Finally, A Worthy Foe (Part 1)

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Your POV

Stephanie: "GAHHHH!!!!" *gets sent flying and pants heavily* "Damn!"

You: "Is that all you three have got?! Come on, it'll take more than this to become a Super Saiyan!"

You were currently training with your team late at night in the Beacon training facility. It had been about and hour and a half and yet you noticed that only Tanya and Sykon were making any real progress.

Tanya: "Take it easy Y/N, we're all tired and need a bit of a rest. We've been at this for hours already."

You: *growls softly* "Fine, take a five minute break then it's straight back to training."

POV Change: Tanya

Sykon: *pants and sits down* "Man, who knew Y/N would be such a strong trainer."

Tanya: *sits next to him* "I know what you mean, I don't think any of us were expecting how tough Y/N was going to be on us."

Stephanie: *pants heavily and nearly collapses* "I-is it just me, or does it seem like Y/N is being more harsh on me than either of you two?"

I looked over at her and was about to respond to her question until I really started to give it some thought. I quickly realized that she was right, Y/N was in fact usually tougher on her than Sykon and I.

Tanya: "Now that you mention it, I see what you mean Stephanie. Why don't you asked him why?"

Stephanie: "And earn myself another beat down? No thank you." *regains some breath and strength and sits up* "I think I'm just gonna go hang with Blake for now."

Tanya: "Okay, I'll let Y/N know."

Stephanie: "Don't bother, I don't need him pulling me away from spending time with my friend to train." *stands up and starts walking towards the door*

I sighed softly and looked over at Y/N and narrowed my eyes at him. I knew he was hiding his true power, I could just sense it. But, none of us have any idea how strong he is and it keeps bothering me.

Y/N: *stretching* "Can I help you with something Tanya? I know you're looking at me."

Tanya: *gasps softly* "H-how did..."

Y/N: "What was my first lesson that I trained you weaklings on?"

Sykon: *sighs and growls softly* "Always be aware of your surroundings..."

Y/N: "That's right, including behind you so you won't ever be snuck up on." *glances back at them* "So, can I help you with something or not?"

Tanya: "Y/N, why are you so tough on Stephanie?" *stands up slowly*

Y/N: "She's the weak link out of all of you, the harsher I am the faster she'll grow and the stronger she'll get in a short amount of time."

Sykon: "Wow, harsh much?"

Y/N: *glares at him* "She asked a question, I answered it. Now unless you want to go another round against me I suggest you keep your mouth shut Sykon." *shoots a blast over his shoulder right past his head*

Sykon: "Woah!" *ducks and glares while mumbling* "Why you little..."

Tanya: "Come on Y/N, we're all tired...just let us rest for the day."

Y/N: *sighs* "Fine, you have the rest of today off but tomorrow I expect no slacking understood?"

Tanya: *nods and smiles* "Yep! Understood, 100%!"

Y/N: "Good, I'm going to meet Weiss in the cafeteria. You two find something to occupy yourselves."

POV Change: You

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