So Are We Boyfriend And Girlfriend Then? Chapter 29

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I woke up the following morning and felt weighed down. And something was tickling my noise, I tried to move but there was something pinning me into place. I opened my eyes fully and looked down to see Ashley sprawled over me. I didn't dare move. Her head was lazily placed high on my chest and her hair was sprinkled over my face as her right arm draped over my shoulder and hung off the bed. Her right leg was cocked over my hips and her thigh was rubbing against my morning glory. I flopped my head back onto the pillow and grinned. This felt so good. For over week we had been spooning every night, me trying to  behave myself and always conscious of where I placed my hands as she was very nervous of any slight movement I made when falling asleep. She was always rigid and never moved from her side position during the night in fear of being touched too much. Being in such an intimate position was very new to her and even sharing a bed with me was problematic and I understood why she flinched every time I groaned or gripped her tighter.But this was new, this was great, and this is just what I wanted. Even though I couldn't move, or more to the point I didn't want to move, I was just so comfortable having her so close to me. She twitched and grumbled in her sleep and even snored  a bit which made me smile wider. I didn't want to disturb this moment but me being me my mind started racing after a while. The images of her suddenly waking up and sliding onto my cock or wriggling further down my body to suck my cock where exploding in my imagination. 

I know it was wrong of me but as Ashley and myself had established the previous evening I wasn't normal, and I definaltey wasn't gay, I started slowly rotating my pelvis against her inner thigh, just enough for my cock to feel the pressure of her thigh. It felt soooooo good and I started rocking my hips slowly up and down and I heard her groan in her sleep as she pushed herself further in to me, so then I groaned in pleasure as I continued my administrations. This felt so naughty and although it was only a simple action I think I could have made myself come. 

Just as I was getting into a nice smooth rhythm I felt her stir and she began to wake up and I stopped immediately, barley breathing. Oh shit had my cock poked her awake?!

She began yawning and stretching out on top of me and I held my breathe in deeper. She rubbed her eyes and then started to wiggle about ands she groaned again, oblivious to our current position. She hazily looked up at me and then down and at her body position then back up to me. She seemed to still be in a sleepy daze as reality hadn't quite crept up on her. Then all of a sudden my cock twitched against her thigh feeling lonely and her sleepy state soon awoke as she flew off me with a scream and landed at the bottom of the bed.

Her hair was all over the place and her pajamas had ridden up and looked disgruntled as she flapped her hands about trying to straightened herself out.

"Oh Gabriel I'm so sorry! God I hope I didn't squash you! You should have moved me or or or..woke me up to get off you!" She blurted out with deep apology still flapping around.

I sat up and smiled at her and went to  crawl over to her to cuddle her but just as I reached her she jumped off the bed,  tripped, hobbled then nearly fell over again as she darted into the bathroom still shouting apologises as she went. It was like something out of a carry on film. I sat there in a daze at what had just happened and then started laughing.  I stared down at myself and then realised my cock had tented my silk pajama bottoms and had been pointing  at her as I crawled to her. That's why she jumped away so quickly. Normally I would be annoyed with this situation but I laughed even more. God bless her. 

I sighed loudly and got put of bed to go and see if she was ok. I was in such a good mood this morning that I hoped this little incident  hadn't frightened her too much so we could enjoy our day together.  I poked my head round the door and saw her rounding the corner from the toilet as she brushed her teeth in a stern motion and started to run a bath. I coughed to make my presence known and she looked up at me startled. I just gave her a big smile as I stepped inside.

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