Ashleys P.O.V. Take Eight Chapter 80

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Its been a few days since I last saw Gabriel which was a  blessing and a curse. I was always in tender hooks, never knowing f he was just going to pop out of a cupboard in work to sexually harass me or barge through my front door and kidnap me again. I always expected the unexpected with him and yet seeing as though the days ended and there was no sign of him I was quite disappointed at the same thay I never saw him.

Gabriel seemed to be on my mind alot more than I cared to admit and so did Sally.  I miss them both so much. Weird. I understand why I would miss Sally because she was my first '!baby ' in that respect and the last time I had seen her she was being rushed theough to the back end of a vet. But my emotions towards Gabriel so  flipant I felt like I had a bi polar. One minute I remembered the fear and terror  he put me through and the God awful things he did to me and made me do to him. However my bi polar mind then  cancelled them out with the later stages of our relationship and all the things he had done for me rather than TO me. Sure to God though this cant still be my self diagnosis of Stolkholm syndrome?

Anyway work had kept me busy these past few days and even leaked into my weekend plans with Laura who suggested we go away to London for the weekend but I had to cancel to fit the extra work load in for the childrens academic schedule aswell as sorting out Haloween for them. So I could try at times and surpress my thoughts of Gabriel with work loads looming over me but he still creeped into my mind when I tried to sleep.

 Haloween was virtually here and although the childrens party was all sorted for the Saturday following the actual day I still never had my own costume for the ball. Charlie had his costume and was goung as a cowboy and had joked to me on many occasions that that I could dress up as Buzz Light Year and we could go as the Toy Story characters. Though I laughed even afer the 7th time he had said it I was still veing a typical woman and worried anyway. With only four days to go I migjt just have to consider wrapping myself up tin foil and going as a left over.

The children werw now having their lunch in the main canteen so I had an hour to myself to just sit and use the new touch screen computer that had been installed in my music room woth a wall projector and some other contraptions and electrics I wasnt quite sure of. I had even been equipped  with a cordless phone and fax machine that I kept in the stock room. Yes there had been more money ploughed into my little therpay room again. Gabbriels little touches I supposed, well that and most school now where all wifi and technics and I can imagine Charlie would have had a fair say in what my room needed to be upgraded with. Charlie was currently on maintence work and was checking all the classrooms connections, lights and electrics so no doubt he would pop in at some point. He usually did when he knew I wasnt on canteen duty and would come in with extra lunch for him and myself to share. I liked our afternoon lunches together, he was so lively and enthralling and so positive and he always had some fascinating story to tell me about certain things he had done abroad or weird and wonderful annacdotes about the different cultures he had immersed himself with. And he made me laugh. He was never serious or intense but did back up his beliefs with some good thoughts and ideas. He was in the middle of helping me with my breathing techniques and each day he wpuld give me atask to go home and practice for my panic attacks. But in his company I was totally comfortable and relaxed, his charasmatic persona just took over any atmosphere and enviroment and it eas nice.

 After wasting precious mintues thinking about Charlie which brought a subconscious smile to my face as I thought about how he flicked his head to move his floppy fringe out of his eyes I jumped onto the spinny chair and began to  search for an adequate costume that was fairly cheap and with a quick delivery. After about fifteen minutes of finding nothing but sexy tatty outfits and stulid comical costumes  I was disturbed by the phone ringing in the stock room. I got quite a shock becuase it was rather loud and nobody had even called me on it.  I felt quite important actually. Then as soon as that thought came it went and I had a feeling it could be Gabriel and my heart and tummy felt all fluttery.

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