Ashley's P.O.V.

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Gabriel had not long left and I decided to do a good clean up round the whole house seeing as I had no practice work to do for the children this week. Plus his visit had been unexpected and I felt a bit awkward after kissing him on Saturday. I was a bit too forward for my own comfort that night  but I was so over whelmed with what had happened and how high and raw everyone's emotions had been, well ecxept mine which where just a mixture of nerves and panic. Gabriel really shown himself as a knight in shining armour then. But even still seeing him today just put me out of place and I hoped to God he didnt want to discuss it or even mention it. Being a bit  rattled I decided to blast out my first Girls Aloud album and starting hoovering, polishing, brushing, changing the beds and mopping. After a good four hours scrubbing the house into complete cleanliness and not to mention tackling the oven and sorting  through the kitchen cupboards I decided to take a break with a cup of tea and some crumpets and get comfy in the back parlour and watch some crappy day time T.V. I flicked aimlessly through the channels and eventually settled for an old Bond movie because it reminded me of watching them with my dad whilst my mum would all of a sudden need to go and scrub out the bathroom and reorganise the towels. I smiled to myself as a few memories just fluttered by into my mind and because they where all happy memories it just made me miss then all the more.

I came out of my home sick bubble and tried to concentrate on other more important matters. Like finding a suitable job over the next few weeks and worry about this  Summer Ball. I know Gabriel had said not to worry and he was doing his best to help me with that which I was completely grateful for. And as for him coming to my rescue by becoming my fairy God mother  well that was just completely chivalrous. Though I felt like a charity case in his perspective and although he had been beyond kind towards me and his intentions had been fatherly I couldn't help but think he saw me as one of the children who needed constant support. I didn't want to be portrayed as a damsel in distress and I had made my mind up to start paying him back as soon as I could. I knew he had money, not that it interested me at all but the items he would choose for the ball would no doubt be very expensive and I would have to sell a kidney to pay him back. I smiled to myself about all the kind things he had done for me since we first met. He was a true gentleman really and had impeccable manners and everybody who knew him loved him, I guess he was one in a million. I did notice however he seemed to have a possessive nature which unnerved me at times, the way he looked at me sometimes like I was a sumptuous meal and especially when he found out about how Luke had put forward my notice to me. I suppose I over reacted that night to be honest so no wonder he blew his top. There was something  in his eyes that seemed to penetrative through me and after seeing him lose control I knew I would never want to be on the receiving end of his wrath. I had noticed at times how he did seem to pass me side glances when he thought I wasn't looking. Not that I could ever be certain but I'm sure at least one time when I had dropped all my music sheets like an idiot  on the floor and bent to pick them up he was looking at me bending over. He had also started to do up my seat belt and I swear to God that he was casually rubbing against my breast on purpose. I went through a few other incidents trying to formulate and pin point an exact moment of clarity  but I think I maybe over analysing things. I mean after getting blind drunk in his house which I was so ashamed of I'm sure if he was a true predator he would have took full advantage of that type of situation and I would have woken up naked in his bed. But I didn't. Instead he had carried me to his guest room, left me totally clothed and had been so attentive and patient when I woke up hysterical. Actually looking back at these incidents maybe I am trying to over analysing his kindness as flirtation. Not that I would boast of him fancying me  or anything, I only had to look at Miss Winters just once to realise that even she can get  dumped by somebody like  him then there was defiantly no way I was in his league. Either way it was nice to have him as a friend and a work colleague too. He loved the children just as much as I did and I loved how he sang loudly and badly with them and was forever making them laugh, he mad emergency laugh too. There are not many men out there, or women in fact that would sit with blind kids and endure their problems yet still have patience to be persistent . He was good company for me too because although I was nervous of him he made me feel comfortable and was always so welcoming even despite our age and social differences. I don't think I had ever met a man like him before, I would almost compare him to my dad but certainly  not based on looks or money but for that loving role and natural protection he seemed to have of me. How such a great catch like him stayed single I would never know. I had heard the nurses often giggling about his rock hard abs and manly build, not to mention his tailored trousers which clung 'to his arse and buldge like cream cheese on a cracker' whatever the hell that ment.

Pondering about Gabriels single status amongst his other attributes I had a notion, maybe he was gay.That would explain his fantastic choice of clothes and how he kept his lovely curly hair so soft  and bouncy. He also had fantastic hosting skills and his house was decorated to perfection that I think even the Queens palaces would be put to shame. He was an honourable Dr and had without hesitation been there for all in the village. But the biggest confusion for me was how  he could dump somebody as beautiful as Miss Winters without a valid explanation as far as rumours said. Heavens above! He's gay. He's got to be. There's no way a straight man could be that handsome and genuine and caring without being a gay man! My Lord! How did I miss the signs? Surely I wasn't the only person that had gotten onto this? Maybe that is why he left the hospital, in search of love, how romantic! I felt a bit silly now about my accusation of how he may have been eyeing me up on the sly, it was almost laughable! He was proberly looking at my behind because he liked the stitching and the style of the jeans and as for always complementing my outfits and the attention to detail with my accessories, there was no other explanation, what straight man would take notice of me wearing different earrings every time we met? I smiled to myself as I snuggled up with my blanket and thought about it all. It all fit so well now. He would definaltley be the butch gay in a relationship though because he was far too masculine and defined to be anything else. The best part was he was my friend, now my gay friend! I felt like a Paris Hilton wannabe. No wonder Miss Winters never got over their break up, finding out your fiancé is gay must have really hurt her and totally ruined her future with him especially when he is that good looking. And considering the amount  of media that flocked around  her no wonder he scarpered. He no doubt didn't want anything to go public.

Naturally I was a woman who had eyes and although I wasn't sexually experienced even I could see he was one of God's masterpieces. The closest I had ever come to being sexy was when I bought new underwear and even then I got so embarrassed looking around  that I tended to go online and have it all delivered.

I wondered about the new job prospect Gabriel had mentioned earlier, about it broadening my horizons and setting me up for a better future. It all sounded promising and though I would miss the confines of working from home I would also miss Gabriel too. I never really had friends as such so maybe this was one of his gay ways of getting me out there to develop my social skills, that certainly would be test on Saturday because even Matron said it tended to be around two thousand people that would be attending. I couldn't let Matron down by hiding under the table and ruining the the portrayal of the school and I definetley couldn't put Gabriel to shame because his reputation was sparkling and I was his guest. I had initially worried about Miss Winters seeing us together but now I can only assume it would be bitterness for Gabriels sexuality and nothing to do with stupid jelousy for my invite.

Now I had a free few days I was going to focus on sorting out my C.V. and seeing about sorting out a new boiler before the summer was finished. I was going to keep busy and be normal and focus on the coming weekend as something to look forward to. I mean it wasn't every day a girl gets asked to attend a ball by the best looking guy out there, even if he was gay.

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