It's A Date Chapter 7

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After my first night at the school Ashley allowed me to take her home after much refusal on her behalf but I was adamant to end the night with her. We left after the children where all in bed which was by 9 pm and I then proceeded to help her tidy the creative play room up. We spent a great deal of time laughing whilst trying to disassembled a large lego  kit which ended up with me having a jenga moment and it totally collapsing around me. Ashley laughed so hard her face was beetroot red and tears streamed down her face. But the icing on the cake was when after I stood up to shake off any remaining pieces of lego I stood on a particularly large sharp piece that seemed to penetrative my new soft leather Parada shoes. I let out a girly yelp as I clutched my foot and danced around 'ouching' for a good two minutes whilst Ashley got to her knees because she was laughing so hard she couldn't get back up. When things had finally calmed down and all that remained of the inncident was me sitting on the floor amongst a pile of lego pulling off my shoes and socks to investigate the damage. 

"Gabriel I know that I'm not a Dr but I have had plenty of experiences with booboos so let me get the medical kit and sort you out. And just to let you know I have never had a booboo patient lose a limb so I think you will be in safe hands" she said smiling as she walked to the cupboard to retrieve the medical kit. I remained on the floor smiling back to her as sexual thoughts flew round in my head of her dressed in a sexy nurses uniform wearing no knickers and us fucking like animals on the floor. Then low and behold my cock sprang to life giving me a massive Bowie buldge.

Whilst I sat there waiting for naughty nurse Ashley my mind played. I had images of her straddling me and kissing my face and neck trailing her soft lips over my neck and down to my collarbone as she unbuttoned my shirt slowly looking up with a heated lust in her eyes as she smiled then nibbled her lips as she then went to unbutton my pants and gently pulled out my cock to stroke between her soft hands. Teasing and caressing every inch of my length before suddenly plunging her mouth around it. I groaned allowed and closed my eyes.

"Gabriel,...Gabriel...are you ok?"

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and as I looked up I saw Ashley standing over me with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh sorry my dear I was deep in thought about what was going to happen next...I I I mean terms of of of erm....tomorrow's erm...shcedule" I stuttered out haphazardly, knowing my face may have just given away my dirty mind. She remained staring at me for a few moments blankly before nodding then crouched down to look at my foot. I knew there was no real damage but I was just happy to let Ashley touch me and I revelled in it. After a few minutes of cleaning the small cut to my pinkie toe and applying a dinosaur plaster I was ready to go.

"There you go Gabriel, it's as good as new. And we didn't even have to consider an amputation" she laughed as she began putting the medical  box back and I grinned back at her my eyes dancing again as I got another good look at her gorgeous bottom in those pants. God it was going to be a long night for my cock tonight.

It was a little after 10 pm when we left the school and this time I wasn't going to lose my balls when trying to converse with Ashley I was going to ask her out. I mean not blatantly but sort of start it slow like going for a coffee as friends kind of thing.

As we pulled out the school gates and head down the long country lane back to Ashley's place I knew I had to be firm but casual about my approach. She was very shy and I knew she gets nervous under pressure but she seems to like me and it's normally her who instigates the conversations. Whilst I was mulling over the words to choose to propose the non date date Ashley began talking anyway.

"Gabriel thank you very much for the car pooling tonight, but thank you even more so for such a great visit to see the children. They had a great time. And so did I " she trailed off and I stared at her as she seemed to stare into space before continuing.

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