Manifestation Of Power

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Alright everyone, welcome to the first story that a friend of mine and I have been working on together for awhile now. Now if you recall, both TheSpectre21 and I put out a notification that you would all see this book soon. Also, we both released a vote asking you all which family you would want to be adopted by in this story. And you all chose the Schnee family. Now with out any further delay, lets begin with Manifestation Of Power.

Narrator POV

Narrator: "Hmmmmm, oh, hello again. I did not see you there. Haha, sooo, you want to hear another story huh? One where the very fate of Remnant hangs in the balance? If not to bad I'm telling you anyway. Once upon a time, there was a planet known as Planet Vegeta. On this planet lived a fierce warrior group called the Saiyans. They were some of the most powerful warriors in the known Galaxy. However, one fateful day, a tyrant made his way towards the planet to destroy it and every Saiyan living on the planet. However, a brave Saiyan who survived an assault by the tyrants henchmen made his way to Planet Vegeta to warn everyone. This Saiyans name was Bardock. But when Bardock tried to warn the Saiyans, none of them would believe him. Nobody except two Saiyans who gave birth to Y/n L/n and a few others. Fearing for their sons life, the two took Bardocks warning and put their young boy into a space pod and sent him off planet to save him. Now, the young Saiyans pod has crash landed on the world known as Remnant. This is where our story begins.

POV change: Winter(Three Years Old)

It was raining and cold outside. I should know because I convinced my father Jacques to take me out on a midnight walk due to the fact that I was unable to sleep. While walking through the forest, I watched as a strange object fell from the sky and crashed not far from our location. I rushed too the area that the object landed to see if anyone would need help. However my father was not a fan of me running off like that.

Jacques: "Winter! Get back here this instant!"

I ignored him and continued running to the location of the crash site. When I arrived at the site, it was a massive crater, and in the center of the crater was a sphere looking object that had a hatch on the front that was opened slightly, probably from the impact of the crash. From the object, I could hear faint sounds of crying over the heavy rain. I slid down the slope and stopped in front of the mysterious object. I managed to force the hatch open and inside I saw a baby who appeared to be about the same age as my baby sister Weiss, who is three months old. I crawled inside the object and grabbed the baby and gently lifted him out. As I was about half way out, I noticed something engraved on to the left of the pod. It was a name of some sort, the name read, Y/n.

Winter: "Y/n huh, I guess that's your name little guy. Lets get you out of this rain shall we?"

Jacques: "Winter! Winter where are you?! Come here this instant if you can hear me!"

Winter: "Father! I'm over here! I found something!"

I began climbing the slope of the massive crater that was created by that pod. As I was about half way up, I saw my father come into view staring down at me with a look of disapproval. He clearly had not noticed the infant child that I was carrying.

Jacques: "Winter, what did you think you were doing running off like that?!"

Winter: "Sorry father, but I went to check and see if anyone would have needed help, and it's a good thing I did because look what I found."

I held up the baby child that I found in the pod that crashed. My father looked at the child then back to me. He did not say anything, instead he turned around and walked back in the direction of our house. I looked down at the small child before I heard my father call out to me.

My Power Is Absolute (Male Saiyan Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now