Finally A Worthy Foe (Part 2)

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Stephanie's POV

Time Skip: Six Hours

It was finally time for me to go meet up with Blake after a long day of training with Y/n. Well, I say training but in reality it's the three of us getting our asses handed to us by him. I groaned and shook my head as I tried to forget the long day while walking with Tanya and Sykon.

Stephanie: "Ugh, this jerk calls training over for the day and then calls us all back in for a surprise session?! I'm going to kill him!"

Sykon: "Good luck with that, he can take all three of us on by himself in his base form. I doubt we'll ever make a scratch on him."

Tanya: "Will you two give him a break? There's more to him then he lets on?"

Stephanie: "Oh yeah? And what makes you say Tanya?" *looks over at her*

Tanya: "Well, remember when he stuck up for...what's that girls name? Velvet?"

Sykon: "You mean the bunny Faunus? Yeah, what about it?"

Tanya: "There was something about that moment that just stands out to me..I can't really explain it."

Y/n: "Don't look too much into it, just get out of my way and you won't get floored." *walks past us and glances with a glare*

Stephanie: "You know what! Enough of this! Why are you such an ass?!" *grabs his shoulder*

Y/n: "You have five seconds to remove your hand from my shoulder or you'll be admitted to a hospital with a broken arm... One, two, three."

Stephanie: *removes my hand from fear* "G-geez you're such a jerk! What happened to you to turn you into a bully?"

Y/n: "You want a bully? Go talk to Cardin...oh wait, his in the hospital after I kicked his ass." *starts walking away*

Stephanie: "No, you're way worse then Cardin! You make him look like teasing!"

Sykon: "Steph, I think it's time you back're ticking him off." *backs up a bit with Tanya*

Y/n: "You want a reason? Try being kicked out of your home by your dumbass step-father and having to live in the wild for many years." *turns around and glares* "Compared to me? Everyone here is a mortal and I am a god."

Stephanie: "Ego much?"

Y/n: "That would be the case." *vanishes and reappears in front of her and round house kicks her into the wall*

Stephanie: *groans in pain and spits up a bit of blood*

Y/n: *lowers your legs and looks over at me* "If I didn't have the power to back up my claims, now get lost." *starts walking away*

Stephanie: *slides down the wall and just lays there* "I hope one day you get your ass kicked for a change..."

Y/n: "A hopeless dream."

As Y/n kept walking away, I wiped the blood off my lips and kept my head trained down on the floor. Eventually I slowly got up and shook my head slightly and fixed my hair.

Tanya: "You okay Steph?"

Stephanie: "I'm fine, that was one of his weaker hits but it still hurt. Look I'm late to go meet up with Blake, she's been waiting for me back at her dorm."

Tanya: *nods* "Okay, Sykon and I will head back to the dorm. You two have fun and stay safe okay?"

Stephanie: "We'll be fine, Blake's a great fighter and I'm still a Saiyan warrior. We have nothing..."

Before I could even finish my sentence a blur flashed between us all and as if it were slow motion I followed it by turning my head and notice it was Blake and she had tears in her eyes as she darted by as fast as she could.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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