uhhh, persuade him to train us."

Stephanie: "Well, I'm gonna go hang out with Blake, promised her we'd study together a bit today."

Sykon: "Oh? When did you two get so close?"

Stephanie: "S-shut up bro! I have friends other than Tanya."

Sykon: "Riiiiiight. Well don't worry sis, I won't judge."

I huffed at my brother and looked away. Blake and I have been close friends for awhile now. We got to a day or two after the initiation and now we spend a lot of time together. But my brother thinks I'm dating her secretly.

Tanya: "Well anyway, I'm off too see if I can convince him!" *flies off*

Sykon: *waves* Bye Tanya! *looks at Stephanie* Well, take care sis, I'm gonna go get something to eat and then train

Stephanie: "Okay, see you later bro!"

I flew off and went to meet Blake in the library. I may not be as powerful as Tanya or my brother, but I'm pretty smart and I fight using my power and brain to think of strategies on the fly. Blake and I both like reading books so I think it's why we get along so well. I saw Blake sitting in the usual spot, reading on of her favorite books.

Stephanie: "Hey Blake!"

Blake looked up at me and smiled slightly, waving me over as she did.

Blake: "Hey, how's the training with good o'l Y/n?"

Stephanie: "I wouldn't exactly call him good Blake, you saw what he did at that bank."

Blake: *sigh* "Yeah, I don't think there's anyone who didn't see that...but the point is there's good in everyone....including Y/n."

Stephanie: "I don't know Blake, the only thing Y/n seems to care about is his sister Weiss, and getting more powerful."

Blake sighed and sat there reading her book in silence for awhile. She placed her book on the table so I could read along with her, it's a thing we do so we're not constantly over each others shoulder. I like hanging out with Blake because the peace and quiet helps me relax, and she can sometimes get pretty deep in conversation if you know her well enough.

Blake: "So, how are Tanya and Sykon?"

Stephanie: "Well, Tanya insists on spending time with Y/n, keeps saying that she sees good in him ever since he helped out Velvet in the cafeteria. And as for Sykon......he still thinks I'm secretly dating you."

I glanced up at Blake and swear I saw a light blush but when I blinked it was gone so I figured it was my imagination. I sighed and leaned back in the chair a bit

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